Deep Gratitude for Unwavering Solidarity

“Solidarity is not a static state but a dynamic process, built and rebuilt over time through relationships, struggle, and a shared commitment to justice.”

~Hunt & Tylor, 2024

By Somava Saha, WE in the World

In these turbulent times, many people in our network and communities have reached out to have a conversation about how they feel, what they see, how they sit. In each conversation, I have tried to listen, to understand how they see the world, to add the pieces of the puzzle that others have shared with me, and to share what I know. Together, we are beginning to piece together what it might look like to secure the well-being of our nation in this turbulent time. Together, we are finding we have many more assets, more cause for hope, than I ever imagined. But only if we’re willing to show up for one another.

Today, I am at Facing Race with Race Forward.  A powerful and brilliant artist I met when we held the last WE WIN Together gathering in St. Louis was here.  She was fully, completely herself.  In a moment when she had to cover for a technical hitch, she broke out into a powerful poem–one of the highlights of the evening.  A South Asian musician and a Black poet did a piece together.  Indigenous poetry and the songs and art of many people are on the walls.  It is a profound celebration of joy and liberation. Perhaps what we need more than anything is to remember the joy and power of being together.

WE RISE and WIN Together.  This idea will be tested in the days and months ahead. We are inviting all of you into a series of conversations about solidarity and sensemaking over the next month.  Tell us what you are seeing, what you are feeling, what you are afraid of, what you dream of.  Then let's figure out together how we get there.

Honoring the Past to Chart a Path to the Future

Grab your copy of the newly released Handbook on Religion and Health: Pathways for a Turbulent Future

Change Maker Spotlight

By Uili

The mission of the Better Ancestor movement is shared by many, but the path we take is deeply personal. The unique meanings each of us attach to this journey not only make it powerful but also inspire both those who walk this path and those who are just beginning to find their way. Hear what this journey means for Uili.

Join us . Using our easy-to-use Storyvine app, tell us the story of what being a better ancestor means to you! Follow the WE LinkedIn and Instagram and contribute to the Better Ancestor stories we’re collecting.

#ChangemakerSpotlight #WE4Equity #WEWINTogether #Equity #Change #realchange #betterancestor #ARISE

Join The Conversation

Share Your Voice with Changemakers!

December 10, 2-3:30PM ET

December 11th 11am-12:30PM ET

  • Catch us up on how you feel about the better ancestor work/vision in your community post-election. What does it mean?

Better Ancestor Read

Top picks

Solidarity in the face of toxicity - Farmers in Fukushima have taken matters into their own hands to combat industrial pollution. The safety in their numbers is making the world better.

How Academy Health brought people together to build equity while setting research priorities 

It’s easier to do sustainability work through a lens of righting our ancestors' wrongs. Would it be different if we considered how future generations will see us?

Justice Squared Application Portal Now Open- Have You Registered Your Teams Yet?

Save yourself the anxiety of last-minute rush. Apply Now.

JUSTICE SQUARED will equip up to 12 teams of five core healthcare and community leaders with $300,000 ($400,000 for safety-net institutions) in funding over two years. Visit the Justice Squared Website to find out the bundle of benefits for your team. Register your team and apply before January 15.

If you need help with how to go about your application, we have office hours coming up between December 2-5 and a deep-dive for the sponsor role registration. Do not miss out.

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Equity Resources

Introducing In Solidarity: Connecting Power, Place and Health

Promote Economic Solidarity

Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Human Rights System

In Common Newsletter: In Solidarity With Maui

Browse More Resources

Upcoming Events

04 Dec -2024 Elections Summit

Dec 04, 2024, 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM EDT

04 Dec -A revolution on canvas

Dec 04, 2024, 02:00 AM - 07:00 PM EDT

05 Dec - Faith-Based Development Initiative Summit

Dec 05, 2024, 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM EDT

10 Dec - WE WIN Together Peer Exchange – Celebrating a Year of Joy & Justice Together

Dec 10, 2024, 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EDT

View & Submit More Upcoming Events

Leonard-Litz LGBTQ Foundation: LGBTQ+ Community Grants (New Hampshire)

Type: Foundation

Due Date: Rolling

Match Required: No Cost Share

Overview: The purpose of this program is to help LGBTQ+ people fulfill their potential by funding nonprofit organizations that advance the interests and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community through advocacy and with programs and services that meet the needs of LGBTQ+ people. Funding will be provided for life-affirming services that address one or more of the following focus areas:

  • Health and wellness
  • Crisis intervention
  • Racial justice
  • Advocacy and community engagement
  • Social assistance and programming

Huntington National Bank: Charitable Grant Program (Wisconsin)

Type: Foundation

Due Date: Rolling

Match Required: No Cost Share

Overview: The purpose of this program is to contribute to the development of healthy, vibrant communities. Funding will support projects that improve self-sufficiency and quality of life, as well as advance social and economic equality, in communities served by the funding agency.

Support will be provided for projects in the following focus areas:

  • Community revitalization and stabilization 
  • Community services 
  • Affordable housing 
  • Economic and community development 
  • Racial/social equity
More Funding Opportunities

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