"But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake"
Acts 9:15-16 KJV
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The giftings of the fivefold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) should have one purpose, and that is the teaching and equipping of the saints until we come into unity. This is why we teach so that you can grow stronger in your faith until unity comes in the body of Christ.
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Our children's book:
"Trail to Trouble"
A great gift for any child. it teaches them to
listen and obey
click here to purchase
includes shipping in the US
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For those of you that believe taking the jab or the flu vax is against your personal Christian convictions: We can provide an exemption.
Email us your physical address so we have it on file and we will mail it to you signed and with our corporate ministry seal.
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We know that David was a great king over Israel. He loved God with all his heart and soul. But he was somewhat of a poor father to his children.
Why do I say this? It is because he refused to discipline his sons in their wrongdoings, and this caused major problems both in his family and in the kingdom.
If you have genuine love for your children, you will correct and discipline them when they do wrong. When David’s son, Ammon, raped his half-sister, Tamar, [David’s daughter by another mother], David did nothing. This infuriated David’s beloved son, Absalom, who was Tamar’s brother. Consequently, Absalom turned against his father in rebellion. He sought to set himself up as the chief advisor and judge for the kingdom. He acquired an army of men that were loyal to him. David did nothing about this either. In a military-like rebellion, Absalom attempted to wrest the kingdom from David. God did not allow him to succeed, and Absalom died in the effort.
David did not appear upset with Absalom’s actions or rebellion. The only thing that upset him was Absalom’s death. David mourned his death very grievously. All of this could have been avoided if David had disciplined Ammon for his sin, and disciplined Absalom for his attempts to steal the kingdom.
Because David loved Absalom so much, he allowed him to get away with his sin. But that is not what real love does. David treated Absalom according to his personal feelings of emotion, rather than what was right or wrong.
Do not let your emotions determine your reactions. They may cause problems far worse than you can realize.
To read more of Russell's Daily Messages
click here
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Throughout the bible we see the amazing stories of how He puts someone to the test, and then does a miraculous intervention.
Take Goliath. Here was a giant that had intimidated the ENTIRE Jewish army. Day after day he stands on a mountain threatening Israel and King Saul. Then, one young boy with a sling and a few stones does a daring thing and the giant falls dead. In the natural it would seem impossible, but David was anointed to kill giants!
Then there is Moses. Here is a stuttering 80-year-old man called back to a land that he ran from. Not only did he lead the Hebrews out of Egypt, but through him many miracles happened. The parting of the Red Sea was one that brought deliverance to the Hebrews, but destruction to the Egyptians.
Then there is Gideon. The least of the least of his family was called to be a warrior. Many followed him, at least 30,000. The enemy had many more, but God cut Gideon's number down to 300. Only 300? Yes, because only God would get the glory for winning the battle.
Then there is Saul. A killer of those of “the way” (Christians). He had a plan to destroy them all, but God had another plan. When Saul met Jesus on the Road to Damascus, his life was totally changed! One encounter with God made the difference. He became the writer of most of the New Testament. From killer to a child of the king.
So, you are wondering what God can do for and through you? He can work a miracle for you just like these saints of old, if you are willing to let him. What? Willing? Yes, willing. This means you trust that if God has an impossible plan for you that He will make a way for it to come to pass.
God specializes in the impossible!
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To Learn what it means
to be born again CLICK HERE
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The Correct answer is:
The Cheetah
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We want to introduce to you our friends Stephen and April Robbins. They have developed a wonderful coffee product. If you ask Russell how good it is he will rate it with five stars.
Check out their website, and support this Christian company. We know you will enjoy their products! Use Discount code "Family 25" and receive 25% off your order. Tell them we sent you!
click here to go to their web site.
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to see some of the prophetic words that have been given through this ministry.
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This Word came forth over ten years ago, but someone needs to be reminded that God is doing this for you now. It ist still a NOW word! Receive
Prophetic Word
As given to Helen Sanders
May 11, 2014
There is a shift, there is a shift saith the Lord. For you have been in low gear, and some in reverse, but I say to you this day that you are going into high gear, and will accomplish those things that I have purposed for you. The enemy has tried to hold you back, but I am restraining him from holding you back. Today there is a shift, a shift in the spiritual atmosphere that will bring forth change suddenly. You shall see the most amazing things that you have only dreamed of. They shall happen and they shall happen quickly. You will see the desires of your heart manifested, for you have delighted yourself in me. Yes, there is a great move of the enemy coming to bring deception and darkness, but I say to you this day that those things will fade in your life as you rise up in this new anointing and take my sword of the spirit and do battle. You are more than a conqueror, and you will go forth and do great and mighty exploits. You shall wield that sword, and the head of the enemy shall topple around you. You have been chosen for such a time as this, so think it not strange that this is YOUR hour saith the Lord. Yes, you will lift up my name and many shall come to know me. I am equipping you, and I am refining you to be all that I have called you to be. The shift is here. Go forth now in my power and my might and you shall see much fruit saith the Lord.
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Most everyone you meet has read about or at least they’ve heard of the amazing promise God gave us in Exodus 33:14. I don’t know about you but as for myself; There’s nothing quite like the REST, PEACE, PROTECTION and the GUIDANCE that only God can bring into our lives. Therefore, if you’ve not done so already; Just go ahead and purpose in your heart that you’ll daily…Set aside the time to come into God’s PRESENCE and WAIT to HEAR HIS VOICE. Just remember that being in the Presence of God and hearing His voice; Will bring to you clear directions for the present time…And for what still lies ahead. So while you’re waiting and praying; Just know that you have taken sufficient time for YOURSELF to REST in the PEACE that only God’s PRESENCE can bring.
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Wednesday Thought For Today
There are times when the answer is right in front of us but we don’t see what You see and what You are trying to show us. But then I hear You say, “Look again.” Because when we are seeking an answer, You are saying, “Look again.”
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Matthew 7:7-8 NLT
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A Gift! HCC
A gift of God, to care for feet. Remember Jesus
Who washed the Disciples’ feet?
What love, what humbleness, to sit low,
On the ground and care for the feet of others.
To soak, to wash and trim, to make feet look
Clean and new again. A Heart of Gold,
You have to care for feet. For God has told you
What to do. This gift he’s given, just for you.
To the many you help for thee. You help,
And care for the Hearts of people,
As you lovingly wash their feet!
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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Send your check or money order to:
Spirit of Life Ministries International
404 sunbird Square, Sebring, FL 33872
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