WCRG Matters
A newsletter to keep members and partners informed.
WCRG 2017 Impact Report Released
WCRG has released its 2017 Impact Report showcasing our progress over the
past year. It highlights the exciting ways that cancer research activities
, community support, outreach and education opportunities are growing in our community and the importance of having strong local research.
Thank you for contributing to WCRG's success! |
The Casey Family
On Thursday May 3rd, WCRG hosted Cheers to Hope,
a community outreach event to celebrate the advancements in local cancer research.
Over 160 people attended t
he evening and had an opportunity to mingle and walk through an interactive research showcase that highlighted local research. They heard a cancer research story told by two researchers and a patient, and we recognized Dr. Michael Dufresne, University of Windsor retiree and Jeff Casey, Owner, snapdWindsor as the first WCRG Ambassadors of Hope
Connecting with the Community
Spring has been busy for WCRG! Thanks to our CURES Team and R.I.O.T., we participated in the following events:
- Science Rendezvous
- Soapbox Science
- Relay for Life Impact Tent
- A Scientist Like Her
- Ride for Dad
- Windsor Brain Tumour Walk
New public educational activities were developed and the community loved them! Check out some great pictures from our events.
Save the Date - 4th Biennial Cancer Research Conference
WCRG will be hosting our 4th Biennial International Cancer Research Conference at Caesars Windsor on
Saturday November 17th, 2018. This is a forum that allows us to showcase, connect and strengthen cancer research excellence.
Early bird registration will be open in August. Be sure to save the date and share with your networks!
The June edition of snapd Windsor features Dr. Phillip Karpowicz. WCRG Researcher snapdshots are found in the print edition of snapd Windsor and shared through various newsletters and announcements. The goal of these "Snapd Shots" is to raise awareness about the cancer research conducted in Windsor-Essex and stimulate new research collaborations. To see previous snapd shots
click here. Thank you
snapd Windsor for contributing to our cancer smart community!
Letting us know
the accomplishments of
you and your colleagues
allows us
celebrate the great work being done in our region and further
build collaborations. Here are a few of your latest successes.
Beyeh, N.K., Díez, I., Taimoory, S.M., Meister, D., Feig, A., Trant, J.F., Ras, R.H.A., Rissann, K. (2018).
High-affinity and selective detection of pyrophosphate in water by a resorcinarene salt receptor. Chemical Science, 9: 1358-1367
Freeman, L. (2018). Talk about Fertility Options: Opening the Discussion on fertility preservation a Practical guide for Nurses. Journal of Cancer Nursing Practice, 17:12.
Ocheje, M.U., Charron, B. P., Cheng, Y.-H., Chuang, C.-H., Soldera, A., Chiu, Y.-C., Rondeau-Gagné, S. (2018)
Amide-Containing Alkyl Chains in Conjugated Polymers: Effect on Self-Assembly and Electronic Properties
. Macromolecules 51: 1336
Smith, L.J., Taimoory, S.M., Tam, R.Y., Baker, A.E.G., Trant, J.F., Shoichet, M.S. Diels-Alder (2018)
Crosslinked Hydrogels Enable 3D Cell Encapsulation with Increased Reactivity Biomacromolecules
. 19: 926-935.
Taimoory, S. M., Sadraei, S. I., Fayoumi, R., Nasri, S., Revington, M., Trant, J. F. (2018)
Preparation and Characterization of a Small Library of Thermally-Labile End-Caps for Variable-Temperature Triggering of Self-Immolative Polymers
. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 83: 4427-4440.
Turunen, L., Pan, F.*, Beyeh, N.K., Trant, J.F., Ras, R.H.A., Rissanen, K. (2018)
Bamboo-like Chained Cavities and Other Halogen-Bonded Complexes from Tetrahaloethynyl Cavitands with Simple Ditopic Halogen Bond Acceptors.
Crystal Growth and Design, 18: 513-520.
Zhang, S., Ocheje, M.U., Luo, S., Ehlenberg, D., Appleby, B., Weller, D., Zhou, D., Rondeau-Gagné, S., Gu, X. (2018) Probing the viscoelastic property of pseudo free-standing conjugated polymeric thin films. Macromol. Rapid Commun
Funded Projects
Porter, L., Bakht, M., Cheon, GJ., Dong, and X., Lamb. Ride for Dad Program ($20,000). The Role of Spy1 as a Novel Therapeutic Approach for Treatment Resistant Prostate Cancer.
Trant, J. Banting Research Foundation ($25,000 - 1 year). Stabilized, highly multivalent, carbohydrate-based vaccines as potential cancer therapeutics.
Trant, J. Compute Canada, Resource Allocation ($98,058 - 1 year in kind, computational support).
Computational design of artificial amino acids and peptides for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
Laurie Freeman (Faculty of Nursing, University of Windsor).
Apps, Apps, and more Apps: How do we find, recommend for use, or study the Effectiveness of Self-Help Mobile Applications throughout the Cancer Journey? Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) Conference, Toronto, ON. May, 2018
Debbie Kane, Dale Rajacich & Chantal Andary (Faculty of Nursing, University of Windsor). Experiences of Cancer Patients Return to Work. Sigma Theta Tau International, Cambridge UK: June 4-6, 2018.
In the News
Jane McArthur, PhD Candidate (Sociology, University of Windsor). "
Investigating Women's Narratives of Breast Cancer Risks". Recruitment of her sample population dramatically increased following media coverage with dozens of women coming forward. The interviews are providing distinctive insights into the knowledge and understandings women have of their risks for breast cancer, of the sources of information they use in constructing their risk analyses, and the ideas they have for risk mitigation from the personal level to broader level strategies. McArthur expects to finish data collection this summer with results of the study completed by spring of 2019.
Be sure to submit any news items as they happen and we will include them. Pictures and links to details are welcome!
Go to our website to see a complete list of funding opportunities for cancer researchers. We invite you to use the resource as a tool to plan your grant submissions over the next year. Please contact us if we can help facilitate collaborations or provide feedback to strengthen submissions.