David had been running from Saul for a long time and joined alliance with King Achish who was one of the Philistine kings. Now, the Philistines were the enemies of Israel, and they were ready to go into battle against Saul and his army.
David had sought refuge among the enemies of Israel along with six hundred of his men. They lived in Ziklag, which was in the land of the Philistines, but King Achish had allowed him and his followers to stay there. They had a mutual respect for each other.
When several Philistine Kings were determined to go to war against Saul, they told King Achish that David could not go with him, because they feared he would join Saul and defeat them. Achish sent David back to Ziklag to spare his life.
While David and his followers were gone from Ziklag with King Achish, the Amalekites invaded Ziklag and captured David’s wives, and the wives of his followers. They also took everyone’s children captive. Upon returning to Ziklag David found the city burned and their families gone. His followers spoke of stoning David, and he became greatly distressed.
David knew where his strength came from and in 1 Samuel 30:6 it says, “…but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” He then sought a priest and enquired of the Lord as to what to do. Should they pursue the Amalekites or not was his question. God showed him that they were to pursue them, and they would recover all. And that is just what happened.
There will be times in our lives that even when we try to do things right and things do not work out, those that have been with us will turn against us, like they were about to do with David. When this happens, we must remember, like David, that God has a plan for us. No matter what the circumstances may be in our lives, we need to seek God. David held no revenge for the followers that wanted to stone him. They were grieving over their loss and did not know who to blame, and the leader often becomes the brunt of the anger. David followed God’s plan and recovered his family, and their families were also recovered. 1 Samuel 30:19 Says, “...David recovered all.”
When we trust God in our hardest circumstances, we can be sure that He will have a plan that turns our lives from being a victim to being victorious.