Dear Friends:
We are so fortunate to live in Aspen!
Why have so many families rushed to buy or rent real estate here this summer. It is because people want a real QUALITY OF LIFE. We are surrounded by magnificent mountains where we can “get away” for hiking, biking, and great skiing in minutes. And, we can easily walk, bike, or shuttle to town. We have all known this for a long time, but with the surge of a new virus in America and many other areas severely restricting many activities-the contrast is now overwhelming…
Jazz Aspen this year brought back a little “normal” to our usually full music summer with a smaller JAS café series. The performers were so grateful and so were we! (CLICK HERE)
HUGE NEWS!The famous Steadman Clinic from Vail has taken over Aspen Valley Hospital Orthopedic Clinic starting December. (CLICK HERE)
With our first cold front and early first snowfall the day after Labor Day, we are waiting to get the rules and dates for ski season opening!
We will still get a beautiful fall as our temperatures will rise to the 70’s this weekend. That is the joy of living at this altitude. We encourage you to experience the gorgeous golden Aspen leaves at the end of this month!