On Tuesday, February 7th, three WDA members took the time to testify in the House Health Care Committee in favor of HB 1683, This bill would ensure denturists are included in the development of dental plan networks here in Washington State. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Stephanie Barnard from Legislative District 8 in the Tri-City area.

Carol Carbone, Melissa Brulotte, joined WDA Lobbyist Carolyn Logue to talk about what the bill did and how it would increase access to care for patients. Capri Fox joined in via a remote connection. The bill was one of several heard in the committee as part of “dental care access day.” After the hearing, Carbone and Brulotte joined Logue for a “selfie” in front of the Capitol.

There was no opposition to the bill. Delta Dental of Washington asked for removal of language that would result in duplicate reporting to the Office of the Insurance Commissioner and Willamette Dental wanted to make sure they did not fall under the bill’s requirements if they only utilized inside employees for dental care and did not create outside networks. Both of these amendments can be accommodated without undermining the bill and with these amendments both entities are supportive.

The bill is expected to be voted out of committee on Friday and will move to the House floor for a vote.

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Washington Denturist Association

wadenturist.com | 253-579-8179
