Keith Boyette - 540.538.3202 -
Jeff Greenway - 614.778.8578 -  


The Mississippi Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church and The Orchard have announced that negotiations have been concluded between them, resulting in the withdrawal of The Orchard from The United Methodist Church.  The Orchard is one of the 25 fastest growing churches in the United States.  Dr. Bryan Collier is the senior pastor of The Orchard and a member of the governing council of the Wesleyan Covenant Association.

At a recent meeting, the WCA Council affirmed Dr. Collier's continued service as a member of the Council and the Orchard's continued membership in the WCA.

Some have raised a question about whether Dr. Collier's continued service on the WCA Councilis consistent with the WCA's emphasis on covenant-keeping within The United Methodist Church, and our deeply-held conviction that promises - especially those made at ordination - must be kept.  We believe that it is, and that our remaining connected to Dr. Collier and the Orchard is a sign of the hope we have for the future of the global Wesleyan movement.
From its founding, the WCA has made it clear that membership in the WCA is  open to churches, clergy, and laity who share our vision, and desire to cooperate in mission from (as our by-laws put it) "within The United Methodist Church and kindred bodies."  There are many such kindred bodies around the world.

We pray that the current impasse within the United Methodist Church will be resolved, and that it will move forward as a revitalized, orthodox, Wesleyan movement.  We are committed to being part of a global movement which will reconnect in creative ways with congregations, denominations, and national churches that are also spiritual descendants of John and Charles Wesley. If that occurs within a United Methodist Church which adheres to its established doctrine and discipline, we rejoice. 

We continue to affirm and advocate that the best course of action for local churches at this juncture is to maintain their connection with The United Methodist Church while awaiting the outcome of the Bishops' Commission and the called General Conference in 2019.
 We respect the integrity of those who choose to remain within the United Methodist Church and work for renewal and renewed accountability.  We also respect the conscience of those who believe they must seek an honorable exit. 

The Orchard's ongoing connection with the WCA affirms their desire to be part of a connection with others seeking a revitalized, orthodox, Wesleyan global movement accountable to its doctrine and discipline.  Our member congregations discern the course best for themselves in their local context.  The Orchard did not consult with the WCA Council in making its decisions.  And yet The Orchard has committed as a member of the WCA to be accountable to its Statements on Biblical Authority, of Faith and of Moral Principles.

The Wesleyan Covenant Association also believes that the actions of Dr. Collier and the Orchard have honored our United Methodist covenant.  We have long advocated that those progressive clergy and churches that believe they can no longer in good conscience continue to live under the framework of our United Methodist doctrine and discipline be allowed to exit gracefully and with integrity - a process that is allowed under our Book of Discipline. Dr. Collier and the Orchard have sought to be faithful to what their conscience demands by engaging in open and honest discussions with their episcopal leadership.

This stands in stark contrast to those clergy, churches, and annual conferences that have declared their unwillingness to abide by their covenantal promises to uphold our doctrine and discipline, yet who insist on remaining within The United Methodist Church and retaining all the rights and benefits that came with those promises. This defiance of the teachings and order of our church is what stands at the heart of the current crisis facing United Methodism.

The Wesleyan Covenant Association stands as an alliance to advance vibrant, scriptural Christianity.  We are building relationships in local chapters and around the world to refocus on John Wesley's vision of spreading scriptural holiness throughout the land. 

It is our conviction that God is opening a new chapter in the history of the Methodist movement globally, and the Wesleyan Covenant Association desires to retain, as much as possible, bonds of love and cooperation with all who share a commitment to "the faith that was once for all entrusted to God's holy people" (Jude 1:3).  Whatever the future holds, we know that we want to face it together.  The Wesleyan Covenant Association is committed to being a landing place for persons and congregations who desire to be part of a global expression of vibrant, orthodox, Wesleyan Christianity as we live into what is next.
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