World Compass Academy engages and inspires learners in a safe, challenging, and individualized learning environment, which cultivates and fosters character, a lifelong love of learning, and the skills to engage in the global community.
Cougar Calendar Reminders
Blue: In-Person Students Green: Remote Students Black: All Students
September 18 | Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences K-8 No School for Students | September 23 |
Formal Uniform Day
Picture Day: All Students
Remote School Survey Due
| September 26 | Tour WCA Campus | September 30 | Last day to pre-order yearbook for a 10% discount | October 1 | Count Day
Events: Spirit Wear Day, Vote on Cougar Name, Cougar of the Month Vision & Hearing Survey Due to Teachers | October 2 | CO Early Colleges Lunch & Learn 8th Grade Students (optional) | October 3 | Fall Festival: PTO Event | October 3-4 | Shopping Extravaganza: PTO Event
| October 6 |
Formal Uniform Day
Board Meeting 6:30pm
| October 12-16 | Fall Break | October 16 | Transition Remote/In-person form due | October 20 | Spirit Wear Day Chick-Fil-A Spirit Day | October 31 | Halloween |
Administrator Note
Dear World Compass Academy Community,
Now is the perfect time to establish study habits that will benefit your student the whole year! Here are some ways parents can help:
Set a time for homework completion each day. For some families, the best time is right after school. For other families, after dinner is the ideal time. The exact time isn't as important as having a consistent schedule for when homework happens.
Work on assignments that are most difficult first.
Help students to read the directions, and review their planner and/or notes prior to starting the assignment.
Teach self-advocacy skills. If your student is struggling, help them compose an email to the classroom teacher.
Helping students to develop these skills at a young age will ensure their success throughout high school and beyond! Thank you for supporting our school to achieve the academic success we want for each of your children. We are a team!
Warm Regards, Bethany, Krista, and Amanda
Picture Day: Formal Uniform Day
In person students will have their individual pictures taken during school hours on September 23rd. This is a formal uniform day.
Remote students will have an optional scheduled time for each family to come in for individual pictures. The pictures will be taken on September 23rd. Formal uniforms are highly recommended for remote students.
Tour our Campus
Calling all new families! Many of you began the school year sending your child into a building you had never seen. We would like to invite you to visit the school on Saturday, September 26, so you can see where your student is spending his/her week. Families will have the opportunity to participate in a new parent orientation and a school tour. Attendance is optional. To participate, please sign-up here. In order to ensure we maintain a safe capacity, families must sign up in advance and reserve an individual spot for each person who will be attending.
Masks Required to Enter WCA
Reminder: All students must have a mask on prior to exiting their car during morning carpool. If you utilize walk up before or after school, all parents and siblings should wear a mask. Parents who are uncomfortable wearing a mask, please use carline and reserve walk up for individuals wearing masks.
Thank you for keeping the students and staff safe.
Transitioning Remote/In-Person Learning
If your family is interested in switching from remote to in-person or in-person to remote, we welcome those changes at trimester. Families who intend to make changes should complete this form by October 16. If you are not changing your learning modality, please do NOT complete the form. Students who are changing to remote/in-person will begin in their new modality (either remote or in-person) on November 12, 2020.
Student Compassion in our Community
A 3rd grade student made a big impact on her community. Payton started her own lemonade stand. She sold lemonade and cookies, made her own posters, and set a goal of earning about $30; however, she didn't raise $30. Payton raised $550!
She decided to donate the money to The Children's Hospital in Highlands Ranch. The Children's Hospital plans to buy stuffed animals for sick children who are staying in the hospital.
Payton truly exemplifies the Cougar Character Traits of Leadership and Compassion. We are so proud of Payton; her kindness and generosity will brighten days of so many children.
New Student Apparel is Here!
Please note that only the following APPROVED OUTERWEAR can be worn in the building on casual uniform days:
- WCA crewneck sweatshirt
- Any hoodless solid navy blue sweater, sweatshirt, or fleece
- Current middle school hoodie (grades 5-8 ONLY), previous year middle school hoodies can be worn on spirit day only.
If you didn't get a chance to order, ordering opens again on November 9th.
Remote Learning Survey
With the elearning school year off to a great start, we are interested in how school is going remotely. All remote school families please complete the survey. If you feel your answers are different for each child, please feel free to fill out more than one survey. Please complete these by Wednesday, September 23rd.
Colorado Early Colleges 8th Graders
The Principal of CO Early Colleges is also doing a Virtual Lunch and Learn for WCA 8th grade students who may be interested in CO Early Colleges during their lunch time on October 2.
Nurse Notes
Covid Testing in Douglas County: We are excited to announce that Douglas county is now offering multiple FREE COVID-19 testing events. If you are having symptoms of COVID, please see the link for more information. COVID-19 Testing events
Hearing and Vision Screening: Due to COVID-19 and CDPHE social distancing guidelines, the annual hearing and vision screening looks a bit different this year. The Colorado Department of Education recommends that parents complete a screening survey for grades 1,2,3,5 and 7. If you have a student in any of these grades, please fill out the parent survey link, and return to your child's homeroom teacher by October 1st.
Immunizations Link Information: New data from the CDC shows that fewer childhood vaccines have been given due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can avoid outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases and keep children protected by staying current with your child's vaccines. This is not only safe but also vital to their health. I will be reaching out to you if your child's immunizations records are not up to date.
Air Quality: Due to the resent unhealthy air quality and pollen in the air, some students may experience difficulty breathing outside. Please remind your student that they can wear a mask outside if you are concerned. Accommodations can be made if your student has a documented medical condition, please provide the documentation to the nurse.
Stefanie Bender, BSN, RN, SSP-SN School Nurse Consultant, World Compass Academy Office - 303-814-5262
Explorers Club
We are pleased to inform you that Explorers Club has availability to meet your families before and after school care needs. If you have already registered, please let us know, so that we can take you off of the waitlist and complete enrollment for your child/children. If you have not yet registered, please use this link to Procare. If you have any questions or need additional information on how to enroll your child, please do not hesitate to contact Kacie Strohman, Explorers Club Director. We greatly appreciate your support of our program.
Yearbook Orders
Order your yearbook now, and get a 10% discount through September 30th! If you aren't ready to order now, you will be able to order these later in the year at full price. Please contact Andrea Peters if you have questions or need assistances.
Important Remote Learning Information
Attention remote learning families: We have created a facebook page just for you. Join here!
If you have additional questions, please reach out to your remote learning teacher. The Remote Learning Facebook group is not monitored for questions; please email remote learning teachers directly with questions. The purpose of the group is for social connection only.
Please reference this recorded training session for remote learning.
Elementary: Dawn Morris (K, 1, 5) or Sydney Corbisiero (2, 3, 4)
Middle School: Charity Bray (Math), Joseph Scotten (Science), Lisa Geier (ELA), or Andrea Peters (History)
Spanish K-3: Joyce Campino Hall
French K-3: Annie Maurice
Mandarin K-3: Yue Ling Yu
Spanish 4-6: Maura Gonzalez
Spanish 7-8: Maite Oluma
French 4-8: Kara Nikanorov
Mandarin 4-8: Tina Chu or Mike Stern
Foreign Language: Themed Masks
Isabel's Oaxacan Cubreboca de Día de los Muertos
cloth face masks are cotton and elastic and are designed for non-medical applications. Watch how these unique masks are made!! Watch/Order Here
This link includes frequently asked questions and their answers surrounding returning to school with Covid-19 precautions in place.
Fall/Winter Campaign #wcaachievement
Snap photos of your students in school uniforms, doing remote learning, or studying. Share them with us at
Please tag @wcacougars on Instagram or @worldcompassacademy on Facebook.
Use the hashtag #wcaachievement and thank you for sharing your WCA academic achievements.
Online Additional Learning Resources
Here are some additional resources to help you keep your child's thirst for knowledge and desire to do activities thriving when doing remote schooling.
Stories in different languages
Scholastic Read At Home: FREE program Exciting places to Visit: 30 Virtual Tours PBS Kids: PBS KIDS
Disney "Imagineering" in a Box: Theme Park Design: |
2020-2021 School Calendar.
School calendars for the 2020/2021 school year have been posted to our website here.
Follow WCA on Social Media.
NONDISCRIMINATION NOTICE: The Douglas County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, age, marital status, genetic information, or physical characteristics, disability or need for special education services in admissions, access to, treatment of, or employment in educational programs or activities. The School District's Compliance Officer is Ted Knight, Assistant Superintendent, 620 Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, Colorado,, 303-387-0067. Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public.
2490 S. Perry Street
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Main Phone: 303-814-5200
Attendance: 303-814-5280