Recent Leak of Package of Actions and Commitments for Columbia River System Operation

By Michelle Hennings, WAWG Executive Director

Recently you may have read articles or Congressional news releases regarding a Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) leak of their proposed package of actions and commitments for the Columbia River System Operation that was to be released on December 15th.

Washington Association of Wheat Growers is closely monitoring the issue and wants to be sure you are aware of the situation.


On November 29, the document entitled "U.S. Government Commitments in Support of the Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative and in Partnership with the Six Sovereigns” was made public in a letter from Pacific Northwest (PNW) members of Congress to President Biden. The draft agreement is based on the Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative (CBRI), a proposal to the Biden Administration from the six sovereigns that asserts that the breaching of the Lower Snake River Dams (LSRDs) must and will happen. It relies on a single NOAA study and the Murray-Inslee report (issued in August 2022), puts fish above all other uses, and requires extreme actions to address fish recovery to satisfy and honor the U.S. Government (USG’s) treaties with the Tribes. 

WAWG Concerns

The commitments made by the U.S. government in this document were reached without adequate input from stakeholders who would ultimately be impacted by the decisions.

  • As a result of the secrecy of this process, agriculture voices were largely excluded from discussion of impacts and any commitments for funding and mitigation. Notably, throughout the entirety of the process, impacted stakeholders from the agriculture and power industries have been willing to share perspectives and be insights to find a solution that protects the integrity of the dams as well as health of salmon. 
  • The document requires the U.S. government to defer and consult with plaintiff organizations. At no point do the commitments require the U.S. government to consult with other users and stakeholders of the river system.

The commitments do not take into consideration the other uses of the river system beyond fish stock recovery, meaning that there are certain to be adverse impacts to the region's economy.

  • The Columbia Snake River system moves a significant volume of wheat, corn, soybeans, lumber products, and crop inputs. Specifically, wheat growers in the PNW utilize the river system on a daily basis. More than 55 percent of all U.S. wheat exports move through the Columbia Snake River System and specifically, approximately 10 percent of wheat exports pass through the four locks and dams along the Lower Snake River.
  • LSRD removal will likely bankrupt thousands of farms as they attempt to change their freight distribution network from river barge to rail or truck. This shift would require billions in infrastructure investments, raise shipping costs, reduce land values, and put around 15,000 jobs at risk.

We have deep concerns over the draft document’s contents and the implications that these commitments would have on wheat growers and their livelihoods.

  • Washington wheat growers rely on barging to effectively and efficiently transport their product.
  • Losing access to barges critical for movement of food products would have destructive impacts on the ability for wheat growers to move product, thus jeopardizing trade relationships that the industry has worked years to build. 

We strongly believe that dams and salmon can and do co-exist. The opportunities to ensure salmon populations continue to grow do not have to come at the cost of destroying the integrity of the Columbia Snake River System.

  • We have significant concerns used with the narrow data used to justify the recommendations made in the document. In fact, the commitments ignored the findings of 2020 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) put out by the Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration. 
  • We support investments made at the federal and state level including the installation of mechanisms along the river to ensure salmon runs remain intact, culvert removal, fish habitat restoration, toxin reduction, and predator abatement.

In addition to the news releases from several of our congressional delegation, see other news releases and articles below.

Leaked 'Secret Plan' Reveals Biden Admin's $1B+ Proposal Preparing for Snake Dam Breaching Tri-City Herald

Mediation Deal Doesn't Call For Dam Breaching Capital Press

Biden Admin Quietly Developing Settlement with Groups Seeking to Tear Down Key Power Source Fox News 

Northwest Lawmakers Request Additional Information on the Package of Action and Commitments to Determine Future of Lower Snake River Dams Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers news release


Newhouse, Northwest Lawmakers Request Additional Information on Package of Actions and Commitments to Determine the Future of Lower Snake River Dams Rep. Dan Newhouse news release

Fulcher and other Lawmakers Request Additional Information on Package of Actions and Commitments to Determine the Future of Lower Snake River Dams Rep. Russ Fulcher news release

Bentz and Colleagues Demand Transparency, Access to Secret Package in Columbia River System Operations Mediation Rep. Cliff Bentz news release

Secret Agreement Between US Government and Anti-Hydro Plaintiff Groups Represent "Greatest Threat" for the Region Northwest RiverPartners news release

The full letter, including commitments

Washington Association Of Wheat Growers

Address:109 E. First
Ritzville, WA 99169
Phone: 509-659-0610
Fax: 509-659-4302
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