World Compass Academy engages and inspires learners in a safe, challenging, and individualized learning environment, which cultivates and fosters character, a lifelong love of learning, and the skills to engage in the global community.
Cougar Calendar Reminders
Blue: In-Person Students Green: Remote Students Black: All Students
December 8
December 9
December 14
December 15
December 16
December 17
December 18
Dec 18-Jan 4
January 5
Colorado Early Colleges Webinar (8th Graders) 5:00pm
Last Day of Raise Craze Fundraiser
Christmas Hat Spirit Day (w/ informal uniform)
Red/Green Color Spirit Day
Pajama Spirit Day
Ugly Christmas Sweater Spirit Day
Classroom Holiday Celebrations
First Day of Winter Break
Winter Break
Formal Uniform Day
Board Meeting 6:30pm
Administrator Note
Dear World Compass Academy Community,
This is the last few days of our Raise Craze Fundraiser. If your family can make a financial contribution, this helps support safety and security measures and teacher professional development, even a small donation helps. If this doesn't work for your family right now, we still hope your family will contribute Acts of Kindness. Our goal is to get 5000 acts of kindness by the close of the fundraiser. This is less than 10 acts of kindness for every WCA student!
This is the perfect seasonal way to promote compassion and empathy in our community. Please take time to encourage your kids to participate and give back to the community through kindness. No act of kindness is too small!
Warm Regards,
Bethany, Krista, and Amanda
Raise Craze: School Fundraiser
Raise Craze fundraiser, students pay it forward by completing Acts of Kindness for others. Now through December 9th.
- REGISTER Simply visit MyRaiseCraze to set up your account.
- SELECT AOKs Select at least 3 Acts of Kindness as a way of giving back. Everyone can spread a little kindness!
- ADD EMAILS Enter the email addresses of friends and family who will be supportive of your cause. Raise Craze will take it from there!
- Safety - important elements that keep our kids safe at school
- Staff - resources to train and improve our staff capabilities
- Sound - cafeteria and gym sound systems to improve all assemblies and meetings
Spreading holiday cheer and giving to our teachers is one of the many ways parents make them feel loved and appreciated. Due to the limited traffic we are hoping to maintain, we decided to give parents a virtual gift giving option. We want to be respectful of everyone's comfort level with shopping and being in public places: therefore, we are sharing this website with you to assist in Holiday Gift Giving to the teachers at WCA. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
8th graders interested in attending Colorado Early Colleges next year please sign-up for the Webinar. Registration Sign-Up. The meeting is schedule for December 8th, 5:00pm.
The Colorado department of public health publishes daily updates to
Attendance issues: During the month of November, while we were in quarantine, and the whole school was in remote learning, Infinite Campus developed a "glitch" and marked students with unexcused absences. I am working with the district to get this resolved. Please be patient and disregard any unexcused absences that were created in error. These unexcused absences will not be held against your student.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions hearing and vision screenings were performed differently this year. Not all students were screened. I performed screenings on all kindergarten students, new students and students on IEP's. Be on the lookout this week for referral information being sent home if your student needs to follow up with a medical provider.
Starting 12/4 I will be posting COVID-19 statistics regarding our school for you to review on the WCA website. I will update these numbers every Friday as needed. It is titled WCA Covid-19 tracking
Please stay healthy, keep yourself and others safe, wash your hands, wear a mask, and keep a safe distance.
Stefanie Bender, BSN, RN, SSP-SN
School Nurse Consultant, World Compass Academy
Office 303-814-5262
We hope you and your family have a safe and happy winter break December 18- January 4.
We hope to see you back on campus on January 5th.
Each year the DCSD community celebrates its outstanding teachers and staff through the annual Apple Awards. Our teachers and staff have shown extraordinary efforts this year to help ensure student's success and we are very excited to announce the opening of this year's Apple Awards nomination process! So...nominate your favorite teacher or staff member today and let them know they are making a difference...through 12/20/2020!
Important Remote Learning Information
Attention remote learning families: We have created a facebook page just for you. Join here!
If you have additional questions, please reach out to your remote learning teacher. The Remote Learning Facebook group is not monitored for questions; please email remote learning teachers directly with questions. The purpose of the group is for social connection only.
Elementary: Dawn Morris (K-1), Sydney Corbisiero (2-3), Kristie Carney (4-5)
Middle School (6-8): Charity Bray (6th & Algebra 1), Katie Kohn (Geometry), Beth Moreau (5th & 7th), Joseph Scotten (Science), Lisa Geier (7 & 8 ELA), Andrea Peters (6th History) or Nicolas Hauser (6th ELA, 7 & 8 History) Beth Moreau (5th Math)
Spanish K-3: Joyce Campino Hall
French K-3: Annie Maurice
Mandarin K-3: Yue Ling Yu
Spanish 4-6: Maura Gonzalez
Spanish 7-8: Maite Oluma
French 4-8: Kara Nikanorov
Mandarin 4-8: Rui Rui Zhang or Mike Stern
Fall/Winter Campaign #wcaachievement
Snap photos of your students in school uniforms doing remote learning or studying. Share them with us at
Please tag @wcacougars on Instagram or @worldcompassacademy on Facebook.
Use the hashtag #wcaachievement and thank you for sharing your WCA academic achievements.
Online Additional Learning Resources
Here are some additional resources to help you keep your child's thirst for knowledge and desire to do activities thriving when doing remote schooling.
Stories in different languages
2020-2021 School Calendar School calendars for the 2020/2021 school year have been posted to our website here.
Follow WCA on Social Media
NONDISCRIMINATION NOTICE: The Douglas County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, age, marital status, genetic information, or physical characteristics, disability or need for special education services in admissions, access to, treatment of, or employment in educational programs or activities. The School District's Compliance Officer is Ted Knight, Assistant Superintendent, 620 Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, Colorado,, 303-387-0067. Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public.
2490 S. Perry Street
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Main Phone: 303-814-5200
Attendance: 303-814-5280