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Western Cover Crop Selection Tool

My name is Clair Akin and I am the Cover Crop Selection Tool Coordinator for the Western Cover Crops Council. 

The Western Cover Crops Council's mission is to facilitate and enhance communication and collaboration that promotes the successful adoption and integration of cover cropping into Western U.S. agricultural systems.

For more information about the WCCC, please visit Western Cover Crops Council.
The goal of the Cover Crop Selection Tool is to create an online tool that assists in cover crop species selection for farmers, extension researchers, and universities across the West. This tool will function similarly to the Midwest Cover Crop Tool.
We are currently recruiting volunteers that have experience with cover crops to review and sometimes provide data for the Selector Tool.

This is an excellent opportunity to share research and network with other people that are involved with cover crops. Would you be interested in volunteering?

Data Verification Volunteer Commitments:
  •  General reviews are conducted over a period of four to five months and consist of meetings via zoom every 4-6 weeks, depending on how involved you would like to be.  
In order for this tool to be effective for the west, participation from local experts is an essential component. Any time you are willing to commit would be greatly appreciated.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact me or fill out the form located at this link:
Clair Akin
Cover Crop Selection Tool Coordinator