“The General” - WEGOFPD E-Newsletter

Winter 2024/25

*Our newsletter is named in commemoration of our 1934 antique fire pumper known as “The General” for its’ many years of great service to the community. Click HERE for some Department historical info.

Emergency: Dial 9-1-1 I Non-emergency: (630) 231-2123

EVENT ALERT Join us for our Fire Department 2025 OPEN HOUSE in October 2025 ( Exact Date/Time to be announced).

District Update

On behalf of the West Chicago Fire Protection District, we wish everyone a Happy Holiday.  In the coming months, the District will put together a new strategic plan and publish it for the community to see what the future holds for the West Chicago Fire Protection District.  We are hopeful to engage more with the community and be there for more than when you need our assistance.  Community engagement and public education are critical aspects of our mission.  We will also be looking at our overall operations to ensure we are fulfilling our community's needs in all areas of emergency assistance.  We look forward to sharing this with you as we lead the District into its next chapter.  Have a safe and happy Holiday season! 

Recently, the District experienced a retirement and several promotions. Congratulations to Battalion Chief Ken Zahara on his retirement after 23 years of service, Lt. Brian Jankowski on his promotion to Battalion Chief, and FF Todd Baseggio on his promotion to Lieutenant.

Special Safety Message 

December kicks off our annual

Keep the Wreath Red

campaign to remind our community to decorate safely during the holidays. Each West Chicago fire station will display wreaths decorated with red lights. The wreaths will remain lit throughout the month of December. If a decoration-related fire occurs during this time, a red light will be replaced with a white bulb to notify our community of the fire.   


Safe decoration practices include using light strands free of frayed or pinched wires, using only heavy-duty extension cords that are not daisy chained, and keeping real trees watered and fresh. Click the green button on the right for a Holiday Fire Safety Checklist and watch the Christmas tree fire safety video on the right from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).


If you are using candles in your home, please take extra precautions to prevent accidental fires. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), candles account for 4% of home fires nationwide annually and are the second leading cause of bedroom fires. Candles must be attended at times, clear of combustible materials, and in secured holders. Consider using flameless candles. For more info, click - Candle Fire Safety

Click Here for a Fire Safety Checklist

Seasonal Safety News

Close Before You Doze

Did you know that closing doors in the home save lives during a fire?

Check out this amazing website from Underwriters Laboratories (UL) featuring info and videos on home fire protection.

  Click HERE for the -

"Close Your Door" website

Winter is here, and everyone is trying to stay cozy indoors.  Did you know home fires occur more in the winter than in other seasons? Many of the fires occur due to issues with heating equipment and improper cooking practices.  It is essential to make sure that you and your family have an evacuation plan if a fire breaks out.  Home evacuation plans work together with operating detectors. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors must be constantly working. 

Click to visit our Website for Home Safety Info

Injury Prevention Reminder 

Cold weather brings ice, snow, and low temperatures. Cold weather injuries such as frostbite and hypothermia can occur quickly without extra precautions. The Centers for Disease Control recommends the “Avoid-Spot-Treat” approach for preventing cold-related injuries. Tips include wearing layers, knowing the signs of frostbite and hypothermia, and seeking treatment if injured. More details can be found on their website at (https://www.cdc.gov/winter-weather/prevention/preventing-frostbite.html).  


Speaking of ice - The West Chicago Fire District protects numerous bodies of water throughout our response area. Please help us prevent cold water exposure and drownings by always assuming that ice is unsafe and paying careful attention to ice conditions. Only access ice areas for recreation that is monitored for that use, such as park and forest preserve district bodies of water. If an accident occurs, immediately call 9-1-1 and remember, “Preach, Reach, Throw, Row, and Don’t Go if you are not a professional rescuer.” Our highly skilled, professional firefighters are trained to perform water and ice rescues. Here is an ice safety tip sheet: (https://files.dnr.state.mn.us/education_safety/safety/ice/dangerthinice.pdf)      

Disaster Readiness Post


Are you ready for the extremes of winter weather?  Take some time now to prepare for a winter weather event.  Winter weather preparedness includes making sure our emergency kit is ready, that our home and vehicles are winterized, and that we plan ahead for loss of power due to a winter storm. 

Read More

Quick Fact

West Chicago Fire Protection District personnel are cross-trained and equipped to deliver “ALL HAZARDS” emergency services on a 24/7 basis. Besides being trained to fight fire and provide emergency medical services, they are also trained to manage hazardous materials (chemical) emergencies, perform rescues from car accidents, trench/building collapses, confined spaces, operate on rope equipment, and conduct water/ice rescues along with aircraft fire/rescue capabilities. Each of our vehicles carries equipment to provide this wide array of ALL HAZARDS services. Due to our unique risks and hazards, we are one of only a few area fire departments that operate a heavy rescue squad vehicle (Squad 7 – housed at Fire St. 7- 1080 Commerce). Check out our personnel in action:    

Action Pics


Our personnel will be participating in the following upcoming community events:

West Chicago Frosty Fest – 12/7/24 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Downtown WEGO

Follow the West Chicago Fire Protection District at www.wegofpd.org or on Facebook for timely news & updates.
