Wisconsin Council for the Social Studies
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  • Plan ahead - WCSS 2024 3-Day Conference Registration $250, Presenters $150, Retired/Student $75


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In Wisconsin public schools, October has the following required observance days:

Check out some resources to help you in your classroom:
Indigenous People's Day Resources
“Fry Bread” is a sweet story for early learners featuring fry bread, a tasty fried loaf popular across many Native nations. This story talks about the importance of food across generations and is a great. 
Bring to life contemporary native people and modern icons by adding books about native heroes to your classroom. This story highlights Penobscot citizen and first Native baseball player Louis Sockalexis. 
Written by an Indigenous activist and academic and adapted by two curriculum experts, this version of the best selling non-fiction book is a great classroom resource. The book will help you teach your students about the important history of the U.S. through an indigenous perspective. 
Big changes in Social Studies coming in Wisconsin...

On October 16th the Department of Public Instruction will release the recommended K-12 Civics Scope & Sequence for Wisconsin!

What does this mean for me?

ALL: If you teach K-12 Social Studies in Wisconsin, there will be Civic learning concepts and skills that you will need to build into your curriculum and instructional practices.

MIDDLE SCHOOL: If you teach grades 6-8 there will be new courses recommended so a scope & sequence shift will need to take place.

HIGH SCHOOL: A one semester or full year civics course will be recommended at the high school level.

Stay tuned for the release of the full scope & sequence along with grant and training opportunities!

Teaching about the Holocaust and Genocide in Wisconsin:
A Monthly Webinar Series
Dr. Irene Ann Resenly & Dr. George Dalbo

Join Dr. Irene Ann Resenly & Dr. George Dalbo for a monthly webinar series supporting educators in teaching about the Holocaust and genocide in school settings. Resenly - a Holocaust education scholar and middle school teacher in suburban Wisconsin - and Dalbo - a genocide education scholar and a high school teacher in rural Wisconsin - will co-facilitate monthly webinars (see schedule and registration information below). Each session will offer a new topic or approach. The goal is to build teacher capacity and expertise around these difficult histories and bring together teachers in professional learning with each other.
This series is possible thanks to the support of the Department of Public Instruction in support of the Act 30 mandate to teach about the Holocaust and an additional genocide in Wisconsin and the Holocaust Education Resource Center
Free Webinars:
Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 4:00pm-5:00pm with the session: “So You’re Teaching about the Holocaust & Genocide: Guidelines, Resources, and ‘New’ Histories.” the complete schedule of dates, topics, and individual registration links can be found below.


4:00-5:00 pm (Central Time)
“So You’re Teaching about the Holocaust & Genocide: Guidelines, Resources, and ‘New’ Histories” (registration)

4:00-5:00 pm (Central Time)
“Gender Matter: Gendered Representations of Holocaust and Genocide” (registration)

4:00-5:00 pm (Central Time)
“Breaking Down Perpetraitor-Victim and Bystander-Upstander Binaries in Holocaust and Genocide Education” (registration)

4:00-5:00 pm (Central Time)
“Teaching About International Holocaust Remembrance Day” (registration)

4:00-5:00 pm (Central Time)
“The Holocaust in One Day: Supporting Non-Social Studies Teachers in Middle and High School” (registration)

4:00-5:00 pm (Central Time)
“Teaching About Genocide Awareness Month” (registration)

4:00-5:00 pm (Central Time)
“Recommended Holocaust and Genocide Reading Lists” (registration)

Email [email protected] with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there.

Connect to Local History

Visit your local Wisconsin Historical Society location for curriculum materials and info on field trips for your students.
Help your students to research the local history in your community by visiting the Area Research Center Network.

Explore thousands of public records, photos, videos, documents, and even help your students research their family geneaology!
Kris McDaniel
Department of Public Instruction Social Studies Consultant

Looking for some new lessons or resources?
Login to WISELearn! This is the DPI's dynamic digital library network. Explore free, high quality instructional resources curated by educators in the Badger state.