5-8 grade Vaping Assembly 1:30-2:30pm
WCA Gala: Night in Venice 6:00-10:00pm
Intent to Return sent out in IC
Final Day to sign up for Spring Musical 2024 Shrek The Musical Jr. Sign-ups
Read Across America Week March 4-8
Fox in Socks
Mismatched shoes & socks day (w/ informal uniform)
Oh the Places You'll Go
Formal Uniform Day
Dr. Seuss ABC
Read my Shirt Day (w/ free dress bottoms)
Cat in the Hat
Crazy Hair/Hat Day (w/ informal uniforms)
Put Me in the Zoo
Wear Animal Prints or Stripes (free dress)
6th grade MS Trimester 2 Awards 8:00-8:15am Cafeteria
(Awards include: Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, Girls Basketball & Cheerleading Session 2)
7th grade MS Trimester 2 Awards 8:00-8:15am Cafeteria
(Awards include: Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, Girls Basketball & Cheerleading Session 2)
8th grade MS Trimester 2 Awards 8:00-8:15am Cafeteria
(Awards include: Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, Girls Basketball & Cheerleading Session 2)
Spring Break
Lost & Found Clean Out