What is BAND?
BAND is a free group communication app. The groups we created are an invite-only group that no one else can join. We’ll be able to communicate privately and share files, forms, and videos and photos for all of our recreational classes.
Even if you don’t have a smartphone, you can access BAND from your PC at https://band.us.
*IMPORTANT: You MUST use the link or QR code below to join the group.
- Smartphone: Scan the QR code below to download the app or click on the link. You will be asked to create an account and will be asked to accept the invite to our BAND group.
- PC: Before going to the website, please be sure to click on the link or copy/paste in the invite link below to your chrome, safari, or other internet browsers. You won’t be able to join the group unless you use this invite link. In case you’ve already created a BAND account, simply click the link or copy & paste the link to your browser.