Community Action News
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Happy 2024! This year, WCAC celebrates the 60th anniversary of community action! Throughout the year ahead, we plan to celebrate the positive impact community action has made in supporting thousands of individuals, children and families across Worcester and Southern Worcester County. We will use the occasion to renew our commitment to respond to our community's evolving needs, deliver lifechanging programs and services, and work alongside our community to address growing and persistent challenges.
We know the impact that community action has had locally and nationally since its inception and recognize the importance of continuing to elevate our work and what we do best - bringing people and resources together in innovative ways to advance community-wide solutions to stubborn challenges.
In this newsletter we've chosen to focus on a few of the innovative initiatives that WCAC is a part of, including the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, Guaranteed Basic Income and Cliff Effect pilots, as well as some of the new technology in our weatherization work - all focused on enhancing client economic mobility and supporting our community in collaborative ways.
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WCAC’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program opened on January 30th and will run through the tax deadline of April 15th. Requests for free tax preparation by WCAC are accepted for individual taxpayers or households making $64,000 or less within Worcester and 45 surrounding towns in Central Massachusetts. Through VITA, IRS-certified volunteers prepare taxes and specifically look for tax credits the household may be eligible for, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit (CTC), Circuit Breaker Tax Credit, and others. Utilizing the free tax preparation service allows families to retain their full refund, avoiding typical preparation fees which can often cost hundreds of dollars.
Appointments for face-to-face tax preparation with IRS-certified volunteers are available to book by preferred time slot and are now open. Appointments will begin the last week of January and be held at WCAC’s main office at 18 Chestnut Street, Worcester. New for 2024, additional in-person appointments will also be available in Southbridge, Webster and Leicester.
At the VITA Kickoff held on January 29th, WCAC's Resiliency Center Director Maydee Morales said, "We look forward to meeting people where they are and expanding our appointment locations this year to include opportunities in Southbridge, Webster and Leicester. Additionally, we are really focusing on integrating services for VITA clients. We hope to have our Community Navigators on site to assist with other financial services, including accessing SNAP, RAFT and other community resources. VITA sites are a low-cost and high-return activity offering up 60 to 1 return on investment, bringing $60 million in tax credits back to taxpayers and their communities."
A fully online tax preparation process is also available again this season should you be unable to come in person or prefer not to. Click HERE for additional details or to schedule your appointment.
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As a partner in the Worcester Free Tax Service Coalition for the last 21 years, in addition to the appointments available through WCAC, these sites are also offering free tax preparation:
- Main South Community Development Corporation, 875 Main Street, Worcester, In-person and virtual appointments available, by appointment only 508.752.6181 or
- The Community Builders at Plumley Village Job Development Center, 16 Laurel Street, Worcester, by appointment only 508.770.0508
- Worcester State University, 486 Chandler Street, Worcester, by appointment only or
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WCAC's Job & Education Center (JEC) is gearing up for a spring YouthWorks cohort, running March 4th - May 17th. An estimated 160 youth are anticipated to be placed into part-time, subsidized employment at 40 employment partners for the ten-week cohort. WCAC has seen tremendous growth in its Year-Round Youth Employment program thanks to increased interest in work opportunities among young people and supportive employment partners throughout the community.
The goal of the State’s subsidized employment program, YouthWorks, is to help ensure young people are ready for work and are acquiring skills that will make them marketable in a competitive environment. Research indicates that young people who work in their teens are more likely to work as young adults. The anticipated outcome of YouthWorks is to provide young people with the skills, experience, and networks to be able to secure employment in the unsubsidized labor market. YouthWorks represents a statewide effort of local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) and Career Centers partnering with businesses, state agencies and local community-based organizations to recruit, train, place, and supervise teens and young adults in job opportunities in public, nonprofit, and private-sector placements.
Youth interested in participating in the spring cohort should complete an initial intake form here. Additional questions can be directed to WCAC's Manager of Youth Initiatives at .
Employers interested in hosting youth for the Summer 2024 YouthWorks program are also encouraged to reach out to .
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It's been said that being poor is expensive. The realities of increasing costs at the pump, at the grocery store, for childcare, and for rent while wages remain stagnant or underwhelming has left countless area households living on the brink, and struggling to makes ends meet without much hope.
WCAC is participating in two pilot programs each designed to support local households working towards a more stable economic foothold. In 2023, WCAC received $250,000 from the City of Worcester SLFRF ARPA funds to conduct a Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) pilot. WCAC is providing a guaranteed monthly income to 52 low-income families over two years, testing the strength and sustainability of self-determined, humanized choice tied to goal setting for families seeking to confront income volatility and gain greater economic independence. Guaranteed income will allow clients to take risks and fill wage gaps as they explore career pathways or attend trainings while supporting their families. This pilot program will further financial stability while focusing on self-determined goals around critical needs such as housing, employment, and health. 26 families are currently participating with another 26 to be identified for the following year.
Separate from the GBI pilot, WCAC is also an active participant in a statewide Cliff Effect pilot initiative which is working to provide participants with resources to cover the gap or 'cliff' they face upon receiving a modest pay increase or as they advance through a career pathway. The “cliff effect” refers to a structural flaw in our public benefits system that inadvertently disincentivizes work. Eligibility for family supports like food, health care, housing and childcare assistance are based on income. The "cliff effect” happens when families’ income increases enough that they lose eligibility for these benefits, but not enough to yet afford housing, health care, and childcare on their own. The result is that an increase in wages often leads to a decline in standard of living – working harder but getting poorer. WCAC is a member of the statewide coalition presently finalizing eligibility criteria, identifying local employment partners and preparing to formally launch the program this summer.
Both pilot initiatives are housed within WCAC's Resiliency Center, focusing on financial empowerment through connections with our team of Financial Empowerment Coaches and Community Navigators. Learn more here.
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WCAC is committed to ensuring that households served through the agency's weatherization programs are included in the emerging new green technologies.
WCAC has contracts with the Department of Energy (DOE) and the major local utility companies to install energy conservation measures in low-income homes throughout Central and Southern Worcester County. Each home receives an in-depth inspection by a certified energy auditor to assess conservation needs and the safety and efficiency of the primary heating system.
"While maintaining our mission of helping households achieve high energy efficiency, we are adding a priority of decarbonization. The replacement of fossil fuel-driven heating systems with air source heat pumps is part of a strategy to reduce greenhouse gases and protect the planet," noted WCAC's Director of Energy Resource Mary Knittle.
An air source heat pump is fitted to the outside of a property, and draws outside air into the system. This air is used to turn a refrigerant inside the unit into vapor. This vapor is compressed and produces heat as a result. The heat is then transferred to a home’s heating system, providing the home with heat and hot water, when needed. The system is so effective that heat can even be extracted from the air when temperatures fall below freezing, ensuring that even in the coldest New England winter conditions a home’s heating won’t let you down!
Tenants and homeowners are eligible for the Weatherization Assistance Program, which provides households with the opportunity to permanently reduce their energy bills. Through the installation of insulation, weather-stripping and more, homes are warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Full scale home energy conservation services are provided using the most advanced technologies and testing protocols available. Additionally, the federally-funded Heating Emergency Assistance Retrofit Task Weatherization Assistance Program (HEARTWAP) provides resources for emergency repairs, maintenance and replacement of heating systems to LIHEAP and discount rate eligible-homeowners. Additional details about the programs and eligibility criteria can be found here.
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Check out "The Ripple Effect," where innovation meets inspiration! In this engaging podcast, hosts WCAC CEO Marybeth Campbell and Legendary Legacies Director Ron Waddell share their incredible journey from nonprofit leaders to partners in change.
Click image to subscribe & watch.
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Stop by
Stop & Shop
545 Lincoln Street, Worcester
throughout the month of February and support WCAC with the purchase of a reusable tote!
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Save the Date! WCAC's 3rd Annual Resiliency Awards - celebrating individuals and organizations who have gone above and beyond in supporting the agency’s mission - will be held on Wednesday, May 1st at the AC Hotel Marriott, downtown Worcester. Additional details and registration coming soon! Sponsorship opportunities available by contacting | |
The Promise of Community Action
Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.
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