June 14
A weekly newsletter to keep you informed.
What's in this week's news?
Deepening Circles
Are you looking for a way to connect with other WES members? Do you want to be able to have deeper conversations? Does having a small group of people who care about you feel important? 

You  might love to join a small group at WES! They are open to longtime members, newcomers, and everyone in between. 

We will be organizing new small groups to start this summer and early fall. Please let us know if you'd like to be part of: 
  • A Deepening Circlemeeting 1-2 times per month for at least 10 months
  • A Connecting Circlemeeting 1-2 times per month for 3 months
Deepening Circles and Connecting Circles sometimes are organized simply by when people are able to meet. Sometimes they are groups of people with similar interests or identities. Let us know if there is an identity you'd like to share with others in your circle, such as similar age or same gender, or if there is a common interest you'd like to explore, such as world religions or aging or parenting. 

To sign up for a circle, please email Amanda at [email protected]

Open Position: WES Representative to the UUSJ
A note from Nancy Sorden, the WES representative to the Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ).

My term as your representative to the UUSJ comes to an end at the end of June, so this position as WES's representative to the UUSJ is open, starting  July 1, 2017.

UUSJ is a local organization that has been working to bring information and opportunities for action on critical social justice issues to people in the national capital area through offering educational programming and advocacy training and opportunities for advocacy work on Capitol Hill, such as going to the offices of U.S. representatives and U.S. senators to bring the voices of UUs on these issues.

The representative from WES automatically becomes a member of the UUSJ board and has an opportunity to bring the social justice initiatives of WES to the rest of UUs in the area and thereby broaden support for WES's initiatives via the UUSJ and even to expand the influence of Ethical Culture in the area from working with other UUs.

If you have any questions about or are interested in this position please contact myself or Amanda.

--Nancy ( [email protected])

Know Your Neighbor Campaign
WES is proud to be one of the seventy national interfaith partners who launched the  Know Your Neighbor Summer Campaign on June 8, 2017.  Know Your Neighbor (KYN) is an effort of compassionate resistance against increasing polarization in the country along political, religious, and cultural divisions. Decades of social science research have shown that personal contact with members of groups you are unfamiliar with is the most effective way to dispel prejudice, and the Know Your Neighbor campaign offers tips, tools, and guides to help with that exchange. 
The unity of our nation is based neither upon our uniformity nor upon our agreement on questions of politics or religion, but rather on our common commitment to the fundamental values of equality, fairness, and respect. We can do better as a nation, and it begins with us! And t hroughout the summer, we will be bringing you events and ideas in which you can participate!

Some Ways to Participate as an Individual
  • Have a quick conversation with a stranger while waiting in line at the grocery store or riding on public transit
  • Invite a neighbor or co-worker out for coffee, or talk to your neighbor while sitting on a plane
  • Invite people to your home to share a meal
  • Invite friends or neighbors to your house of worship or community center
  • Increase your impact by sharing your story with others on social media
  • Attend an event hosted by a community that you are not familiar with
  • Write a letter to someone who identifies with a religion different from your own

This Sunday's Platform
9:30 & 11:30am.

"The Art of Parenting (Without Losing Your Love of Children)" Amanda Poppei, Senior Leader. Parenting can be...tedious. So can almost every aspect of "adulting." Getting up and going to work, sleeping for a bit and doing it all over again. Feeding and bathing the kids, on repeat. Cooking meals for yourself and doing the dishes... endlessly. Where's the FUN in it all? With an eye toward the "fun dad" model, Amanda explores how we can bring zest into daily life. Spoiler alert: being in the moment helps. Music from the WES Chorus.

This Sunday at WES.

Tai Chi, 11am, Social Hall. We invite you to join us for a 30-minute session of Tai Chi. No experience necessary and perfect for all ages and abilities.

Schmoozapalooza Lunch, 12:45pm, Social Hall. WES continues our lunch on every third Sunday for all who want to hang out after platform and gab with friends. Gather around tables in the Social Hall and keep on talking. Nosh on a great lunch, with vegetarian options always available. Requested donation $5. Schmoozing with your friends and licking your fingers--what better way to keep on talking, parse the platform, and catch up! (If you plan to attend the 9:30 platform, why not help out the Schmooze team and then join in the good food? Contact Julie Grimes at [email protected] to get involved).


New Member Nuts & Bolts, 1pm, Adler Study. Recently joined WES? Swing by to snag a New Member binder and make sure you're connected to any groups that you're interested in. For more information contact Lori Betsock at [email protected].


SEEK SEEK -- Summer of Loving our Planet Earth
SEEK is in need of teachers to run our K-8th grade classes this summer! Do you have an interest in ecology? Science? Taking care of our Earth? This summer we will be discussing these topics: erosion, pollution, Pacific garbage patch, use of plastics, solar power, composting, etc. 

We need teachers for July and August to teach on these topics an average of twice a month for a class of 8-10 students, grouped by 2-3 ages/grades. Could that be you? Contact  Melissa  to sign up!

Does your child want to have a pen pal from El Rodeo, El Salvador? Get a letter or picture in an open envelope to Melissa in the WES Office  by  June 18th so she can get the letter/drawing to the delegation going to El Rodeo where they will pair your child/teen with a child/teen in El Rodeo.


upcomingweeks The Upcoming Weeks at WES
Friday, June 16
  • Still Thirsty After All These Years, Scion Restaurant, 1200 East-West Highway. 5:30pm or whenever you arrive to 7:30.  This group is for WES adults beyond the demographics of the "Young and Thirsty" group, but still thirsty for connections, entertainment, and new experiences. We will meet for Happy Hour on the third Friday of every month. Contact Nancy McGuire ([email protected]) or Shan Evans ([email protected] for more details.
  • "From the Ashes" Movie Screening, 6:30pm, Cedar Lane UU Church, the Chalice House, 9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814. Come for an optional potluck supper at 6:30pm. The movie will begin at 7pm, followed by a discussion. This documentary explores the reality of coal's role in climate change while offering insight into solutions that could help revive the struggling economies of dying mining towns and still safeguard the environment. Michael Bloomberg committed more than $100 million to move the U.S. away from coal and toward clean energy. "For over a century, mining and energy companies have been privatizing coal's profits while socializing its costs," Bloomberg said. Coal plant pollution kills 7,500 Americans a year and causes many more serious illnesses. For more information, contact Linda Silversmith (WES) or Chris Graham (UUCL) 301-717-4204.
Thursday, June 22
  • WES Resistance Open Mic, 7pm, Main Hall. Come join the WES community for our second WES Resistance Open Mic Night! All are welcome to use the stage to express hopes, desires, and active resistance to the challenges faced in the current political and social climate. Singers, dancers, improvisers, skits, and readings all welcome. A potluck signup will go out the week before the event. Please feel free to bring appetizers and easy to eat fixings as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. All ages welcome! For more information, please contact Shelby French at [email protected] .
Friday, June 23
  • Bunco!, 7pm, Classroom 1A/B. Love Bunco!? Join us! Never played Bunco!? Join us for this super fun and easy to learn game night! Bring a dish or drink to share and join us for a fun evening of Bunco! A suggested $5 buy-in to cover the prizes is requested.
Sunday, June 25
  • Platform Service, 9:30 & 11:30am,  Main Hall. "Lithium and Laughter Go Great Together" Rachel Kallem Whitman.  Rachel is a freshly minted doctor, educator, advocate, and writer who has been shacking up with bipolar disorder since 2000. Rachel has worked in hospitals, in public school settings, and at universities to cultivate safe spaces where people can talk about the experience of mental illness and challenge stigma. With the support of her loving husband (whom she met at Youth of Ethical Societies! Awww!), family and friends, four pets, cheese, and an unconquerable sense of humor, Rachel lives with bipolar disorder but it is not her life.
  • Ethical Living Laboratory, 11am, Social Hall.
  • New Member Nuts & Bolts, 11am, Adler Study. Recently joined WES? Swing by to snag a New Member binder and make sure you're connected to any groups that you're interested in. For more information contact Lori Betsock at [email protected].
  • Earth Ethics Team Meeting, 1pm, Classroom 2. All are welcome at our Earth Ethics Team meetings. We usually begin our meetings with a go-round so everyone can catch up on events in our lives. We will plan outdoor activities. We will plan advocacy toward fulfilling our responsibility for the earth.
  • Working for Racial Equity, 1pm, Main Hall. Drop in to our WRE Talk & Teach Topics to learn with and from each other. The session will include a brief learning opportunity, video and/or exercise with facilitated discussion on the following topic: Prison Industrial Complex:  13 th screening - from slave to criminal with one amendment.
Monday, June 26
  • Federal Employees Gathering: Support, Solidarity, and Strategy, 7pm, Adler Study. Join with other federal employees to support each other and share strategies. Friends are very welcome as long as they are introduced by a WES member.
Wednesday, June 28
  • Red Blue Communication Class & Discussion, 7pm, Library. Wondering how to put your ethical beliefs into action? Want to help change our divisive political climate? Join us this Sunday afternoon for an introductory workshop on communicating across the red-blue divide.  Participants will have the opportunity to: take stock of the challenging times we are living in, understand differences between conservatives and liberals, & learn proven methods to find common ground. For more information, contact [email protected] or [email protected].

You can see the full calendar here. ( http://ethicalsociety.org/blog/events/)

AEU Branding Survey AEU_Banner_top.jpg
The AEU is rebranding and is asking for your help. Please complete the  Branding Survey   so the AEU can get a good representation of the Movement.   The survey will help the AEU measure the current perceptions of AEU services and needed areas for future support. 


Family Friendly Service Opportunity at Luther Place!
WES serves at Luther Place the second Saturday of each month. Our volunteers prepare a meal at home to serve to the women of Luther Place Night Shelter, a transitional facility providing food, shelter and supportive case management for up to 30 women. Volunteers arrive at Luther Place by 6:45pm to serve the meal at 7:00pm. Once the meal is served, the volunteers clean up, pack up any extra food, and depart between 8:15pm and 8:30pm. This is a very safe experience with the homeless community, fulfilling a clear and vital need, and often children accompany their parents.

WHO CAN HELP? WES members and friends.
WHERE? Luther Place Memorial Lutheran Church, just north of Thomas Circle in Washington, D.C., at N & 14th Streets. 

WHEN? We are looking for volunteers for the following dates:
August 12
September 9
October 14
November 11
December 9

HOW? Contact the WES Luther Place Coordinator, Naomi Goldstein, at 240-305-9849 or  [email protected]  to sign up for a date!


Summer Scheduling Note

For the months of July and August, WES will have one Sunday platform at 10:30am

We will also continue to live stream throughout the summer. If you find yourself traveling or unable to attend, we hope you'll consider tuning in on Facebook.