TEXTILE and ART courses offering unique learning opportunities for all
In beautiful South Shropshire an area of outstanding natural beauty
Well how did that happen........another year passes us by!!!!
Sorry for my delay in wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR. We can but hope that it will be a better for us all.
Has anyone been to any exhibitions the passed month or so? I managed to get to see the William Kentridge exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, which was overwhelming yet brilliant. There was so much to see but if you took your time, sat, watched and looked it was quite mesmerising. It was the largest exhibition of his work in the UK to date and scanned the last 40 years of his life. Born in Johannesburg in 1955, he studied mime and theatre, then made etchings, lino-cuts and large scale charcoal drawings as well as short films of his drawings. There are many videos to watch on youtube, if you google his name. Here's some of his charcoal drawings.
Another exhibition that I at last got to see a week or so again was 'The Red Dress Project'. This project, conceived by British artist Kirstie Macleod, provides an artistic platform for women around the world, many of whom are vulnerable and live in poverty, to tell their personal stories through embroidery. From 2009 to 2023, pieces of the Red Dress travelled the globe being continuously embroidered onto. Constructed out of 84 pieces of burgundy silk dupion, the garment has been worked on by 363 women, 7 men and 2 non-binary artists from 50 countries, with all 139 commissioned embroiderers paid for their work (as well as receiving a portion of all ongoing exhibition fees and merchandise, and the opportunity to sell their work through the Red Dress Etsy shop). The rest of the embroidery was added by willing audience at various exhibitions & events. Do take a look at her WEBSITE for further information on this fascinating project. Here is a taster.
I have a few health challenges to deal with over the next few months, so with this in mind, if anyone wishes to book on ANY OF THE COURSES delivered by ME, please contact me in the first instance before enrolling. Email me clicking HERE.
For all other courses do book as indicated below. I hope you find something of interest and please note that I have NOT INCREASED any of my prices for this coming year.
Beginners Drawing Course
with Bobby Britnell
Working 'expressively' with charcoal to create a landscape or a piece of work from your imagination: working 'collaboratively' with pastels but with a personal twist: considering the use of wax crayons with inks to build up a still-life drawing: portrait drawing with a difference: and even more!!!! All of the projects tackled will be clearly explained during the course making it accessible for all.
From Design to Stitch
with Bobby Britnell
From collection of Amanda Clayton
Ottoman Stitchness
with Amanda Clayton
This workshop is based around a collection of Ottoman textiles purchased in the mid-eighties from the island of Crete. Their unique combination of stitches, and relationship of ground to stitched mark will inspire your own personal journey of thread and cloth. Cross stitch, gold thread work, pulled work, outlining and ‘filling in’ all have their role to play. A rare workshop taught in colour by Amanda. Link
Physical mark making and visual texture
with Alex McIntyre
Responding to the Shropshire landscape, this courseBOOK HERE will encourage you to use physical and experimental drawing processes to find freedom, joy and playfulness in the creation of new work. You will use metal kidneys, sticks, squeegees, brushes, acrylic gesso, paint, various acrylic mediums, charcoal, pencils, sandpaper and wire wool on paper. You will be encouraged to work quickly, intuitively and responsively and consider layers, visual texture, engraved, carved, glossy, smudged and eroded marks.
Dancing Girls. A detail from a kantha purchased in London in the 1980s. Dorothy Tucker's collection.
Stitched Pictures ~ A contemporary take on kantha
with Dorothy Tucker
Dorothy will show you some traditional and contemporary examples and will lead you into stitching a kantha BOOK HERE on your own designs. Fruit and flowers, leaves and seeds, working tools and everyday objects, birds or animals or fish all provide interesting shapes and a personal story.
Wild Fibres
with Alice Fox
An introduction to gathering and processing a range of plant-based fibres that grow wild, including nettle, bramble and willow herb. We will gather relevant plants from the land near to the studio and learn the different ways to extract and process fibre that could then be used for cordage making, soft basketry and weaving. You will produce a selection of fibre and cordage samples and learn about times to gather, process and store your wild fibres.
Chinese Whispers
with Amanda Clayton
This workshop will be informed by Amanda’s collection of vintage collars. Edge, scale, proportion, drape, right side/wrong side, transparency and placement of embellishment are all qualities that these inspirational collars possess. We will move between cloth and paperwork, making connections and relationships whilst exploring trapunto, Italian and English quilting as well as couching, cutwork, inlay and surface stitches.
with Matthew Harris
A project that looks at the calligraphic mark as a creative starting point. Through drawing and sampling we will explore both the narrative and abstract potential of hand written text, and develop exciting new visual ideas about form, pattern, scale, shape and structure within textiles. Matthew delivered this course some years ago now and it is one that I can recommend. It will get you thinking in new ways but also with opportunities of applying ideas to your current working practise.
Image by Bobby Britnell from this course with Mathew Harris
Inspired by Mary Fedden
delivered by Bobby Britnell
A course which examines the drawing and design inspirations, lines, marks, imagery and techniques used in the drawings and paintings of Mary Fedden. We will be examining these aspects of her work closely and then students will collect and draw from their own personalised imagery. Through a series of sketchbook exercises you will build up reference material to use in creating your own still life study.
And there will be more new on-line courses to come.
Keep checking my Website for when information becomes available.
That's all for now.
Have a good week and stay creative.
01547 510664