Month, Year - Vol 1, Issue 1
Dear Student,

Warm Regards and Seasonal Greetings!!!

To pick the privilege, I would like to introduce you to IGIMT

IGIMT is an institute of excellence offering widest range of programs in the field of Management & Technology stream. In response to the rapidly changing economic environment and the process of globalization, the Institute has made sustained efforts to bring an international perspective to all its activities. IGIMT have been making a significant contribution to management in a wide range of areas, which are relevant to practitioners and policy makers and are of concern for the society at large.

Today communication systems have advanced so much that it is much easier, convenient and quicker to gain expertise via distance learning. IGIMT offer potential students the opportunity to study through a distance learning program. This means that people who can't get traditional further education can still achieve what they want and get their qualifications through Distance Learning. That gives the opportunity for a much wider range of people to get the qualifications that they want.

IGIMT provides the working professionals with Fast Track Program

wherein you can complete it in a shorter duration.

We also provide
approved programs

I invite you to be a part of our family join us for completing your educational needs, further if you have strong student support I would to like extend my invitation towards to be a part of IGIMT family as Active Business Associate (ABA) to promote the institute in your locality, and assisting to provide admissions of prospective candidates for distance learning course.

To give honor your efforts, a handsome honorarium over program fee would be offered of the respective course. The program fee has been mentioned in the prospectus as well as in our website. Forms and prospectus can be dispatch upon your request.

For more detail you can log on to


  • Fast Track Courses - UG Diploma To PG Level
  • Widest range of Program offered
  • Lowest Program Fee in every respect of vision
  • ISO Certified Institute with ASCB(E) accriditations
  • Over 105 Specializations in Management/Engg
  • Certificate & Diploma courses in Engg
  • Programed are approved from IADL
  • Self Explanatory, Comprehensive - Study Material
  • Latest Techniques - Case Study Based Education
  • Strong Web Based Support
  • 100% Dedication to 100% placement commitment
  • Different Exam Mode To Chose From :-

Online Exam

Center Mode Exam

Case Study - Open Book - Examination
"We deal more than 50 colleges and 1000 universities from our consultancy!!"

Today the world become so tiny to pick it in hands. Overseas education is more than just a degree as teaching is more informal. The value of a degree from a foreign university would be more valid than a foreign degree taken from India,"
IGIMT is committed to Help you in every step of Eduction


IGIMT as an educational consultant has been counseling and assisting students to study at every corner of the globe

  • We are totally hassle free processing.
  • An authorized representative for UK VISA.
  • A trusted partner of the BRITISH DEPUTY HIGH COMMISSION, promoting education to UK.
  • A phenomenal track of 99% visa success rate.
  • Only consultancy which provide accommodation
  • Post departure services.
  • Coaching for IELTS.
  • Free consultancy.

We Also Welcome Enquiries For

Top Regular MBA/PGDM Admission Guidance

(CAT/MAT/MH CET/ATMA Allied Colleges Across The Country)

Engineering / Medical Admissions (BE/B.TECH/MBBS/BDS)

(U/N Management Quota Seats All Over India)


Should you feel any queries left in you mind

Please fee free to contact me on

0141-5199928 or 093148-47016.

reply at -


Regards Find us on

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(Head, Online Marketing Dept)