July 2014

WCRG Matters
A monthly newsletter to keep members informed.
Re-Introducing the Windsor Cancer Research Group
In response to feedback over the past few months and requests to know more about WCRG and how to get involved, we have put together a quick snapshot.



A united community bridging cutting edge research with world-class cancer care.  

To establish Windsor-Essex as an international hub of cancer research excellence.


Who We Are


The Windsor Cancer Research Group is an assembly of local researchers and healthcare professionals working together to create teams to strengthen our local cancer research programs and bridge collaborations with our neighbouring cancer centres.


Ways to be Involved 
  • Participate in the WCRG Seminar Series either as a speaker or an attendee (a save the date for upcoming seminars will be coming out in the next few weeks)

  • Volunteer on one of the 5 committees
  • Let us know about your accomplishments (click here)
  • Volunteer for one of our public events, e.g., Science Rendezvous, Research Showcase
  • Register for the WCRG Bienniel Cancer Research Conference taking place on November 22, 2014 (registration opens on August 15th)

What to Look for in the Upcoming Months

  • Introductions to the members of the 5 WCRG Committees
  • Hiring of a Cross Border Health Research Assistant
  • Sharing of WCRG's first Strategic Plan
  • Announcement of the next 6 seminar series dates
Don't Forget - We Need Your Input

We have launched a new tool that will help us collect information on the accomplishments of our members throughout the year. This information will be used to keep us all up to date on what other WCRG members are up to, to recognize people on our website and to let our community know what cancer researchers are doing in Windsor-Essex . Every 3 months, we will send you an email with the link to remind you to send us your latest news. We are looking for awards, appointments, research accomplishments, grants and more!


Click here to try it out!
Upcoming Funding Opportunities

A complete list of funding opportunities is available on our website.


Funding Organization
Letter of Intent Deadline
Proposal Deadline
Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute
Aug. 15, 2014
Oct. 1, 2014
Not applicable
Oct. 15, 2014
Not applicable
Nov. 3, 2014
Dec. 15, 2014
Mar. 1, 2015
"Transitional" Open Operating Grant Program
Jan. 9, 2015
Mar. 2, 2015