August-September 2021
Riviera Beach Housing Authority
2021 Outstanding Small Agency
Statewide Recognition

According to the Tallahassee-based Florida Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (FAHRO), which awarded the Authority last week Thursday as its Outstanding Small Agency at its annual conference held this year in Orlando. Board members attended the Conference, along with Executive Director John W. Hurt, and are shown above at the event.

What does the statewide award recognize?

FAHRO Recognizes Our Hard Work, But What is FAHRO?
The Florida Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (FAHRO) focus on what their title says. Its members are, indeed, housing and redevelopment officials across the Sunshine State and their mission is to ensure the creation of affordable and workforce housing by its members. Indeed, FAHRO is committed to ensuring the professional development of its members and their statewide agencies, like the RBHA. To learn more about its work, click here to visit FAHRO's website. And the image in the picture? Our award.
Heron Estates Family Now Renting
The project launched in 2020 and is scheduled to finish in December of this year. The 79 units of workforce-style affordable housing is, indeed, for families. The Heron Estates Senior Property Manager Anthony Poland has been working with Authority Vice Chairwoman Jessica Thurmond on accepting applications from interested families. To learn more--and to apply--call Mr. Poland at 561-346-6644 or send an email here.
For Heron Estate Seniors Residents
News, Events and Useful Information for you!
Cities Continue to Give Back--Including Riviera Beach

As the crazy pandemic continues around the globe, so does the response. And there's lots from cities, especially in Riviera Beach, which has worked hard within City Hall to keep its residents safe—including those at Heron Estates Senior. Indeed, it is continuing its response with more free pandemic vaccine shots all-day Thursdays at the City's main community-response hot spot, Wells Recreation Center across from City Hall. The shots are open to all in Palm Beach County (PBC) as they are provided by the PBC Health Department. And, to see how other cities and other counties around the Sunshine State are responding, click here to visit the Florida Department of Health listings.
Did You Know...

...there are now 17 qualified candidates running for the U.S. Congressional District 20 seat which had been held for nearly 30 years by Rep. Alcee Hastings, who died in April? Yes. The District includes parts of Palm Beach and Broward counties and PBC has eight candidates running for the seat; that’s them in the pictures, above. To learn more about each, click their names, below:

And, to see a map of the District, click here. It includes Heron Estates Senior.
Resident of the Month
The Resident of the Month is a new initiative that we have implemented to celebrate the residents who live in any of our properties. We look forward to continuing this and encouraging all of our residents to always put their best step forward.—Commissioner Alexis Lockhart, project lead
'She's Known for Her Loving Spirit and Smile'
Jessie Dalrymple is a prideful mother of 10, grandmother of 20 and great-grandmother of 8. She raised all of her children here, in Riviera Beach, with some of those years spent in the former Ivey Green Village, now known as Heron Estates. As a retiree, she returned to live in Heron Estates Senior in 2019. "She is a caring neighbor and friend," said Carol Delk, a Heron Estates Senior resident. "When I need help, she's always someone I can depend on." Ms. Dalrymple also gives her neighbors rides to the store and sometimes picks up items for them. She often checks in on the older Senior residents. "She's known for her loving spirit," said Vice Chairwoman Thurmond, "and smile."
About the RBHA
Board of Commissioners