Remembering the Cross

& Celebrating Our Savior

On Good Friday, we remember the Cross where Jesus Christ gave his life so that we could live free from the chains of sin and death. At the Cross, we see the God of the universe bending low to meet us where we are with unfathomable love and mercy. "God showed his great love for us by Sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). Without Jesus’ death there would be no atonement for our sins and we would stand before God condemned. But Jesus chose the cross and endured a brutal execution so that we could be holy and guiltless before God (Hebrews 10:10, 2 Corinthians 5:21). At the cross, the price was paid. A the cross, the sacrificial lamb was slaughtered. At the cross, our sins were transferred. At the cross, our freedom begins. 

Mark 15:37-38 tells us, "With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. And when the centurion, who stood there in from of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, ' Surely, this man was the Son of God.' "

Only Jesus, the Son of God, could atone for our sin. Only our God could take a cruel instrument of execution—a Roman Cross—and transform it into a symbol of freedom, beauty, love, and hope—but the story doesn’t end there. 

Three days later, there was an empty tomb and a resurrected Savior—completely victorious over death. Jesus is alive today and we have eternal life in Him (Mark 16:1-7, Romans 6:1-11).  Ephesians 1:18-20 tells us our hope in our Risen King is a confident, sure hope:

“I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he has called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe in him. This is the same might power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.” 

 This Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, may your heart be flooded with light as you remember the cross and celebrate our Savior! 

News & Resources for Christian People

Watch this section for current events and breaking news impacting Christian people.

Legislative Tracking and Public Policy Update

Each month, we vigilantly monitor public policy that affects Christian. This March/April update reflects federal and state action on many issues pertaining to religious liberty, life, and more. However, we expect many new proposed Federal rules this month impacting Faith, Freedom, and Family. Watch this page for updates so that you can pray informed.

Town Hall With Professor Wagner at the Faith and Freedom Center at Spring Arbor University

Earlier this week, Professor Wagner held a virtual Town Hall to address public policy concerns from the US Supreme Court to the local level. He gave an update on the public policy education that the Great Lakes Justice Center andFaith and Freedom Center are currently doing and then answered questions from participants. Watch the video here.

Catch Our Vision

Housed on the campus of Spring Arbor University, the Wagner Faith & Freedom Center serves as the nation’s academic voice for faith and freedom. 


Working daily to secure the future for freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, the center equips the next generation with strategies to transform the culture. Contending for the faith, the center strategically works to ensure the next generation may share the Gospel free of persecution. From a local township board to the United States Supreme Court, we speak truth on behalf of the persecuted and most vulnerable. We champion the cause of the defenseless and oppressed, standing for religious freedom in public forums around the globe.  

The Wagner Faith & Freedom Center


  • Produces media programs that inform and engage the culture, analyzing cultural developments and abuses of government power. 
  • Hosts inspirational lectures, conferences, and seminars on faith, family, and freedom, equipping key influencers to engage the culture. 
  • Hosts a discipleship / fellowship program that combines in-depth teaching on Biblical principles, mentoring, and a high-level internship experience, (e.g., assisting those speaking for the persecuted). 
  • Builds relationships with academic institutions, scholars, and policy experts from around the world. 
  • Provides a centralized place where individuals and organizations can visit to learn about the Christ-centered perspective on good governance.
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