Live Event
Monday Jan. 7, 7:30pm
Down The Rabbit Hole:
Engarde Arts' new developmental series with WBAI and The Commons Cafe.
Down The Rabbit Hole  is the story of Liza Jessie Peterson’s journey into the prison system. How did this starry-eyed actress tumble down the rabbit hole of mass incarceration and find great purpose teaching incarcerated teenagers at Rikers Island while fighting to keep her dream of being an artist alive? 
Tickets $17.50 in advance Here ,

Linda Perry - Barr
Hello WBAI Listeners, 
In my view, radio is a vibrant live medium full of possibilities. WBAI with it’s large broadcast reach, in the center of the FM dial and online, could be the go-to place for progressive thought, arts and action, if only we fixed what is holding us back from reaching more listeners and jumped further into the digital age which is all around us.
And that’s my job, to increase listenership, to figure out how to cut down on-air fundraising, and to work on improving the sound, content and outreach of the station. My role includes working with producers to improve their programs, use social media and digital tools, and to mentor new digital journalists, hosts and producers.

Before taking on this responsibility, I was WBAI’s News Director and Reporter, covering community issues and rallies throughout our region. I have more than two decades of experience in public radio and television. Before BAI, I ran the NY bureau of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and turned it into a vibrant production facility from a small sales office. Before this, I was mentored at WBAi and worked under Charles Ruas, Samori Marksman and others. I'm skilled in field production, news writing, breaking news, journalism, live radio and am a strong media and communication professional with Certificates in Advanced Multimedia Storytelling, Health Reporting, Digital Media, Advanced Social Media, Mobile Reporting, and a Mailman School of Public Health, and an Age Boom Academy Fellow from Columbia J School.

Below are descriptions of the new programs joining WBAI. I have implemented many changes to the weekly schedule that will begin Monday, January 7th. Please view the new schedule grid and look for changes that may effect some of your favorite programs HERE.

In these troubled, often divisive times, we want to be your go-to station for news, arts, and entertainment in the days ahead. WBAI very much appreciates your support. Your feedback is welcome and you can reach me by emailing
Many thanks,
WAKE UP! Monday- Friday 7-8am
Host: Julianna Forlano
Want to hear the morning news and not get stressed out and depressed? Try Wake Up Call with Julianna Forlano, a lively morning news/talk show covering breaking news and events from a free thinking perspective. Just ask Alexa to "Play WBAI". READ MORE

The Thom Hartmann Show Monday- Friday 2-3pm
Host: Thom Hartmann
News. Opinion. Debate. Thom Hartmann is the four-time Project Censored Award-winning, New York Times best-selling author of 25 books currently in print in over a dozen languages on five continents in the fields of psychiatry, ecology, politics, and economics, and the #1 progressive talk show host in the United States.

Revolutions Per Minute - Tuesday 5-6pm
Hosts: Jack Devine + Lee Zeische
Revolution Per Minute gives a spotlight to organizers working towards human liberation while giving listeners a chance to directly engage in their campaigns.

Making Contact - Thursday 5-5:30am
Host: Lisa Rudman
Making Contact produces media that analyses critical issues and showcases grassroots solutions in order to inform and inspire audiences to action.

Equal Rights and Justice - Thursday 9-10am
Host: Mimi Rosenberg
Movers and shakers occupy the airwaves to further an understanding of the true history and current events of this country and for us then to pursue and actually realize its promise of democracy. On  Equal Rights and Justice , we educate, agitate and organize to empower - for a Better World is Possible!  

We Only Want The World - Saturday 7-9pm
Host: Sunsara Taylor
Sunsara Taylor explores major events in society and the world, how they concentrate basic contradictions of the system of capitalism-imperialism, and what is possible through an actual revolution rooted in the new communism developed by Bob Avakian. Taylor interviews authors and activists, shares programming from Revolution Books, and opens the phone-lines to listeners to join the conversation.
Host Highlights
Gloria Browne-Marshall - Host of Law of the land
Gloria is Chair of the 400th Commemoration Committee of ASALH - Association for the Study of African American Life and History and a member of NYABJ. 

ASALH's webpage for the 400th Commemoration of the arrival of Africans in the Virginia Colony (1619-2019) has launched. It marks "400 Years of Perseverance" thus this is our Commemorative theme. ASALH's website provides information about the 400th and a National Calendar of Events for 400-related activities, nationally and internationally. Go to:
Habte Selassi - Host of Labbrish
January 7, 2019, marks the 40th Anniversary of Labbrish being on the air. On January 12, Labbrish will be extended from 2 to 3 hours. It will air from 2:00 until 5:00am. On March 1, 2019, Habte with be awarded the African Spirit Award at a program to be held at Medgar Evers College, 1650 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn. 

Daulton Anderson- Host of High Praize!
Daulton received an award for 25 years of service in Gospel Music.

Gary Null - Host of The Gary Null Show
Gary's documentaries have i n the past 12 months won or been a finalist in 112 film festivals including :
  • Beach Cities Inspirational Film Festival Semi-Finalist: Plant Codes, Unleashing Nature's Healing Power t.
  • Hollywood Verge Laurels "Best Documentary Feature Film - Domestic": Curing the Incurable? Deadly Deception, Exposing the Dangers of Vaccines

Rick Wolff- Host of Economic Update
Rick is now a regular contributor to The Huffington Post. His most recent article can be read HERE with another appearing in early January.
Listener Commentary
Re: Gary Null Show
Dear Luanne,
I'd just like to say thank you. Since I mailed and spoke to you about my nephew who had autism, and your advising us not to include dairy products in his food, his condition has improved, especially his speech. I informed my sister to include juiced raw broccoli in his breakfast, plus I managed to get hold of CBD oil ,1.25%, from a well recognized health shop in London. He has shown massive improvement in his speech Thanks to you and Gary.
-Jim Bruce

Re: Leonard Lopate at Large
Hi Leonard,
I just want to say how much I appreciate you and your show. I think that your work is not only important (like today's conversation about wrongful convictions) but also really inspiring and intellectually stimulating. I love that you have a full hour with your guests. You're right - it allows you to go much further in depth. 
When I found out you were still on the air, I felt a great relief and hope. I've listened to your interviews for almost twenty years. It sounds like you're enjoying your work again, and that makes your interviews even better. Kudos to you and your team, and WBAI for giving you this opportunity. I look forward to becoming a member.
Thank you!
-Mira Karabin

Thanks for that. It’s always refreshing to talk to someone in our business who is well versed on the subject and provides intelligent and lively discussion. I’m only sorry I had to run off as soon as I did, but I will indeed take you up on the offer to come back on another time. Thanks for giving our show the attention I truly believe it deserves.
All the best,
-Joe Mantegna (Actor)

In the end, she (WNYC President Laura Walker) overreached. The smart money says that for a long time -- way before  #MeToo  -- she had wanted to replace Lopate with a show she thought would be more appealing to Millennials. The replacement short-attention-span radio is a pathetic substitute, as any listener to WBAI weekdays between 1 and 2 pm knows.
-Ken Coughlin

Send your listener commentary to