Psalm 141:3 in the NKJV says, “Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.”
Our mouth (word) is the most unruly member of our body. It has the ability to speak life or death. We need help to always speak the good words of life, love, compassion, gentleness, and kindness.
Psalm 141:3 is a plea to God to help us control our tongue in a righteous manner. The Holy Spirit is our helper and our guide in doing it. We must always be conscious of the right things to say and do; we must listen to the Holy Spirit in the consciousness of our thoughts. The Holy Spirit is the guard for our lips, and for whatever we think and speak.
Philippians 4:8 tells us to think on “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, …just…pure…lovely…of good report…think on these things.” The things which we think upon are the same things that eventually will come out of our mouth.
So, how do we set that guard over the door (entry/exit) of our lips?
1. By knowing the word of God.
2. By following the Holy Spirit’s unction
3. By exercising self-control.
Self-control is the tricky part. We sometimes allow our emotions or reasoning to override us. Then we speak or act in a less than righteous manner. When we come to that situation, it would be wise to ask yourself in your mind, “What would Jesus say or do?” If he would not likely say it or do it, then neither should you say it or do it. That would be setting guard over your mouth or your deeds. This would be an exercise of wisdom.