December 2017

WCRG Matters
A newsletter to keep members and partners informed.
CURES Team is Looking Good
This fall, our student volunteers came together as a formally named group - the CURES (Cancer Undergraduate Research and Education Students) Team. With over 50 students involved, CURES was a key ingredient to WCRG's success with public outreach and education initiatives in 2017. Look out for more exciting events in 2018!
A special thank you to Kathleen Gorospe an undergraduate Biology student and member from SMArt (Science Meets Art) for designing our new CURES logo.  
We'd Love for You to Join In
2018 is going to be a busy year and the community loves when cancer researchers join us at events. If you would like to participate, let us know and we will be sure to keep you up to date on our activities. We have some events planned for World Cancer Day (February), Let's Talk Cancer (February), Science Rendezvous (May), Research Showcase (May) and the WCRG International Cancer Research Conference (November). 
Launch of Windsor RIOT
It is official! Windsor now has a Canadian Cancer Society - Research Information Outreach Team (RIOT).  This team of Graduate students bring awareness to our communities about the progress and promise of cancer researcher. In the past month, they have launched and Ingrid Qemo represented the team as the keynote speaker at the Canadian Cancer Society's Volunteer Appreciation Nights in Chatham and Windsor.
Windsor RIOT members:
  • Ingrid Qemo, Lead (Biological Sciences)
  • Kyle Stokes, Lead (Biological Sciences)
  • Abed Alkhateeb (Computer Science)
  • Bre-Anne Fifield (Biological Sciences)
  • Robert Gombar (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
  • Natalie Gosselin (Biological Sciences )
  • Ashley Howard (Clinical Psychology)
  • Brayden Labute (Biological Sciences )
Mark Your Calendars for the 2018 Think Tanks!
Think Tanks bring people together to share research ideas in an effort to build collaborative projects and increase the number of cancer research grant submissions.  
T he events run from 1:30 - 4pm and alternate between the University of Windsor and Windsor Regional Hospital. Mark your calendars and don't miss them!

January 12 at Windsor Regional Hospital

 April 20 at UWindsor

 July 20 at Windsor Regional Hospital

October 19 at UWindsor


 Everyone is welcome! 

To find our more or to present at a Think Tank, contact Karen Metcalfe at [email protected]  
Member Highlights
Letting us know about  the accomplishments of you and your colleagues allows us to  celebrate the great work being done in our region and further  build collaborations. Here are just a few of your latest successes.

Anshika Jain (CURES Team, Faculty of Science, Biological Sciences), Celebrating 2017 Mayor's Award - Outstanding Youth 19-24. 
Lisa Porter, University of Windsor, Faculty of Science 2017 Graduate Student Mentoring Award.    
Members in the News
Caroline Hamm was heard talking to   Brian Goldman from CBC's White Coat Black Art to share her thoughts on the impact to patients when false internet claims are made about ongoing research. A similar article followed in the   Windsor Star.
The Cancer Researcher for a Day Initiative lead by WCRG CURES Team member, Youshaa El-Abed was featured in Windsor Parent Magazine.  
Kailey Huot, Clinical Research Associate, WRH Cancer Program has just achieved certification with SoCRA, the Society for Clinical Research Associates, an international group that certifies research professionals.  Requirements are a combination of years of experience, training, and passing an in-depth certification exam.  
Be sure to submit any news items as they happen and we will include them. Pictures and links to details are welcome! 
Funding Opportunities


Go to  our website to see a complete list of funding opportunities for cancer researchers. We invite you to use the resource as a tool to plan your grant submissions over the next year. Please contact us if we can help facilitate collaborations or provide feedback to strengthen submissions.