August 29, 2022   Newsletter for Musicians & Parents

Eric Mahl conducting

Symphony Orchestra

Link to Member's Page

String Orchestra

Link to Member's Page

Wind Ensemble

Link to Member's Page

The password for the members page is:  wcyo  (all lower case)

Click here for WCYO's Fall 2022 YouTube Playlist

On-line recordings of the fall repertoire for listening and practice.

Reminder for Winds, Brass & Percussion Musicians

With the addition of Malin Carta to our staff, Eric Mahl is happy to announce that all symphony orchestra winds, brass, and percussion musicians will again participate in performances with the Wind Ensemble as we head into the fall season. This will provide opportunities for a more expansive program for all SO musicians, giving Eric time to work with the string sections and more performance opportunities for the winds, brass, and percussion musicians. Wind Ensemble musicians can look forward to a more diverse program and both large and small ensemble experiences. Malin will also be coaching the winds section of the Symphony Orchestra throughout the year. So SO musicians, please download the music from the Wind Ensemble member's page and let us know if you have any questions.  

One last note - we are still seeking Percussion, French Horn, Trombone, Bassoon and Oboe musicians - please encourage your friends to audition!  Send them this link to the Audition Guide.

New Members 

We are so excited to welcome the following musicians to the WCYO:

Elle H, Clarinetist

Michael U, Violinist

Mia R, Violinist

Djin T, Cellist

Kate Z, Violinist

New members - please enjoy our welcome video created by Symphony Orchestra Cellist Auden Masotta. Watch with this link.

Buddy program requests will be going out to returning members. Help WCYO welcome all our new members and those that are moving across ensembles!  

Schedule & Events

Currently we have 20 new musicians auditioning this week on Wednesday and Thursday and a few on the first night of rehearsal. If you have friends you think would enjoy WCYO - it is not too late to register for an audition. Spread the word!

Schedule & Events

A few updates...

  • New Members Welcome Meeting scheduled via Zoom on Monday, Sept. 12th
  • Retreat day drop-off and pick-up added
  • Correction to Cello-Day, workshop is on Sunday, not Saturday, Times TBA
  • Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra concert time and a note added

Our Fall Concert cycle features some location changes, a retreat, a workshop for cellist, a community performance opportunity and will conclude with a concert on November 20th, the weekend before Thanksgiving break. Note that extra activities (outside of rehearsals and WCYO concerts) are optional but encouraged. We know you are busy yet we believe the extra events will enhance your experience with us. Please do your best to participate.)

Thursday, September 8, 2022 

Rehearsals Begin @ Scotts Ridge Middle School, 750 N. Salem Rd, Ridgefield

5pm - 6:30pm String Orchestra

6pm- 8:45pm Symphony Orchestra

7pm to 8:45pm Wind Ensemble

Monday, September 12th, 7:30pm

New Member Meeting via Zoom (30 Min.)

Musicians & Parents/Guardians Meeting

All families welcome to join for a review of the year with Ms. Feldman & Q&A

Zoom Link

Thursday, September 15, SRMS, rehearsal

Sunday, September 18, WCYO Retreat at East Ridge Middle School

  • Symphony Orchestra & Wind Ensemble 10am to 3pm
  • String Orchestra 11:30AM to 3PM

Thursday, September 22, Ridgefield High School, rehearsal

Thursday, September 29, SRMS, Rehearsal

Saturday, October 1, A Night with Ridgefield Symphony, Concert 7:30pm

  • An RSVP will be required, free for WCYO musicians, details TBA

Thursday, October 6, SRMS, rehearsal

Thursday, October 13, SRMS, rehearsal

Thursday, October 20, SRMS, rehearsal

Sunday, October 23rd, Master Class/Workshop for Cellist with Julian Schwarz

Thursday, October 27, Location TBA, rehearsal

Thursday, November 3, Location TBA, rehearsal

Thursday, November 10, SRMS, rehearsal

Thursday, November 17, SRMS, rehearsal

Saturday, November 19, Community Service Performance at Festival of Trees

Sunday, November 20, Fall Concert at Ridgefield High School Auditorium

Contact WCYO
Visit our Website