Community Action News
January 2021
Happy New Year
We are well on our way into 2021, and while it began with a fear-mongering insurrection fueled by white supremacy and a failed attempt to undermine our Constitution, today's historic inauguration day offers a signal of hopeful unity. We can look back at 2020 as a very abnormal year and many of us often hear a recitation among our friends and family that they long to return to normal. However, WCAC views the refrain for normal a bit differently; we buck at it. To return to normal would be to forget the anguish and anxiety perpetuated by the triple economic, health, and racial injustice crises. To be blunt, we cannot return to so-called normal. Our resolve for 2021 is to continue to be a collaborator and partner with our peer organizations to offer a more seamless means to support our most vulnerable members of our community and strive to do our part in the effort to reverse the ills of the preexisting conditions of COVID. Our work will, as always, be purposeful and persistent and will maintain our vision to break the cycle of poverty one neighbor at a time.
Meet JEC's New Director
The new year has brought a new director to WCAC's Job & Education Center, but he is anything but new to Worcester. Roberto Diaz was born in Puerto Rico, emigrating to the United States when he was 8 years old.
A self-described "Y-Brat", he spent much of his childhood attending programs at the YMCA where he met his first true mentor, Jeff Turgeon (now executive director of the Central Region Workforce Board) who helped him enroll in Springfield College through a diversity inclusion program after graduating from Worcester's Doherty High School. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Human Services and Administration with a minor in Psychology from Springfield College and a Master's Degree in Community Developing in Planning from Clark University, a degree he notes took him an extra year to earn while he was working full time. His Master's thesis examined the lack of representation within city politics and the experiences which were not allowing minority candidates to successfully join the ranks.
Roberto brings to WCAC years of youth work experience having served previously as the assistant director of the Worcester Youth Center, clinical work, community based services including overseeing two food pantries serving over 5,000 families while at CENTRO, as well as gun violence prevention work through the Safe Successful Youth Initiative. He's excited to put his years of experience to work for WCAC! While starting a new job during a global pandemic certainly brings its challenges, he's committed to being a resource for staff and to grow the Job & Education Center in alignment with WCAC's mission and goals. Please join us in welcoming Roberto to Team WCAC!
And while the pandemic has changed the way the JEC operates (no in person classes or walk-ins at this time), staff are hard at work engaging youth. Currently, in partnership with the Worcester Public Schools, 15 youth through the New Citizens Academy are receiving 12 weeks of Signal Success and leadership training; another 34 are participating in a 10-week career pathway program introducing them to hands-on work readiness training in fields including healthcare, manufacturing, construction, and technology services; with another 36 youth participating in WCAC's YouthWorks Year Round program, providing support to the Boys & Girls Club Learning Hub as well as assisting with deliveries for local food pantries. Additionally, 33 students are currently enrolled in WCAC's youth educational programs encompassing academics (HiSET), career readiness, life skills as well as counseling/mentoring. Learn more about the programs and services available through WCAC's Job & Education Center here.
Applications for YouthWorks Summer 2021 coming soon!
Virtual VITA
Through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, IRS-certified volunteers prepare taxes and specifically look for tax credits the household may be eligible for, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit (CTC), Circuit Breaker Tax Credit, and others. Utilizing the free tax preparation services allows families to retain their full refund, avoiding typical preparation fees which can often cost hundreds of dollars.
In a big change from prior years, this tax season appointments won't be needed because all preparation will be happening virtually. Our new method of preparing taxes will be using the website we piloted in the spring, called “Get Your Refund.” It's a state-of-the-art platform developed by Code For America and being used at VITA sites across the country this season. It's been made as user-friendly as possible and we're excited to participate in the process.
A new link will go live on our website on February 1st that enables taxpayers to answer required questions and upload pictures all of their tax documents via a smartphone or computer, and be contacted via text, call or email by their tax preparer until the return is finalized, e-signed and e-filed. It's actually easiest on a phone- IOS or Android, both. The user can complete the application in Spanish, too. It’s free of charge, available to anyone with an adjusted gross income under $57,000, and done with the help of IRS-certified volunteers.
Document Drop-Off
While no face-to-face appointments are being held and the online application is the best way to access the program this year, we know that some participants may not have access to technology or internet, so we are hosting limited in-person drop off hours at WCAC's Worcester office, 484 Main Street, second floor of the Denholm Building, where taxpayers can scan documents and the required intake form before taking their paperwork back home and waiting to be contacted during the remote preparation.
Starting February 8th, in-person drop-off hours will be:
- Mondays 5-7pm
- Wednesdays 3-7pm
- Fridays 9am-1pm
- Saturdays 9-noon
WCAC has been lucky to get a lot of new volunteers this season and are hoping we can keep up with demand! Please be patient and understand it is always very busy the first few weeks and it evens out to a steadier pace through April 15th. Additional details about the program can be found on WCAC's website. Please contact the VITA program at 508-754-1176 option #5 (extension 171) or email with any additional questions.
Head Start Recruitment
The Worcester Community Action Council’s Head Start program currently serves children, ages 3-5, and their families in two centers – one located at 25 Cole Avenue, Southbridge; the other a newly renovated site located at 116 School Street, Webster. Full day, full year; full day, school year; and half day, school-year options are available. The center-based programs provide developmentally appropriate curricula, health and nutrition services, breakfast, lunch and snack, special education opportunities, and family services in adherence with all CDC public health requirements. All classrooms are nationally accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Services are provided at no charge to families meeting income-eligible guidelines. Although classrooms are presently full, WCAC is recruiting for Summer/Fall 2021 enrollment. If interested, please complete an online pre-application or call 508-765-4738.
The City of Worcester has provided funding to Worcester Community Action Council, Inc. to provide an emergency payment to tenants at risk of eviction because of the economic impact of COVID-19. This activity is specifically to prevent Coronavirus spread to people at risk of homelessness through COVID-19 rental assistance.
The program is open to qualifying Worcester tenants at risk of eviction due to the economic impacts of COVID-19 and disbursing rent and utility payments on their behalf. Program Assistance is limited to a total of $ 3,000 per rental unit. This assistance is not considered an income payment.
We know many households are struggling financially due lost or reduced wages as the result of COVID. We also know many households are experiencing increased utility usage because they are working from home or have children doing remote learning. WCAC is here to help – home heating help is here! Learn more about applying for help whether you are a returning client or someone finding themselves struggling for the first time.
Financial assistance is available for income-eligible households to help pay home heating bills between November 1 – April 30 of each year.