December 2020
WATG Blogs
From the Board - Committee Updates
During November, the WATG Board finished debriefing our highly successful virtual conference in October “Hands On, Minds On: Now More Than Ever,” and began crafting concrete plans for the future. There is much work to do, and we have a core group of dedicated board members, all volunteers, to lead the way. Since 1972, the mission of WATG has been to raise public awareness about the unique needs of gifted individuals, and our committee goals reflect this.
(WATG extiende un sentido de gratitud al Dr. German Diaz de las Escuelas Públicas de Milwaukee por ayudarnos con la traducción de este artículo en Español para nuestras familias de habla hispana y nuestros educadores. Esta traducción también se puede encontrar en nuestra página web). 
(WATG extiende un sentido de gratitud al Dr. German Diaz de las Escuelas Públicas de Milwaukee por ayudarnos con la traducción de este artículo en Español para nuestras familias de habla hispana y nuestros educadores. Esta traducción también se puede encontrar en nuestra página web). 
Gifted in Perspective, Jackie Drummer, WATG Advisory Board Member and Past President
“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.”  This quote is attributed to President John F. Kennedy and sums up what many, many people believe to be true.

For this reason, it seems especially important to nurture young minds and to grow their unique gifts and talents. While talent development is important in people of all ages, it is especially important in the youngest of children.
Ask the Doctor - The Impact of a Teacher
Dr. Wanda Routier, Past WATG Board Member
In late November I read an article about the new class of Rhodes Scholars that was recently announced. There are 32 U.S. students who were selected as Rhodes Scholars for 2021. Among the new Rhodes Scholars is Santiago Potes from Miami, Florida who graduated from Columbia University in May 2020. He has a broad background, with a major in Asian Studies and Medieval and Renaissance Studies, and interests in physics, philosophy, social psychology, neuroscience, leadership, and languages. He also has published widely about DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals).
GT Meanderings - Remembering Lori Kay
Ruth Robinson, WATG Past President
“If we have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” - Isaac Newton

Many pioneers have preceded us in their efforts to advocate for children as well as to provide
appropriate and systemic programs for gifted and talented youth. We lost one of those pioneers when
Lori Kay passed away on October 17, 2020.

Lori’s efforts on behalf of her three children started when they were preschoolers. Lori helped start the
Oregon Cooperative Preschool with Donna Mahr, another pioneer in the effort to advocate for gifted and talented children.
Student Voices
Alyssa Roth, Student
These are trying times. There’s no questioning that. Things are changing more rapidly than we even believed to be possible. Masks have become a necessary evil, people are divided over politics and social issues, but most importantly, the future is up in the air, and there are so many questions that are left unanswered. Yet in this time of change and division there are things that do remain the same, and some change has even been for the better.
Impactful Books
Mary Budde, WATG Treasurer and Parent
As the expression goes, if I had a nickel for everytime my parents told me there was nothing I couldn’t learn if I could read, well, I’d be rich. Up through elementary school, my mom and I would go to the public library after school on Thursdays and check out our reading for the coming week. I was fortunate to grow up close to a large neighborhood library, in which there was never a shortage of books that piqued my interest. As an adult, I count reading as one of my treasured daily pleasures.
DPI Hosts Meeting on December 10th
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) will host an additional virtual meeting this fall about the Education Forward guidance and how it relates to the work of educating gifted and/or talented students.​

The date for this meeting is Thursday, December 10, 3:30-4:30 pm. 

This meeting will be a continuation of the conversations that took place this past summer. The aim is to provide support to school district staff and others as they examine the Education Forward guidance, including the specific information related to gifted and talented education.
In the October meeting already held and the upcoming December meeting, time will be allotted for both information sharing by DPI and for discussions and meaning-making with other meeting participants. Note: the topics covered will change from meeting to meeting, so plan to attend each one if your schedule allows.
December 10, 2020, Meeting Link:
+1 608-620-9781  United States, Madison (Toll) 
Conference ID: 227 724 550#
Given that COVID remains and schools are now back in session, these types of discussions are more necessary than ever. We hope you will be able to participate.
Mark Schwingle, PhD
Education Consultant - Gifted/Talented Education
DPI Teaching and Learning Team
Destination Imagination
Destination Imagination fosters creativity in a student-led, team-based competitive challenge program focused on STEAM education. The program engages students in problem solving, project management, team dynamics, and the collaborative process. You can find out more about Destination Imagination by visiting
Wisconsin Destination Imagination, in its 25th year, is pleased to announce our NEW Virtual DI Team Program. The program challenges this year are designed to be solved virtually. We are currently recruiting students in 3rd-12th grade from across the state to participate!
Students can join a team by filling out an application online:
We're also actively recruiting Virtual Team Managers, to supervise a team online for one or two hours per week. Anyone who is interested can fill out this Virtual Team Manager form:
~The Destination Imagination Organization