November 2014

WCRG Matters
A monthly newsletter to keep members informed.
WCRG Can Now Be Found on Facebook

WCRG has recently launched their Facebook page! Be sure to 'like' us.
WCRG's Conference Enjoyed by Many
Dr. Dora Cavallo-Medved, Chair, WCRG Public Outreach Committee

On Saturday, November 22, 2014, WCRG hosted its
2nd Biennial International Cancer Research Conference at Caesars Windsor. The conference was attended by almost 150 scientists, clinicians, nurses, research associates, administrators and students who came together from Windsor-Essex and our neighbouring communities including London, Toronto and Michigan to share their research findings.

The conference featured two fantastic keynote speakers, Dr. Craig Earle from the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (Toronto, ON) and Dr. Ronny Drapkin from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (Boston, MA). The conference also included 16 oral presentations, 47 poster presentations and 14 sponsors. We'd like to thank all participants, sponsors, student volunteers and the conference committee for making this international cancer research conference a success!!

And congratulations to the Top 3 Poster Award winners sponsored by the Faculty of Science at the University of Windsor: Alexandra Blake, Eddie Chan and Dan Gillett. 


Click here to view the complete program.


Dr. Ronny Drapkin and Dr. Craig Earle

Conference participants, volunteers and organizing committee members


WCRG Members' Meeting - Tuesday January 20, 2015

To kick off 2015, the WCRG Executive Committee will be hosting an all members general meeting at Ambassador Golf Club. Be sure to save the date! Details will follow.

Upcoming Funding Opportunities

A complete list of funding opportunities is available on our website.


To strengthen your proposal, any submissions with a University of Windsor PI, please send to Natasha Wiebe, Office of Research & Innovation Services: (a) Word files of draft application, and  (b) ORIS form signed by you, your area head, and dean. Please send documents to Natasha at least 1 week prior to funding organization's deadline. For WCRG members affiliated with other institutions, please contact Karen Metcalfe for support.  


Funding Organization
Letter of Intent Deadline*
Proposal Deadline
Canadian Breast Cancer FoundationNational GrantsDec. 8, 2014
April 27, 2015
Dec. 15, 2014
Mar. 1, 2015
"Transitional" Open Operating Grant Program
Jan. 9, 2015
Mar. 2, 2015

 * UWindsor applicants: Please copy LOI to  Natasha Wiebe, ORIS