World Compass Academy engages and inspires learners in a safe, challenging, and individualized learning environment, which cultivates and fosters character, a lifelong love of learning, and the skills to engage in the global community.
Cougar Calendar Reminders
Blue: In-Person Students Green: Remote Students Black: All Students
May 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 24
May 25
IC Closes until May 25 for end of T3 grade entry
5th Grade Chromebook Collection during Electives
7/8 Grade Chromebook Collection during Electives
Spirit Wear Day
6th Grade Chromebook Collection during Electives
Spirit Day: Popcorn Bliss
Field Day: (Please send students in appropriate shoes & attire)
- Grades K-1 8:30am-10:00am
- Grades 2-3 1:30pm-3:00pm
Field Day: (Please send students in appropriate shoes & attire)
- Grades 4-5 8:30am-10:00am
- Grades 6-8 1:30pm-3:00pm
Remote Students MAPS testing on campus
Remote Students Turn in Supplies
Early Release K-8 Carpool Starts at 12:30pm
Middle School Color Dance 1:00pm-3:15pm (wear tie dye shirt made at school & jeans)
Kindergarten Graduation
- Mrs. Coffelt 8:30-9:15am
- Mrs. Winning 9:45am-10:30am
- Mrs. Savic 11:00am-11:45am
- Mrs. Morris Remote Virtual 12:00pm-12:30pm
- Mrs.Grunder 12:45pm-1:30pm
- Miss Acton 2:00pm-2:45pm
8th Grade Continuation 6:00pm-7:00pm
Remote Students (K-1) Turn in Supplies
8th Grade Breakfast (Students & Teachers Only) 8:30am-10:30am
Early Release K-8 Carpool Starts at 12:30pm
Last Day of School
End of Trimester 3
Administrator Note
Dear World Compass Academy Community,
It was officially TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK this week! The teachers, TAs, office staff, support/health staff, and facilities/janitorial staff have poured love and energy into every part of this school. As an administrative team we wanted to acknowledge our entire staff for a few of the standout things they have done. WCA is so fortunate to have the staff that we do.
Another HUGE shoutout goes to our PTO. We are so spoiled every year by them. The volunteers in this school make working here a joy. The Spring Spectacular was just that: spectacular. The beautiful weather lent itself to some much needed sunshine and community time. It felt so wonderful to be connected to people again, and all of the baskets, booths, and smiling faces made the sunshine pail in comparison. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
World Compass is reaching the end of a school year that has left a lasting impression on all its participants (willing or not). We have been referring to this year as a character builder. For all the stressors, setbacks, hiccups, and moments of helplessness/hopelessness, this year has also provided us moments to be kind above measure, opportunities to become listeners/empathizers, areas of growth and understanding, and appreciation for the simple things. If we take every single moment in our life, whether it be good or bad, and we find the joy and gratitude in what we learned or what perspective we were given, that moment or moments become some of the happiest times in our lives.
Gratitude can be a state of being rather than a state of feeling when we begin to live it. Choosing to be grateful even when things aren't perfect allows us to be happier and to make others around us happier as well. Gratitude frees us. "By living the gratefulness we don't feel, we begin to feel the gratefulness we live." (Steindl-Rast, 2013)
With that, we want to shout to the top of our lungs the amount of gratitude we have for this entire school! The kids, the staff, the parents, the volunteers, and our SRO have all made this year the best it could be. We are grateful for the lessons, the extended love, the character building, and the growth we have all received from a pandemic.
With the Warmest Regards,
Bethany, Krista, and Amanda
Chromebook/Supply Collection
Chromebooks will be collected May 17-19, please remember to include the chromebook, case, charger and strap. Fees will be assessed for any and all missing items through an emailed invoice to be paid in MySchoolBucks.
All WCA supplies including chromebooks and text books will be collected on May 21st after MAPS testing which will take place on campus. Kindergarten and 1st grade students and anyone who still has items will return WCA belongings on May 24th. Please remember to include the chromebook, case, charger and strap along with any text books. Fees will be assessed for any and all missing items through an emailed invoice to be paid in MySchoolBucks.
Please contact Kristina Graham for questions regarding an invoice. For questions regarding your MySchoolBucks account, please contact MySchoolBucks directly by calling 855-832-5226 from 9am - 5pm or by email: Find helpful MySchoolBucks videos HERE.
Field day is almost here. Students should wear PE appropriate attire including sneakers. Unfortunately due to Covid we are unable to utilize parent volunteers.
Plan a FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT, and enjoy treats from Popcorn Bliss.
Looking for an end of the year teacher gift? Popcorn Bliss has just the right treats.
Please support our wonderful PTO at Popcorn Bliss on May 19th all day!
6360 Promenade Pkwy, Castle Rock
Middle School Color Dance
This cohorted 6th-8th grade event will take place on May 21st from 1:00pm-3:15pm on the WCA field. (This is an early dismissal day at 12:30pm, students can stay after school for the dance.) Pizza will be provided.
Please pay for the middle school dance through MySchoolBucks. The cost is $5.00. Log into your MySchoolBucks account HERE, navigate to the school store, and add the middle school dance product to your cart. Payments will only be accepted through MySchoolBucks.
Prior to the event, all students will tie dye school provided t-shirts in their cohort color to wear to the dance on May 14th. Please send your student with a shirt or sweatshirt that can get stained without any distress. Each cohort will have a section on the field 6 feet apart from other cohorts. We hope to see you there!
Remote students look for details soon.
World Compass Academy's Kindergarten class is ready to graduation on May 24, 2021. An unusual year of Covid has made graduation plans unique. Please look for details soon.
World Compass Academy's 8th grade class is ready to continue their educational journey into High School on the evening May 24, 2021. An unusual year of Covid has made Continuation plans unique. Please look for details soon.
Explorers Club Summer Camps
Summer is getting closer! Gather your friends together and sign-up for summer camps at WCA.
Check out this LINK for daily details.
Congratulations WCA students! We are so proud of you. Your poems will be published in an anthology.
A group of sixth grade girls came together as a kindness committee to come up with ideas on how to spread gratitude and good vibes across the school. They came up with a Gratitude Graffiti Wall. It is proven that expressing gratitude makes people 15% happier. We could all use 15% right about now. Thank you for being part of the kindness solution!
Kids are stressed because of the pandemic too. Antione Johnson is the behavioral specialist at World Compass Academy. He works with students who have emotional, behavior and mental health challenges. The grind from the pandemic affects kids in his school. Listen Here to How Pandemic Anxiety Is Affecting Children.
Preschool/Pre-K students showing off their Lima Bean project during Show and Tell for the Spring unit.
Way to go Preschool/Pre-K, Ms. Treena and Miss JanieBeth are so proud of their students.
Stefanie Bender, BSN, RN, SSP-SN
School Nurse Consultant, World Compass Academy
Office 303-814-5262
Formal Uniforms 2021-2022 School Year
Summer Campaign #wcacommunity
Snap photos of your students this summer in the community. Share them with us at Community Email.
We would love to feature your students with our hashtag #wcacommunity.
Please tag @wcacougars on Instagram or @worldcompassacademy on Facebook using the #wcacommunity.
Summer Learning Resources
Here are some additional resources to help you keep your child's thirst for knowledge and desire to do activities thriving over the summer.
2021-2022 School Calendar is posted to our website here.
NONDISCRIMINATION NOTICE: The Douglas County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, age, marital status, genetic information, or physical characteristics, disability or need for special education services in admissions, access to, treatment of, or employment in educational programs or activities. The School District's Compliance Officer is Ted Knight, Assistant Superintendent, 620 Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, Colorado,, 303-387-0067. Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public.
2490 S. Perry Street
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Main Phone: 303-814-5200
Attendance: 303-814-5280