Dear Friends of The Pony Express,
We are back at last and so grateful to so many for helping our herd come home. It was a moment in time I will never forgot. As the procession of trucks and trailers filled with our beloved herd members eased onto our old driveway at 6413 Sonoma Highway, the culmination of months of hard work combined with the tireless efforts of a team from the town we call home, brought us home. As they say, the heart wants what it wants and many, myself included willed this day to fruition. We are humbled with gratitude to be back to the place we call home, minus the home. This too, shall come with time but first there is much to do.
A new hay barn for our horses is at the top of our priority list. Big horse hugs to Mary Valentine and Jackie & Larry Simons for their generous donations to this much needed project. Also on our wish list is to reopen our ranch and programs so that our horses can reconnect with humans and do what they do best, help us all to be the best version of ourselves possible. I am happy to say that we are well on our way to making this too, come true.
I am excited to share that we are now hosting our Muir Wood Teen Program at The Pony Express. To see our ranch alive with kids and horses again is a much-needed ray of sunshine to the souls of many. Watching humans hugging horses, and horses hugging the earth that they, too call home has us all most grateful to be back in the saddle of our Valley of the Moon community.
The horses are home, but we still have the enormous task of rebuilding the ranch that many others call home. On that note, I would like to encourage everyone to drive our highway and see the shining faces of our fabulous kids smiling back from our fence line, courtesy of creative mastermind Michael Bug Deakin of Heritage Salvage fame and sustainable fortune. Reminiscent of the old Burma Shave signs, ours offer yet another opportunity to make a difference in the future of The Pony Express. We are grateful, hopeful, and most of all thankful to so many for bringing us this far. Please join us on this journey as it has only just begun. Thank you!