Dear World Compass Academy Community,
This year we have focused our efforts on the idea of belonging. Coming out of COVID with many social connections happening solely via the virtual spear, we observed that many students and families were more disconnected. To further support our observations, community and student surveys administered in the 2021-2022 school year indicated rising concerns with bullying and community connection.
We were pleased to see that trend dramatically reverse when we administered our winter 2022 survey this school year. This means our efforts to build community have been working. Here are some initiatives you may have observed this year:
1.) Greeting students at the door of the classroom
2.) Taking a few minutes each day to ask connection questions in class (For example, Tell me something good or Thankful Thursday)
3.) Push-In Discipline Model where discipline concerns are immediately supported by administration and behavior support team members in the classroom
4.) Standardized staff response questions when students struggle and to promote prosocial behaviors
5.) Student creation of classroom social contracts
6.) Continued use of the CASEL approved social emotional and anti-bullying program Second Step
While we are very pleased with what is already happening, there is more work to do. Unfortunately, every year there are still situations of unkindness, bullying, and racism that happen on our campus. We know that in many of these instances these behaviors are driven by ignorance more than malice. On Wednesday, April 26, we will be holding a school-wide anti-bullying day. On this day, we will have several special events planned. Please watch for details in the coming weeks.
Family support and at-home conversations are highly encouraged and appreciated as we address this important topic.
Bethany Merkling
World Compass Academy, Principal