Weekly Notices

Friday, February 20, 2015


SAR Launches SpokaneOpen.com 2.0  


Your SAR is pleased to announce the launch of SpokaneOpen.com version 2.0!

Try it now - click on the logo above.

This is a complete update of the members-only open house marketing tool designed in-house by your SAR IT team.  The new site uses up-to-date web design features and adds a mobile adaptive experience.

SpokaneOpen.com pulls information from your Paragon listings and allows consumers to search, view, map, and email your listings.  Visitors are now able to to email listing agents directly from SpokaneOpen.com for more information on listed properties.  For instructions on how to add your listing, click here

SpokaneOpen.com now also displays your agent photo on your listings, if you have uploaded one to Paragon.  For instructions on how to add your photo, click here.

Please note: New Open House fields have been added to the MLS in order to populate the new SpokaneOpen.com site.  Make sure you have filled in all of these new fields so that your SpokaneOpen.com listings will display correctly.

Download the SpokaneOpen.com logo (pictured above) to use on your website and open house listings, online here.

Promote your SpokaneOpen.com listings with sign riders!  Stop in at your SAR (1924 North Ash Street) to pick up as many  SpokaneOpen.com sign riders as you need (pictured above).


SpokaneOpen.com Radio Ads  

Your SAR launched a pair of local radio ads this week to support your listings on SpokaneOpen.com.  These ads were conceived and scripted by your colleagues on the Communications/Member Services Committee.

Listen to these ads now, online here:



Education Excellence/Quarterly Meeting   


Mark your calendar now and plan to join us for the first SAR Education Excellence and Quarterly Membership Meeting of 2015:

Thursday, March 26th
CenterPlace Regional Events Center

Land and Acreage 200 with Jim Palmer, Jr.
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
7.5 clock hours

SAR Quarterly Membership Meeting and Luncheon
Noon to 1:30 p.m.

Lunch and meeting included in class registration fee: $40 if registered by Friday, March 20th, $55 after this date.

If attending Meeting/Luncheon only, price is $20.  Please RSVP to Debbie and either pay in advance at the SAR or pay at the door.

Download the event flyer online here.

Parade Your Passion  


On the heels of Valentines Day, here's a video about Parading Your Passion... for real estate!

Take these five tips and use them to show your clients and prospects that you're passionate about real estate, and in turn, about them!

See the two minute Washington REALTORS video online here:

Parade Your Passion
Parade Your Passion

Lunch & Learn - Reverse Mortgages 


Learn how to use a reverse mortgage to purchase a home.  Important changes have been announced that you will need to know.

Monday, February 23rd (re-scheduled from January 26th)
Noon to 1:30 p.m.
at the SAR

Cost is $10; includes lunch provided by Banner Bank.

See the event flyer online here.


2015 Real Estate Market Forum 



Plan now to attend the 2015 Real Estate Market Forum, Thursday, February 26th, at the Coeur d'Alene Resort.

Come enjoy this SAR-sponsored event that shares the latest market trends forecast by local economic, development and real estate experts, and keynote speaker, Jim Hammond, City Administrator, City of Coeur d'Alene.

Download the event flyer (pictured above) for more information, online here.

Register with your credit card online now:

2015 REALTOR Education

Quality of Education 
through SAR/WR Education Instructors

Here is the latest class listing of your SAR - offering the best live and local continuing real estate education classes for 2015.

Click on each class title, underlined in blue, to bring up a flyer for that class - suitable for posting in your office. 

Register for these classes online here: 


Please be in touch with Debbie at the SAR if you have any questions about these classes or your license education requirements, by phone at 326-9222 or by email.

Linda Miller - Ethics 
Code of Ethics - Standards for Success 

Thursday, March 5 - Code of Ethics - Standards for Success - with Linda Miller.

This class is required for our new members within 90 days of joining the SAR.  Members past their first license renewal may also take it or they may take a 4.0 clock hour Code of Ethics class.  
A Code of Ethics class must be taken once every four years.  This four year cycle started January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2016. 

Registration: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR

7.5 clock hours

2014 Core Curriculum 
Current Issues in Washington Residential Real Estate

Tuesday, March 17 - Current Issues in Washington Residential Real Estate - with Sabrina Jones-Schroeder.

You must take this class ever two years for your renewal.  See above for alternative offer of this class.

Registration: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
at the SAR

3.0 clock hours

Construction Designs and Styles with Arne Woodard 
Journey into Construction Designs and Styles

Friday, March 20th - Journey into Construction Designs and Styles - with Arne Woodard.

Class includes a terrific complimentary binder full of pictures/information on home styles that will prove valuable for years to come!

Registration: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR

7.5 clock hours

Home Inspections - Red Flags and Proper Procedures 
Home Inspections for REALTORS and Appraisers 

Tuesday, March 24 - Home Inspections for REALTORS� and Appraisers - with Matthew Pedersen.

This class is approved for both REALTORS� and Appraisers.  Invite your favorite REALTOR/appraiser to join you!

Registration: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR

7.5 clock hours 
In This Issue
SAR Launches SpokaneOpen.com 2.0
SpokaneOpen.com Radio Ads
Education Excellence/Quarterly Meeting
Parade Your Passion
Lunch & Learn - Reverse Mortgages
2015 Real Estate Market Forum
2015 REALTOR® Education
2015 SAR Dues Past Due
Presenting Sponsor
FAA Proposes New Drone Rules
2015 SAR Special Events
Member 2 Member
ListHub Report for January
Market Activity Report - January
You Be The Judge - February
Member Roster Updates - NEW!
Suggestion Box



Click on the image below to see the current SAR calendar

showing dates and times of classes, committees and events. 




2015 SAR Dues Past Due    

Your SAR dues for 2015 are now past due.

Thank you if you have already paid them!

Dues may still be paid until February 28th but must, now, include the 10% late penalty.

Click on the image above to pay your SAR dues for 2015 online now, print your invoice and pay by mail, or pay in person at the SAR: 1924 North Ash Street.


Presenting Sponsor     

Your SAR is very happy to share the news that our 2015 Spokane REALTORS Open House Weekend now has a Presenting Sponsor:

Learn more about our Presenting Sponsor - Heritage Home Loans, NMLS ID 2550 - by clicking on the logo above.

Mark the dates now and plan to list your open house during this exciting event in April.  SAR members listed 300+ Spokane area homes during the event last year.  More details coming soon!

Add the Spokane REALTORS Open House logo (pictured above) to your website and listings.

Download that logo online here.


FAA Proposes New Drone Rules 


The Federal Aviation Administration, this week, proposed a framework of regulations that would allow routine use of certain small unmanned aircraft systems, or drones, in today's aviation system. 

The new rules could open the door for real estate agents to use drones for marketing purposes - currently prohibited by federal law.

See the FAA press release online here.


2015 SAR Special Events    

Two of our annual signature special events are soon to be off and running in the planning stages: 2015 SAR Christmas Party and 2015 SAR Golf Tournament.

If you haven't signed up for either of these yet, just show up at the first planning meeting and engage with your colleagues to bring these great events to life:  

2015 SAR Christmas Party committee kickoff: Monday, March 2nd, at 3:00 pm at the SAR.
2015 SAR Golf Tournament Committee kickoff: Tuesday, March 31st, at 2:00 p.m. at the SAR.    

If you have any questions, please contact your 2015 SAR Special Events Committee Chair,  Tanna St. Marie, Prime Real Estate Closing and Escrow, 466-9200.


Member 2 Member   


Pat Isbell with Hilton Real Estate invites members to a free seminar on Washington State Housing Finance Commission (WSHFC) 100% financing on Wednesday, February 25th.


ListHub Report for January    

See the January ListHub report, online here.

Market Activity Report - January


The SAR Market Activity Report for January is now online.

See the latest report - and archived reports - online here.



See the January 2015 summary report (pictured above) online here.








See the 2014 year-to-date summary report (pictured above) online here.       



You Be The Judge - February             

Here is You Be The Judge for February:

Case #6-6: Disclose Affiliated Business Relationships Prior to Recommending Real Estate-Related Products or Services.

Read the case and submit your judgement online here.


Those who decide correctly will be entered in a drawing for a Starbucks coffee card! 

Winner to be announced next month.


Congratulations Jen Clemens, Keller Williams Spokane - Main, our January Starbuck's card winner
After all of the evidence and testimony was heard, the Hearing Panel went into executive session and concluded that while the Code of Ethics did not prohibit REALTOR� B's offering to purchase property listed by him, REALTOR� B had stepped out of his role as agent and had become a principal in the transaction.

Article 1 of the Code of Ethics requires the REALTOR� to "protect and promote the interests of the client." Once REALTOR� B expressed his interest in purchasing the property, he could no longer act as Doctor A's agent except with Doctor A's knowledgeable consent. This consent had not been granted by Doctor A. Further, REALTOR� B's advice that Doctor A had no choice but to view REALTOR� B as his agent and to compensate him accordingly had been incorrect and had been a decisive factor in Doctor A's decision to sell to REALTOR� B.

The Hearing Panel also found that REALTOR� B had significantly influenced Doctor A's decision as to the listing price with knowledge that he (REALTOR� B) would like to purchase the property for himself.

Consequently, the Hearing Panel found REALTOR� B in violation of Article 1.
From Case #1-22: REALTOR�'S Offer to Buy Property He has Listed.


See the full text of last month's case, online here.


Member Roster Update





Click here to view the latest Roster Update - listing new and resigned members and companies.

Click here to view the latest list of MLS Subscription Waivers approved by the SAR Board of Directors.  
Send a message to Angie at the SAR with any changes.  



Suggestion Box




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Spokane Association



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2015 Officers & Directors

This weekly newsletter is a member benefit of the

 1924 North Ash Street 
Spokane, Washington 99205
T: 509. 326.9222
F: 509. 324.8650