March 2015

WCRG Matters
A monthly newsletter to keep members and partners informed.
Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events
Be sure to save the following dates!
Seminar Series - April 2nd

WHEN: APRIL 2 @ 5:30 PM 

WHERE: Windsor Regional Cancer Centre, Casino Cares Room

S PEAKER: Dr. Ken Schneider 
Program Head for Radiation Oncology and Chief, Department of Oncology, Windsor Regional Hospital; Radiation Lead, Erie St. Clair Regional Cancer Program; Adjunct Professor, Department of Physics, University of Windsor

Part I:  Bench to Bedside: The pivotal role in all of us

Part II:  A Radiation Medicine Sampler- Radiobiology for the House Officer and Beyond


The seminars provide an opportunity for local cancer researchers to learn from their colleagues about current research, to discuss the implications for our community and to look for additional opportunities to collaborate.
WCRG to Launch Collaborator's Corner





This month, WCRG will be launching "Collaborator's Corner", a video library on our website dedicated to highlighting the collaborative cancer research taking place in Windsor-Essex and with our partnering research communities.Stay tuned, a detailed announcement will be shared in the upcoming weeks. 



ITOS Setting Up Shop at the University of Windsor

ITOS Oncology is a molecular diagnostic company specializing in cancer. Starting on March 2, they can be found on the University of Windsor campus, Biology Building, room 210. A website is coming soon but until then, more information can be obtained by contacted Govindaraja Atikukke, Ph.D. (Cofounder and CTO) at [email protected] or 519-996-0879. 


Well Attended Cancer Education Day

On Friday February 13th a series of Cancer Education Days was launched. Attendance was amazing with over 140 health care professionals taking part. The Windsor Regional Cancer Program Clinical Care Staff provided talks that focused on key information for primary health care professionals as part of the cancer patient care team. The day was very well received. Congratulations to the staff at the Windsor Regional Cancer Program, in particular, Karen Reaume for an outstanding day.

Upcoming Funding Opportunities

A complete list of funding opportunities is available on our website.


To strengthen your proposal, any submissions with a University of Windsor PI, please send to Natasha Wiebe, Office of Research & Innovation Services: (a) Word files of draft application, and  (b) ORIS form signed by you, your area head, and dean. Please send documents to Natasha at least 1 week prior to funding organization's deadline. For WCRG members affiliated with other institutions, please contact Karen Metcalfe for support.  


Funding Organization
Letter of Intent Deadline*
Proposal Deadline
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation National Grants Dec. 8, 2014
April 27, 2015
Dec. 15, 2014
Mar. 1, 2015
"Transitional" Open Operating Grant Program
Jan. 9, 2015
Mar. 2, 2015
Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute
Innovation Grants

Innovation to Impact Grants

Impact Grants

Quality of Life Research Grants
Feb. 15, 2015

Feb. 15, 2015

March 25, 2015

July 2, 2015
April 1, 2015

April 1, 2015

Sept. 1, 2015

Nov. 1, 2015

 * UWindsor applicants: Please copy LOI to  Natasha Wiebe, ORIS