MAY 2022
The End of a Matter Is Better than its Beginning

“The end of a matter is better than its beginning.” Ecclesiastes 7:8

Think about it for a minute. At the beginning of an event, most of us are unsteady, unsure, and unpracticed. There is no mastery on day one of anything. A baby learning to walk falters and falls down. A middle schooler is nervous for the first few months of the school year. A young married couple just starting out spend many hours learning about each other. An athlete shows up to their first practice in any sport needing training and encouragement. 

This definitely rings true for me. My first day on the job as Middle School Principal, I was riding a knee scooter since I had fractured my ankle the previous summer. That was not the way I wanted to begin my new job! 

As you have recently heard, this will be my last year as the middle school principal, but as Ecclesiastes says, ‘the end of a matter is better than its beginning.’ For starters, I haven’t needed a scooter lately which has been great news! Besides that, my last class of 7th grade world history students will be seniors graduating this year, which feels like a ‘full circle’ moment. 

It has been such a full and rich season of life to serve at Woodcrest Christian over the last 14 years. I am beyond blessed to have been a part of this wonderful community. I have watched the hand of God work in the lives of students and families as we have laughed and cried and shared life together. 

So, as the current 8th grade graduates walk across that stage on May 25, please know this: wherever God leads you, in whatever endeavors you pursue, the end of a matter is better than its beginning and worthy of great rejoicing! 

To God be the glory, great things He hath done!

In Christ,
Mrs. Mindy Orr | Middle School Principal
Woodcrest Christian School System
May 6 - Choir Concert in the Park
May 7 - Band Spring Concert
May 13 - MiddleFest Day
May 19 - Athletic Physicals
May 21 - Alumni Encore Drama Performance
May 24-25 - WCMS Final Exams
May 24-25 - Mandatory 8th Grade Graduation Practice
May 25 - 8th Grade Graduation and Last Day of School for WCMS
May 31 to June 4 - Band Camp

August 11 - SOS Day
August 17 - First Day of 2022/23 School Year
August 26 - 75 Year Anniversary Birthday Bash

Bookmark the WCMS calendar to stay up-to-date throughout the year
MiddleFest Celebration
May 13, 2022
Our Middlefest classes are getting ready to celebrate and everyone is invited! Middlefest Day, Friday, May 13, is a day to enjoy a free lunch and a chance to see numerous student presentations highlighting these exploratory classes. This is truly a celebration of learning! We are seeking parent volunteers to assist us by helping with games, decorations, serving food and the set-up/clean-up process. It's a day you won't want to miss!
WCMS Awards Presentation
May 13, 2022

The Woodcrest Christian Middle School faculty will be presenting the 2021-2022 Academic, Athletic, Leadership, Service and Character awards on Friday, May 13, 2022 from 1pm - 2:45pm in the Royals Pavilion. All are welcomed and encouraged to attend!

Please note: This invitation does not guarantee your student will be receiving an award.

Finals Week Schedule
May 24-25, 2022

Click this link to download the Spring Final Exam Schedule:

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

8:25 - 10:25 MATH FINAL (Geometry students take final in Miss Hall’s room #288)
10:30 - 11:05 Nutrition Break in the MS Quad area
11:10 - 1:00 ENGLISH FINAL
1:05 - 1:15 7TH Grade students dismissed to go home/after-school care
1:15 - 2:45 Mandatory 8TH Grade Graduation Practice

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

8:25 - 10:25 HISTORY FINAL
10:30 - 11:05 Nutrition Break in the MS Quad area
11:10 - 1:00 SCIENCE FINAL
1:05 - 1:15 7TH Grade students dismissed
1:15 - 2:45 Mandatory 8TH Grade Graduation Practice
WCMS Graduation Ceremony
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
7:00 p.m.
The Graduation Ceremony for the 8th Grade Class of 2022 will be held on May 25th on the WCMS Athletic Field at 7pm in the evening.
Seating at Graduation

Each graduate will have 6 reserved tickets available for them to reserve ahead of time electronically in the sections nearest the stage. Unlimited additional seating will be available for guests in the sections further back. Reserved Seating will begin with a link from our WCMS Class of 2022 website on Wednesday, May 18 beginning at 7pm.

An unlimited number of guests may view the live stream broadcast of the event from our graduation page on the WCSS website. Please allow extra time to park and get to your seat before the ceremony begins promptly at 7pm. Please limit each graduate's family to only two vehicles to park on campus and so carpool from home to help with traffic and parking limitations. Get all of the rest of the pertinent information from the button below.

We will livestream the ceremony on May 25th starting at 7pm. You can access the livestream link at that time here:
Upcoming Performances
Concert in the Park

DATE: May 6 at 6 p.m.

LOCATION: Upper Campus, Royal Field

Band Spring Concert

DATE: May 7 at 6 p.m.
Support Band and check out their silent auction going on LIVE NOW through Saturday.

LOCATION: Upper Campus, Royal Field
Alumni Encore Performance

DATE: May 21 at 6 p.m.

TIME: Multi-purpose Room

How to Ace That Test

By Mrs. Kayla Hults, WCMS English Teacher

With AP tests and finals just around the corner, WCMS English teacher, Mrs. Kayla Hults offers a 3-part strategy for successful test-taking with 13 tips all students can use to prepare for a test, perform well during the test, and improve their skills after the test.

STEM Summer Learning Labs

Information is available for students interested in attending Riverside's STEM Summer Learning Labs. There is no cost to students. Enrollment is open to students going into 9th grade through students going into 12th grade. Transportation will need to be provided to take students to the meeting site by 9:00am each morning and to be picked up by 4:00pm in the afternoon.
STEM in Law Enforcement and Public Safety - Police, Fire, and EMT
Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22

Priority enrollment is being given to Woodcrest Christian students and other Riverside schools through June 30, 2022 on a first come, first served basis.
The following three programs are open to all students throughout the Inland Empire on a first come, first served basis.

STEM in Public Utilities Learning Labs
Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15

STEM in Advanced Manufacturing
Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22 (Runs concurrent with STEM in Law Enforcement and Public Safety)

STEM Solutions
Monday, July 25 - Friday, July 29
Know Someone Interested in Attending Woodcrest Christian in the Fall?

Contact the office regarding upcoming summer campus tour dates.

(951) 780-2010

Get a $250 credit to your account when you refer!
We want to say "THANK YOU" to our families who often share the good news about our school system with others! In appreciation, we offer a Referral Bonus Program. When you refer a new family to our school system, and they attend through September 2022, you will receive a $250.00 credit to your account on October 1st.
Athletic Physicals Available on Campus
May 19, 2022 from 3pm-5pm

If your student is interested in trying out for a sport during the 2022/2023 school year, we have an opportunity for students to get their athletic physicals taken care of on campus with Dr. d'Arc on Thursday, May 19, 2022 from 3pm-5pm.

Your student's physical is required before they can try out for any sports. We strongly encourage you to get your child's physical done between May-June. This is the ideal timeframe to cover all sports happening on campus in the upcoming year and to avoid the last minute scramble before tryouts.
Summer Athletic Camps & Clinics

There are a variety of camps and clinics available for students this summer on campus! Check them out on our Summer Camps & Clinics page. Open to incoming 7th and 8th graders.

  • June 13 - Co-Ed Volleyball Clinic
  • June 13-16 - Girls Basketball Camp
  • June 21-24 - Boys Basketball Camp
  • June 21-24 - Girls Softball Camp
  • June 28-July 1 - Co-ed Volleyball Camp

Click here to download the Summer Athletics Flyer: Summer Athletics Flyer
Get Our School App

Get the Woodcrest Christian app on your mobile device! It’s free in the App store and on Google Play. Download it today and stay up-to-date with school calendars for each grade level, sports results, upcoming event information, lunch menus, and much more!

Sync Up with Our School Calendar

Never miss an event with our live-updating Google calendar. Sync it to your Google account to stay up-to-date!

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Stay current on all things happening on campus through our social media channels.