Recreational February Newsletter 2025

2025 is off to a great start at WDC!

All classes, ages preschool and older, have kicked off the year by starting to learn their recital routines. See information below regarding the Band App. This is where we share practice videos, music, important links etc.

This newsletter also contains class specific recital dates, so read on!

We have two studio wide theme weeks coming up:

'I LOVE DANCE' WEEK: Feb 10th - 15th

'TROPICAL WEEK': Mar 3rd - 8th

We hope all of our dancers join the fun!

Recital Dates!

Get ready to 'CELEBRATE' at our 2025 year end shows! We are excited to have our dancers join us in celebrating 30 years of dance in Woodbury!

Recitals for preschool through adult classes are the week of May 27th - 31st at East Ridge High School in Woodbury.

See the link below to view the recital schedule for specific dates/times for each class. More information about dress rehearsals the week of May 19th - 22nd will be available soon.

Recital ticket information will be sent out in March/April in our annual recital info packet.



Tots Showcase performances will take place on Sunday, May 18th for all tots classes at our WDC WEST location. See the Tots Showcase schedule linked below.

There will be no dress rehearsal for the tots classes prior to their Showcase performance. Look for more information in the Tots Showcase information packet which will be distributed later this spring.

Tots Showcase & Recital Costumes 
Costumes will be passed out in class after spring break. When your dancer brings their costume(s) home, please have them try it on and let us know immediately if there are any issues. Thank you

Important Dates - Mark your calendars!

Monday, February 17th President's Day - Classes WILL be held

Spring Break - No recreational classes Monday, March 10th through Saturday, March 15th

Picture Week: Individual and class photos will be taken Monday, April 7th – Saturday, April 12th at Woodbury Dance Center. Classes will NOT be held on those dates due to picture scheduling. Class pictures will be scheduled at a time similar to their regular class day/time. The scheduled picture day and time for each class will be distributed in March.

Last days of Classes - Monday, May 12th through Saturday, May 17th

Totally Tots Showcase (Tots classes only) – Sunday, May 18th @ WDC WEST

Dress Rehearsals (Preschool thru Adults) – Monday, May 19th through Thursday, May 22nd

Recitals (Preschool thru Adults) - Tuesday, May 27th - Saturday, May 31st @ ERHS

Summer 2025

Our summer 2025 recreational class and camp schedule will be released in March and will be posted on our website at!

**Current students will have priority registration for Summer camps and classes.

Practice Videos & Recital Music

The Band App will be used again this year to get music and videos out to our students to help with at home practice. We will also use this app to communicate with dancers and parents regarding class material. Full routine videos have been posted for our younger classes. For classes 1st grade & older, instructors will be posting videos of their class choreography/routine(s) periodically.

Please download the app and go to the link below. From there you can join the correct group for your child's class(es). Classes have been grouped together by Recital Routines.


Theme Weeks for February and March:

I Love to Dance Week: Monday, February 10th – Saturday, February 15th. Dancers of ALL ages- wear red, pink or hearts to show your 'Love to Dance' spirit!

Tropical Week: Monday, March 3rd – Saturday, March 8th. Dancers of ALL ages are invited to dress for summer during class this week! We will kick off the week before Spring Break wearing our best tropical attire! Preschoolers and K/1's – Bring a beach towel to stretch on!


Check out the FUN line-up of Camps happening at WDC in February & March.

Dancers will do crafts, play games and of course DANCE!

“Happy Hearts”

Friday, February 14th 9:30-11:00 a.m. 

Ages 3 1/2 to 5

“WDC PJ Party”

Monday, February 17th 9:30-11:00 a.m. Ages 3 1/2 to 5


“Unicorn Magic”

Tuesday, March 11th

9:30-10:30 a.m. Ages 2 to 3

9:30-11:00 a.m. Ages 4 to 7


“Beach Bash”

Wednesday, March 12th

9:30-11:00 a.m. Ages 4 to 7


“Princess Party”

Thursday, March 13th

9:30-10:30 a.m. Ages 2 to 3

9:30-11:00 a.m. Ages 4 to 7


Recreational Hip Hop Shoes: Dancers in recreational classes with Hip Hop will be required to purchase black hi-top converse shoes with white trim for recitals. Other brands may also work as long as they look the same as the Converse brand and do not include any additional colored detailing.

These shoes will not be available through WDC. Dancers will need to purchase them through local retail stores. They are often sold at Famous Footwear, Kohl’s, JC Penney as well as many online retailers.

Shoes will need to be purchased prior to picture week: April 7th-12th, as dancers will need to wear shoes in pictures. Shoes should only be worn for pictures, dress rehearsals and recitals.

New Session Starting Soon!

Do you have a friend/neighbor who is interested in getting

their daughter or son into a class?

Session classes are a great way to try dance!

Session 4:

March 18th - May 2nd

Class options for 18 months - 11 years

More info HERE

We have several area businesses who have stepped up to be Darby's Dancers supporters! Please help us say "Thank You" by using or referring these businesses to others when you can. We will be featuring them each month in the WDC Newsletter and on our Lobby Display Boards.


A big THANK YOU to this month's Darby's Sponsor - Dollar Hobbyz!

Located in the same building as our main location, they are a state-of-the-art

Hobby Store and Race Complex.

You can rent an RC car, race on a private track, and even book a party with options like private track use, car rentals, and a dedicated table for your group.

It's a perfect family-friendly activity!

Buy a leotard and receive 50% off a skirt or dance shorts.

Red and pink leotards and skirts are available in the boutique for “I Love to Dance” week.

Check out our gift items including WDC socks, sweatshirts, t-shirts, hats and more!

“Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another.”