As we study the parable of the ten virgins, we see that they were all expecting the bridegroom to come. Five were totally prepared and five were foolish because they had not prepared. I see this parable as the condition of the church in this season.
I have been to many meetings, churches, church conferences and online services, and only a remnant is speaking about preparation. Many think that we are going to be miraculously swept into heaven without any tribulation. What if they are wrong? What if we go through the great tribulation? Are you prepared for those hard times?
We should always be in a state of preparation. We should always be ready for hard times. We should always be ready to help those that have not prepared, but there will come a time when it is too late for those that have not prepared.
Like the five foolish virgins, when they awoke from their slumber and heard in Matthew 25:6 “And at midnight there was a cry made, ‘Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.’”
They had no oil in their lamps. It was too late to buy oil, and when they tried to get into the marriage it says in Matthew 25:10b, “…the door was shut.” It was too late. Preparation should have taken place long before the bridegroom came.
How do you prepare? The most important preparation is to be born again. Then, stay in an attitude of prayer, always listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit as to what God requires of you. You must continuously study the word of God. The Word of God is the oil in your lamp. Be a witness to those that are lost. Then store up some necessary items to survive, so you can last until the day the Lord comes back whether it is before, in the middle, or after the great tribulation. Water, food, medicine, basic needs, etc.
Don’t be found without the oil in your lamps. If you haven’t prepared for what is coming, do it now. Ask the Lord to forgive you, and then stay ready.