June 2017

WCRG Matters
A newsletter to keep members and partners informed.
Did You Know?
  • WCRG funding currently comes from the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation, UWindsor Faculty of Science & Office of Research and Innovation, Windsor Regional Hospital, and community donors
  • One of our greatest assets is our student volunteer committee with over 35 students

  • It has been one year since WCRG launched the new website.Be sure to go there often as it is updated every week!
WCRG Student Volunteers - Key to Our Success!
The WCRG student volunteers are a key ingredient to our success. Often behind the scenes, this dedicated group of students never hesitate to support our events and projects. We appreciate their dedication, professionalism and care in sharing research and education with the public. We'd like to thank them for all they do!

We'd also like to congratulate two of our senior student volunteers who will now be moving on.

  • Jacob Bender - MD Program, Western University's Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Windsor Campus
  • Melanie Grondin - MD/PhD Program, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Medicine

    Congratulations and best wishes in the future! We will definitely miss you.      
Getting to Know Our Local Cancer Researchers
WCRG continues to partner with snapd Windsor to highlight WCRG cancer researchers. Interviews are found in the print edition of snapd Windsor and shared through various newsletters and announcements. The goal of these "Snapd Shots" is to raise awareness about the cancer research conducted in Windsor-Essex and stimulate new research collaborations. To see the latest edition featuring Dr. John Trant click here.  
Research Matters - #supportthereport
Research matters to the future of cancer care in Canada!  WCRG is in support of recent recommendations by the Naylor Report to increase federal research spending to bring us back to international standards.

Be sure to share your research stories at:


Public Outreach and Education
Our volunteers and members were busy in June participating in the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life and the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada's Windsor Walk. You could find us helping with the event organization, engaging the public at our research information booths or raising money for the cause as event participants.

Thanks to the research community for supporting these activities!

Get Connected at the Next Cancer Research Think Tank
On April 7th, WCRG held it's 5th Think Tank with a record attendance of almost 40 people! The objective of the Think Tank series is to bring people together and share research ideas in an effort to build collaborative projects and increase the number of cancer research grant submissions. Summaries of the past sessions can be found on  our website.

Everyone is welcome! 

Friday July 14, 2017 from 1:30-4:30pm 
WHERE: Auditorium, Windsor Regional Hospital    

RSVP to Karen Metcalfe at [email protected]  
Member Accomplishments
Letting us know about  the accomplishments of you and your colleagues allows us to  celebrate the great work being done in our region and further  build collaborations. Here are a few of your latest successes.


Galeotti G, Ebrahimi M, Lipton-Duffin J, MacLeod JM, Rondeau-Gagné S, Morin JF, Rosei F. (2017).   2D Supramolecular networks of dibenzonitrilediacetylene on Ag(111) stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonding.  Phys Chem Chem Phys19:10602-10610

Geng Q, Xhabija B, Knuckle C, Bonham CA, Vacratsis PO. (2017).  
The Atypical Dual Specificity Phosphatase hYVH1 Associates with Multiple Ribonucleoprotein Particles.  J Biol Chem. 292:539-550.

Hooker LN, Smoczer C, Abbott S, Fakhereddin M, Hudson JW, Crawford MJ. (2017). 
Xenopus pitx3 target genes lhx1 and xnr5 are identified using a novel three-fluor flow cytometry-based analysis of promoter activation and repression.  Dev Dyn. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.24532. [Epub ahead of print]

McGrath D, Fifield B, Marceau AH, Tripathi S, Porter LA, and Rubin SM (2017) Mechanism of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Activation by the Proliferative Factor Spy1. EMBO J (J-2017-96905 in press).

Rouette J, Gutierrez E, O'Donnell J, Reddeman L, Hart M, Foxcroft S, Mitera G, Warde P, Brundage MD; Cancer Care Ontario Radiation Oncology Program Leads (Ken Schneider); Pan-Canadian Peer Review Steering Committee. (2017). Directly Improving the Quality of Radiation Treatment Through Peer Review: A Cross-sectional Analysis of Cancer Centers Across a Provincial Cancer Program. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 98 (3): 521-529.

Scipione CA, McAiney JT, Simard DJ, Bazzi ZA, Gemin M, Romagnuolo R, Macrae FL, Ariëns RA, Hegele RA, Auld J, Gauld JW, Boffa MB, Koschinsky ML.  
Characterization of the I4399M variant of apolipoprotein(a): Implications for altered prothrombotic properties of lipoprotein(a).  J Thromb Haemost. doi: 10.1111/jth.13759. [Epub ahead of print]

Tarade D, Ma D, Pignanelli C, Mansour F, Simard D, van den Berg S, Gauld J, McNulty J, Pandey S. (2017) 
Structurally simplified biphenyl combretastatin A4 derivatives retain in vitro anti-cancer activity dependent on mitotic arrest.  PLoS One12(3):e0171806.

Xu J, Wang S, Wang GN, Zhu C, Luo S, Jin L, Gu X, Chen S, Feig VR, To JW, Rondeau-Gagné S, Park J, Schroeder BC, Lu C, Oh JY, Wang Y, Kim YH, Yan H, Sinclair R, Zhou D, Xue G, Murmann B, Linder C, Cai W, Tok JB, Chung JW, Bao Z. (2017). 
Highly stretchable polymer semiconductor films through the nanoconfinement effect.  Science. 355:59-64.


Ingrid Qemo, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Oncology Research and Education Day poster award winner

Kyle Stokes is the first UWindsor student to be accepted into the  Mitacs-Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Summer Research Program.  
Dr. Junaid Yousuf, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Department of Oncology's Excellence in Academic and Teaching Award  

Be sure to submit any news items as they happen and we will include them. Pictures and links to details are welcome! 
Funding Opportunities


Go to  our website to see a complete list of funding opportunities for cancer researchers. We invite you to use the resource as a tool to plan your grant submissions over the next year. Please contact us if we can help facilitate collaborations or provide feedback to strengthen submissions.