NOVEMBER 20, 2024

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We pray that this newsletter and its contents that we share will help you on your daily journey with Christ, causing you to grow in the ways of the Lord.

The giftings of the fivefold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) should have one purpose, and that is the teaching and equipping of the saints until we come into unity. This is why we teach so that you can grow stronger in your faith until unity comes in the body of Christ.

Take what you have learned and share it with others so that we can further the kingdom for Jesus Christ.

Russell and Helen Sanders

Spirit of Life Ministries International, Inc.

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"Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law!

Ephesians 3:20-21 KJV

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Moses must have had a lot of patience to put up with hundreds of thousands of Hebrews often complaining and accusing him of trying to kill them (Exodus 16:3). They were now in the wilderness for two months. They had used up all the food they brought from Egypt and were hungry. They complained of death by starvation.

God told Moses how he would provide bread and meat. That evening (Ex. 16:13) quails covered the ground in the camp for their meat. The next morning manna covered the ground for their bread. Their food was now miraculously provided for the next forty years.

God had demonstrated His provision for them. Did this mean they would now trust Him for all their needs? Not at all!

They journeyed again and pitched camp at Rephidim (Exodus 17:1-ff). There was no water there to drink. Once again, the people complained to Moses and accused him of trying to kill them and their herds with thirst. In their eyes it was always Moses’ fault. They still did not factor God into the equation.

The location of Rephidim was near Mount Horeb (Sinai). God told Moses to take with him the elders of the tribes to Horeb. There he was to strike the rock of Horeb with his rod. When Moses struck the rock with his rod, water came out that was sufficient to take care of their needs. This was the second of the three “water miracles” God provided.

What about us? Do we truly trust God to meet our needs? Do we worry or fret about things? God consistently supplied Israel’s needs during their forty years wandering as nomads in a vast wilderness despite their frequent unbelief and murmurings.  

They did not have a relationship with God like we do. Our covenant is a better covenant than they had, which is sealed with the blood of Yeshuah (Jesus). Philippians 4:19 says, “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” If you have a need, ask Him for it, then believe His word. In John 14:14 Jesus said, “If ye ask anything (of the Father) in my name, I will do it.”

Stand firm upon his promises.

To read more of Russell's Daily Messages

click here

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David had been running from Saul for a long time and joined alliance with King Achish who was one of the Philistine kings. Now, the Philistines were the enemies of Israel, and they were ready to go into battle against Saul and his army.  

David had sought refuge among the enemies of Israel along with six hundred of his men. They lived in Ziklag, which was in the land of the Philistines, but King Achish had allowed him and his followers to stay there. They had a mutual respect for each other.

When several Philistine Kings were determined to go to war against Saul, they told King Achish that David could not go with him, because they feared he would join Saul and defeat them. Achish sent David back to Ziklag to spare his life.  

While David and his followers were gone from Ziklag with King Achish, the Amalekites invaded Ziklag and captured David’s wives, and the wives of his followers. They also took everyone’s children captive. Upon returning to Ziklag David found the city burned and their families gone. His followers spoke of stoning David, and he became greatly distressed.

David knew where his strength came from and in 1 Samuel 30:6 it says, “…but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” He then sought a priest and enquired of the Lord as to what to do. Should they pursue the Amalekites or not was his question. God showed him that they were to pursue them, and they would recover all. And that is just what happened.

There will be times in our lives that even when we try to do things right and things do not work out, those that have been with us will turn against us, like they were about to do with David. When this happens, we must remember, like David, that God has a plan for us. No matter what the circumstances may be in our lives, we need to seek God. David held no revenge for the followers that wanted to stone him. They were grieving over their loss and did not know who to blame, and the leader often becomes the brunt of the anger. David followed God’s plan and recovered his family, and their families were also recovered. 1 Samuel 30:19 Says, “...David recovered all.”

When we trust God in our hardest circumstances, we can be sure that He will have a plan that turns our lives from being a victim to being victorious.

To read more of Helen's Daily messages click here

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The sloth is an excellent swimmer. How long can it hold its breath?
10 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
40 minutes
I honestly do not know the answer



What animal can roll up into a ball?

The Correct answer is:

What animal can roll up into a ball?

The Correct answer is:

The Armadillo

Of those that responded

100% answered correctly with:

The Armadillo

These polls/quizzes are only for fun. They are not documented. Answers must be in by 4:00 p.m. to be included in the results.


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No one in the body of Christ knows it all. It corporately takes all of us to bring completeness to the body. In order to do this there must not be any factions between the members. We should always seek love as our motive in church and out of church. We must remember that we are each called to be servants. Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, and He is God in the flesh. We must remain humble and loving and always be ambassadors that reflect God's love even in difficult situations. If we all do this, the world will see that there is something they want and need.



Just know that God’s about to open up some spiritual eyes; And when He does a few of you will be totally shocked. However, it is only then that you’ll see the real truth of just who is FOR you and who has your back. Oh, but you will also see the fakers and the takers who are totally AGAINST you; And they have actually been stabbing you in the back...Behind your back...And yes, they’ve been doing so...All the while. Now don’t you fret about that...For this had to happen; So that you could clearly see the whole truth of the matter. Just know that our faithful Father God allowed it to happen; And for the sole purpose of enabling you to successfully handle what you’re now facing. Yes, it took all of this so that you could move on and go forward into all God has for you. You may need to make note that it’s gonna be your true friends who’ll have your back; And it will be without all the weight of those phony friends...Who were always trying to get you off track...Just so they could hold you back.




Thought For Today

We don’t talk about this much cause if we were honest; we don’t want it to happen to us. But the truth of the matter is everyone, at some time in their walk with Jesus will suffer persecution. Paul talks about it in Timothy. But if we follow Paul in the New Testament, his life was one trial after another.

“Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil people and impostors will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived.”

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

So how do we walk through persecution? Know your scripture. You can lean on it when trouble comes. It will build your faith. Be with other likeminded Christians because we were never intended to go through life alone. Pray without ceasing.

“The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in Him.”

‭‭Nahum‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“Praise the Lord! For He has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭28‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Universe! HCC




The Span of the Universe is in his hands. What an

Awesome God we serve! Our minds can’t take it

All in. Our minds so small to see this miracle, Jesus!

He put it all here as we look up, as are thoughts try

To get it, To get the miracles before our eyes.

Enjoy your view of nature, with the love that put it

Here. Smell the trees, the grass, feel the Sun,

Share the Moon’s glow, with the one and only God.

And speak to others as you say,

“How Great is our God.”

To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here


For those of you that believe taking the jab or the flu vax is against your personal Christian convictions: We can provide an exemption.

Email us your physical address so we have it on file and we will mail it to you signed and with our corporate ministry seal.


Which of Jesus's disciples had been a tax collector
I honestly do not know the answer


What disciple's mother-in-law was ill and Jesus healed her?

The correct answer is:


Of those that answered:

66.7% answered correctly with:


33.3% answered incorrectly with:


These bible challenges are for fun. They are not documented. Answers must be in by 4:00 p.m. to be included in the results

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404 sunbird Square, Sebring, FL 33872

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