NOVEMBER 27, 2024

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We pray that this newsletter and its contents that we share will help you on your daily journey with Christ, causing you to grow in the ways of the Lord.

The giftings of the fivefold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) should have one purpose, and that is the teaching and equipping of the saints until we come into unity. This is why we teach so that you can grow stronger in your faith until unity comes in the body of Christ.

Take what you have learned and share it with others so that we can further the kingdom for Jesus Christ.

Russell and Helen Sanders

Spirit of Life Ministries International, Inc.

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"And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar [grey] hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you."

Isaiah 46:4 KJV





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After Moses interceded for the people, he moved the tabernacle away from the camp. Anyone who wanted to go there had to leave the camp to get there.

There soon came a day when Moses took that short journey out to the tabernacle. Everyone watched him from the door of the sukkot (hut). As he entered, the glory cloud descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle. The LORD then talked person to person with Moses. Joshua was in attendance. When Moses left, Joshua remained there to bask in God’s presence.

Moses asked God to show him His glory. (Exodus 33:18.) God promised to do that and did it later up on the mountain. God then told Moses to hew two stone tablets out of raw uncut stone. God had made the first two tablets that Moses smashed in his anger. Now Moses would have to cut and chisel these two himself. Once finished, he took these with him up on to Mount Sinai for another 40-day visit with God.

Once on the mountain, God showed Moses His glory. As instructed, Moses hid himself in the cleft (opening, breach) of the mountain’s rock. God passed by not showing his face to Moses. He only saw his back side. Moses would have been struck dead if he were to have seen God’s face. No man on earth can bear the fullness of God’s glory and live. In fact, they never actually see God’s glory. They only see or sense it by a cloudy mist or a sweet fragrance. Moses was privileged to see God’s glory because he walked so close to God.

After this, God again wrote His commandments on the stone tablets just as He had done the first time. He then gave a lot more instructions to Moses as to what the people should do. The glory of God had so touched Moses that when he came down from Sinai his face shone so brightly that it frightened them, and he had to wear a veil to cover his face. (Ex. 34:29-30.)

The glory of Father God (Yahh) is beyond anything we can see or imagine. It is the manifestation of absolute pure holiness. We can only see manifested evidence of it. However, His glory may rest over the heads of His special servants whom he has called. That glory brings blessing to the servant beyond anything that servant could have accomplished on his/her own.

His glory cannot literally be on us or in us in our earthly bodies, else we would be struck dead. Paul saw the glory of God and he became blind. Steven, while dying from being stoned, saw the glory of God in the heavens. Neither had the glory on them, but it was seen by them. The glory can be over us or around us and can go where we go. We should pray that God’s glory goes with us that others may sense God’s presence and be drawn to God.

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The book of Hebrews is attributed to the Apostle Paul. Paul was a brilliant orator and spokesman when it came to the Jewish traditions, law, and scriptures. He was a Pharisee and had insight into the religious leadership like none of the other writers in scripture. He loved his heritage and longed for them to come to the knowledge of truth through receiving their long- awaited Messiah, Jesus Christ.

In Hebrews he addresses many things and in chapter 5 he compares the priesthood of Melchisedec with the priesthood of Jesus Christ. The Jews understood who Melchisedec was because their “father” Abraham had given tithes to him after saving his nephew Lot and defeating Lot’s enemies. There was much spoil taken from the enemy. Abraham gave tithes to Melchisedec of all that was taken. In chapter 7:3 Melchisedec, the king of Salem “without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.” Melchisedec was more than likely the preincarnate Christ. They could not understand this.

Back to chapter 4 it says in verse 11, “Of whom (speaking of Jesus Christ) we have many things to say and hard to be uttered (expressed) seeing ye are dull of hearing.” He is telling the Hebrews that they just didn’t get it. They were slow to understand what he was saying. They were looking for a Messiah that would set up a political kingdom in their day, but Jesus first came as a suffering servant (vs. 8). They couldn’t comprehend that Messiah had to suffer for sin. They were looking for a political leader, not a spiritual savior.

Many times, we are looking for things in the wrong way also. We think all the political things going on are one party or the other party’s fault, but the real fault of all the chaos is that the church has become “dull of hearing” also. They are focusing on things of the political realm while letting the spiritual realm decay. The Lord has never changed the reason for his coming to earth. He came to seek and save those which are lost. Are we dull of hearing to our true assignment? Is the leadership in the church complacent about equipping the saints with the Word of God to get them out into the field, instead of entertaining and focusing on things that truly draw us away from our purpose?

Just like the Jews of old, we need to get our ears cleaned out and receive the word for the hour. It is repentance. It is what is needed to be heard to prepare the way of the Lord. Just as it was the message in the hour that Jesus came the first time through John the Baptist, it must also be our message today to bring the church to its readiness for our soon coming bridegroom. Let’s not be dull of hearing. Let us not be complacent with our assignment, which is still the same as it was, “go Ye into all the world and preach the gospel…” [Mark 16:15]. Let us be about our Father’s business while we have the freedom to do so. Again, I say, let us not be dull of hearing.

To read more of Helen's Daily messages click here

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What shark eats veggies and has over 4,000 teeth?
The Great White Shark
The Great Hammerhead Shark
The Whale Shark
The Blacktip Reef Shark
I honestly do not know the answer



What animal can swivel its head in almost a full circle?

The Correct answer is:

The Owl

Of those that responded

100% answered correctly with:

The Owl

These polls/quizzes are only for fun. They are not documented. Answers must be in by 4:00 p.m. to be included in the results.


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Do not be surprised as things change rapidly. For what you thought was secure will not be secure any longer. I am bringing such a shaking that even the roots of many things shall be pulled out. For I am a Holy God, and I desire holiness within my children. Many have been riding the fence with one foot on the world’s side and the other on the kingdom of God’s side. You must make a choice my children to not dangle with the world. Yes, you go into the world to bring them out of darkness, but you do not stay in the world. You must shake those things loose that are displeasing to me and allow me to bring you into total submission of my will. For the days ahead will be so filled with darkness that you must not allow any of that darkness to be in you. Your enemy will certainly use any tactic against you, and has been coming before my throne already, desiring to sift you as he desired to sift Peter. Oh, my child, let go of those things of hidden darkness and turn to me with your whole heart. As I said, the shaking will be more intense than ever. Those that submit to this shaking will come forth in such a way that they will reflect my light and glory. Those that do not will be severely tested, and some may lose their life because they could not let go of the things of the world. For in this hour, I am bringing about a great separation. You cannot say that it is the enemy doing this, for it is your God that is doing the shaking. Spend time in the secret place and know that in that place lies the answer to every question that you have. Let go of all bitterness and anger my child, for it does not reflect the light. It reflects darkness. Be the one that lives a lifestyle of repentance for those truly are my children. Let things go and do not harbor any resentment or unforgiveness. I long for you to be free of these things my child, but you must be willing to go through the fiery trials that will bring your freedom to pass. Now, do not think that the shaking is because of any hatred toward you, for I love you with an everlasting love that will never fail. Be prepared and know that I will be with you as you go through this shaking saith the Lord.



Just know the enemy who’s been known by many folks to be a dirty ole devil can and he will IF you allow him to…Aggravate, agitate, irritate and manipulate. In fact, he’s even been caught trying to duplicate people and things along his journey of deception and destruction. However, of this you can be certain; That devil cannot ever germinate, activate...Nor can he terminate who or what God has generated, cultivated, elevated, appointed and anointed for His glory. So be encouraged and get yourself on up and get to moving; For your destiny is calling your name and it’s time to respond to your faithful Father God by saying..”Yes, my Lord I hear you and I’m set on ready to receive ALL that you have destined for me”. Oh, and by the way; God dreams really do come true…You can read how Joseph experienced that in the 37th chapter of Genesis.



Wednesday Thought ForToday

Do you have aught against any family members? anyone? Are you holding a grudge? Do you refuse to look at that person when you see them because you are “put out” with them? Do you feel like you were slighted in some way?

It is not alright with God if we do not make amends with each other. We have no guarantee of tomorrow. So hasten to reconcile with one another.

“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Father, you know my heart. I struggle to forgive. I struggle to let go of things I have already brought to you. And I also have a really hard time forgiving myself. So Lord I chose to forgive _____, _____, _____. And I chose to forgive myself. Thank you for forgiving me. Amen

Repeat as needed!

 Twinkling of Lights! HCC


The stars, so far they are.

Twinkling lights of Heaven,

And God knows each name.

Lay down and look up and see,

Millions of lights on this galaxy.

How beautiful this gift to me.

My mind can’t comprehend this miracle I see.

These twinkling lights of Heaven,

And yes, there are falling stars.

They shoot here and there for us to see.

Oh, dear God, how much you must love me.

To give me the beauty of stars.

The stars disappear in the morning.

But back they come as the sun moves along.

Take a moment and see

What our creator made for you and me.

Enjoy the stars in that blue Heaven.

The stars of love, just watch and see.

To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here


For those of you that believe taking the jab or the flu vax is against your personal Christian convictions: We can provide an exemption.

Email us your physical address so we have it on file and we will mail it to you signed and with our corporate ministry seal.


What man, called to be an apostle had been a Pharisee before his conversion?
The Apostle John
The Apostle Paul
The Apostle Aquilla
The Apostle Peter
I honestly do not know the answer


What road was Saul, later called Paul, on when he met Jesus Christ and was transformed?

The correct answer is:

The Road to Damascus

Of those that answered:

100% answered correctly with:

The Road to Damascus

These bible challenges are for fun. They are not documented. Answers must be in by 4:00 p.m. to be included in the results

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