I had dinner tonight with a friend I worked with at the DA's office the last time I lived in Kansas. It was wonderful catching up as if we were never apart.
What it takes to get into Heaven was one of our discussions. Wow, hit me with a big one. Seeking. Loving Him. Forgiving those who hurt us deeply while at this stage of life still protecting ourselves -- was some of our discussion.
It is 2 o'clock in the morning. I am up writing you about finding God's nuggets. Growing up in Colorado, I have panned for gold, gone down into caves, climbed 14,000 foot peaks looking for precious rocks, and the perfect pine cone. I have walked into the aspen trees, linked together under ground, on THE DAY! There is one day of the year, when they are perfect, clapping their hands to God with their gold coin-like leaves on stunning white bark. What a site and sound to behold.
Photographers worldwide drive up and down the mountaims looking for the perfect place set up their expensive camer equipment. But we know exactly where to be on that day. The feeling is like walking into a different world. Needless to say, I am a born God nugget seeking digger. My motto has been, "I want to learn something new about God by doing my own digging, each day until I take my last breath."
So I seek Him. I think this thrills Him because He points me in directions I never saw before. Like one time He said, "Two Gardens. Eden and Gethsemane. Hmm. I pictured the man in G. garden who got his linen cloth torn off and ran out naked. In Eden, they were naked and had to clothe themselves. Then it went to Peter cutting off an ear and Jesus replacing it perfectly. "He that has an ear, let him hear." In Eden, Eve listened to the serpant. In G, people wanted to hear Jesus, but He stayed silent.
Then the curse was food harvested by thorns and thistles. Jesus was pounded a crown of thorns on His head to die. Blood on the rock, blood in the mud, and blood down His body. Then Peter, John and James fell asleep, and all of mankind fell after Eden. In Eden, the trees were to be taken care of by Adam. After G. Jesus carried His own tree to be killed on, then handed it off to a man just traveling through.
Cain killed Abel and buried him in the ground. Jesus borrowed a grave in the rocks. One body was hidden, One was watched intently.
I have sat and seen the lamb turn into a lion and back into a lamb again. These are nuggets I carry in my bag with many, many others that I have sought diligently not wanting to miss a thing. I believe every Word in the Old and New Testament is hidden to the unseeker, but exposed to those who are always on a true nugget hunt. I want to hunt myself, probably alone, and I get little from people or Hollywood depictions of this whole, almost unbelievable, myriad of things to be found in God's Word.
Like God said of David: "A man after my own heart," I want to seek His heart and His nuggets until I can't, because I know this: He is always searching mine. Heaven? A pure heart and clean hands. Seeking Him. Now I will see if I can sleep.
Love, Mary Weaver