Happy New Year! In case you overlooked our next training...
WAVR-21 Training in 2023
with research updates and new case material
New location: Sunny San Diego

Our next two-day in-depth
threat assessment workshop 
with WAVR-21 creators
Drs. Stephen White and Reid Meloy
February 22-23, 2023
San Diego, California
Hosted by Intuit, Inc. 
at their regional site
This offering will be both live and virtual!
You have your choice to join us in person
or Zoom-in from work or home
The workshop will cover the foundations and proper use of the WAVR-21, and
best practices in threat assessment and management in work and campus settings.
We will discuss each of the WAVR items, illustrate with case examples their relationship to violence risk, and how practitioners can combine their WAVR findings with professional judgment to address challenging case management decisions. Topics included are mental disorder and violence, stalking, bullying, the suicide-homicide connection, domestic/intimate partner violence, data gathering and interviewing strategies, bias issues, and the expanding landscape of extremist and domestic terrorism. Recent research and new case studies will be presented for the first time in our two-day format.
To register, contact Dr. Stephen White by email:
You will then be directed to a registration form.
Discounts for "TAP" members and active law enforcement.
Quick Links
2625 Alcatraz Ave., #603
Berkeley, CA 94609
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