Gaming in Crisis: The Path Back

The Innovation Group, Regulatory Management Counselors, and Global Gaming Business Magazine, have combined their gaming industry expertise and perspective to present a webinar series designed to help gaming companies--operators, manufacturers and suppliers--executives, employees, investors, and customers navigate the "new normal" as the world struggles through and emerges from the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Throughout this period, the Gaming in Crisis webinars will analyze and chart the recovery path for each segment of the industry. Guests -including a diverse range of experts - and our own professionals will examine and identify impacts, mitigation measures, and best practices in their respective fields for making it through and moving forward. The webinars are free and open to all participants of the industry simply by registering to attend.
WEBINAR 6: Thursday, June 11, 2020 | 2:00 p.m. ET / 11:00 a.m. PT
Reopening Realities: Cautious Celebration & Planning for the Future
Now that many of the American casinos have reopened or have dates for reopening, it's time to get a reality check. While some local and tribal casinos have experienced great business and long lines, questions still remain about the long-term recovery and the related tourism amenities that often drive a casino resort.
At this session, operators who already have reopened explain how they prepared and what they experienced, along with how they plan to retain and build new business going forward. 

  • Robert RussellGaming Analyst, Regulatory Management Counselors, PC
  • Mark Birtha, President, Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Sacramento at Fire Mountain
  • Kathy George, Chief Executive Officer, FireKeepers Casino Hotel
  • Luann Pappas, Chief Executive Officer, Scarlet Pearl Casino Resort
Additional webinars to be announced.
Please contact Allison McCoy with any questions.
Click here for a recording of WEBINAR 5: Design Changes: What Will a Casino Resort Look Like in the Wake of Covid-19?
The Innovation Group has long been recognized as the world's most respected and sought-after research and advisory firm, specializing in the gaming, entertainment, hospitality and leisure industries. To date, our research and analyses have driven over $100 billion in investment decisions across more than 80 countries and six continents. The Innovation Group's accuracy and reliability is unparalleled, with our forecasts historically tracking within 5% of actual revenues across the most complex of gaming jurisdictions throughout the globe. 

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Regulatory Management Counselors, P.C. (RMC) is a professional corporation made up of legal, business, governmental and public relations professionals able to service the diverse needs of clients working in the casino gaming industry, as well as other heavily regulated industries. RMC has decades of professional experience servicing the legal and regulatory needs of individuals, businesses and non-profit corporations.
GGB magazine is the gaming industry's most comprehensive trade publication. Our multimedia presence is unsurpassed, with more than 30,000 monthly readers across multiple platforms, and a readership that includes executives, policymakers, regulators, attorneys and N ative American governments.  For the voice of the international gaming industry, look to GGB, a division of Casino Connection International, LLC. Affiliated publications include  GGB News, Tribal Government Gaming, Casino Style, G2E Preview, iGamingPlayer and Casino Connection.

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