The monthly newsletter of WFPC
January 28, 2025
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What's Happening in the PCUSA Denomination | |
Proposed Actions from GA 226
On February 22, our New Hope Presbytery will meet to vote on twelve amendments to the Book of Order, which were proposed at the 226th General Assembly (GA) last summer. Those actions are now in the hands of presbyteries across the country and will be ratified if a majority of presbyteries votes to affirm them. If so, they will become effective July 2025.
Along with Marguerite, we will send two Session representatives to the presbytery meeting in February.
If you're interested in learning more about these amendments, you can view a online webinar produced by New Hope Presbytery by clicking the button below.
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Annual Pancake Breakfast
The annual youth sponsored PANCAKE BREAKFAST is almost here! Join us in the CLC gym on Sunday, February 23! Come anytime from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. and grab breakfast before Sunday school, or bring your class down for breakfast! Enjoy great conversations over some yummy pancakes! Donations appreciated and all money raised will go directly to help subsidize our youth faith formation retreats.
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2025 Lenten Adult Elective | |
“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” ― Desmond Tutu
As WFPC continues to seek to live into our vision statement, we will gather for a four-week conversation to continue exploring what it means to live into the Matthew 25 model. This is an opportunity to apply our vision statement to our mission and outreach initiatives, and offers us a lens to look at our mission, and our intentions for missions, from a new perspective.
“We love immediate needs, but how do we zoom out to see where/why the needs are even there?” (Joy Shillingsburg, summer sermon series 2024)
How does a “corporate charity” model accidentally create inequality among neighbors? How can we look at our resources and truly match the needs of our neighbors without creating an “us and them” hierarchy?
This elective will be largely discussion based, focusing on how we engage with topics around the table in order to listen, understand, and learn from one another to continue to hear God’s call upon our church and our community!
When: March 9, 16, 23, and 30 at 9:00 a.m.
Where: CLC main room
Questions? Contact Katherine Peiper (
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Supper Clubs!
Do you like to eat good food? Be in good company? Make new friends among your church family? Then you should sign up to join a Supper Club Group!
What is it? An opportunity at WFPC to make some new connections in the church and to share a meal together. Small groups are formed with 6-8 people. You can join as a couple or as a single. We have a group of singles hosted by Marty Wakefield who have been meeting this past year and are always open to more members.
What isn’t it? This is not a bible study or anything that needs “prep work”...this is simply an opportunity to intentionally spend time together in small groups of similar interests to get to know one another more fully!
How does it work? Groups plan their own meals and get together once a month or so, enjoying meals at participants’ homes or at local restaurants…The place, the menu, and the timeframe will be up to the group to decide. Groups will be assigned in March and will be together for a year.
Who runs each group? A group “host” will communicate with the group on when and where the group will gather.
Please grab a form in the narthex and place it in the basket. Questions? Please contact Lucy Deeprose at or 919-801-8915 or Barbara Winch at or 919-870-5918.
Deadline is February 23!
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Congregational Events -- February
2/9 -- Club 4/5 Super Bowl Party
2/9 -- Youth Super Bowl Parties
2/23 -- Youth Sponsored Pancake Breakfast at 8:00
2/23 -- Club 4/5 at 4:30
Recurring Events: (more details on Adult Discipleship, Youth, or Children)
Fridays at 6:165 a.m. -- Son Risers
Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. -- Iron Sharpens Iron (Sat)
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. -- Sunday School
2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. -- Women of the Word
1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. -- Daughters of the King
Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. -- Open Gym for Children
Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. --Wednesday Night Youth
Alternating Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. -- Iron Sharpens Iron (Wed)
2nd & 4th Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. -- Morning Glory Circle
Sundays at 11:30 a.m. -- Pickleball and Ping Pong
Sundays at 4:30 p.m. -- Middle School Youth Group
Sundays at 6:00 p.m. -- High School Youth Group
Sundays at 7:30 p.m. -- Youth Band
Next Congregational Life Team Meeting -- February 11 at 7:00 p.m.
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Epiphany Season Continues
Our Epiphany season features the sermon series, “Say What?” in which Pastor Marguerite will take some well-meaning platitudes people often say (like, “He/she’s in a better place”), and will offer to us what the Bible may say to that. Thanks to those of you who contributed your “toxic platitude” suggestions for the series!
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February Scripture
February 2
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 2:13-16 and 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
Toxic Platitude: "This too shall pass"
February 9
Scripture: Genesis 1:1-5, 9-12, 21-27, 31 and Jude 3:20-21
Toxic Platitude: "He/she is in a better place"
February 16
Scripture: tbd
February 23
Scripture: Genesis 45:1-5 and Romans 8:28-39
Toxic Platitude: "Everything happens for a reason"
Contact your worship elders, Kathy Drake and Joni Amerson, or Pastor Marguerite with questions or for more information.
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Recent Attendance
December 24 (3:00) -- 137
December 24 (7:00) -- 244
December 24 (11:00) -- 65
December 29 -- 133
January 5 -- 162
January 12 -- 182
January 19 -- 174
January 26 -- 165
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Worship Events -- February
2/9 -- Scout Sunday
Recurring Events: (click here for information on our music ministries)
Sundays at 10:00 a.m. -- Worship Service
Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. -- Glory Tones Hand Bells Rehearsal
Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. -- Praise Team Rehearsal
Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. -- Alleluia (Children's) Choir Rehearsal
Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m. -- Grace Notes Hand Bells Rehearsal
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. -- Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Next Worship Team Meeting -- February 9 at 11:00
All services are held in the sanctuary. They are livestreamed on our YouTube channel.
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Dementia Caregiver Class
Our February meetings will be on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Matt Hale will provide information on Making Your House Work for You. Matt will talk about modifications, both large and small, that can be made to your home to help provide a safer environment for caregiving and for aging in place in general. Matt is an architect who has focused much of his work on the concept of universal design which makes homes functional and accessible to everyone regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
The in-person class is from 10:00 until noon in Room B017 of the CLC. The same class will be held from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. via Zoom. Classes are open to anyone who is interested in learning more about care for individuals with any type of dementia. There is no need to let anyone know that you are going to attend.
Those who wish to attend the Zoom class and are not already on our mailing list may contact Pat Snyder via email ( to receive a link for the class. You may also view videos about dementia, including past classes, on Pat’s YouTube channel at Pat Snyder - YouTube or Click on the playlist to see all videos.
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Outreach Events -- February
2/19 -- Dementia Caregivers Classes at 10:00 and 2:00
Recurring Events: (click here for more details)
Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m. -- Giving Garden Watering, Harvesting, etc.
Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. -- Giving Garden Weekly Workday
2nd Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. -- Backpack Buddy Packing
3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. -- Stephen Ministers Caregivers
Next Outreach Team Meeting -- February 6 at 7:00 p.m.
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Earth Care Team -- Plastic Collection Update
The WFPC Earth Care Team would like to thank everyone who has been collecting and bringing in plastic bags and plastic film. We have a great group of volunteers who have been weighing and distributing the plastic to collection locations who participate with the Nextrex recycling program. We are almost a third of the way to our 1,000 pounds of plastic goal in order to receive our bench. As a reminder, collection bins are labeled and located just inside the giving garden gate, in the open potting shed. In addition to our efforts to reduce our usage of single-use plastics, recycling bags will help keep waste out of our landfills. It is one step we can all take to care for God's creation.
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Premise Keepers
Premise Keepers welcome anyone to come and work with us one Saturday morning each month. We make use of our time and skills to keep our facilities and grounds repaired and in good condition. Our next work day is coming up on Saturday, February 15 at 8:00 a.m. Coffee, juice, and doughnuts will be provided. We have both indoor and outdoor repair items on our work list. Please come if you can, and bring a friend! Any skill level is welcome.
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Facilities Events -- December
2/2 at 11 a.m. -- Earth Care Team Meeting
2/15 at 8 a.m. -- Premise Keepers
Next Facilities Team Meeting -- February 3 at 6:30 p.m.
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Offerings/Tithes vs. Expenses -- December, 2024 | |
| Dec. Month '24 | Dec. YTD '24 | LY Dec. YTD '23 | Offerings/Tithes | $94,350 | $890,746 | $859,854 | Expenses | $79,443 | $810,302 | $859,600 | Surplus/(Deficit) | $14,907 | $80,444 | $254 | | |
- YTD Giving was $33K over budget in 2024, and in 2023 WFPC used $30K of PP Covid Reserve to balance the deficit
- YTD 2024 Expenses are lower than 2023 due to Personnel expenses -- No Associate Pastor, No Financial Admin for 2 1/3 months, AS WELL AS every ministry area spending less than budgeted
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Next Finance Team Meeting: February 10 at 7:00 p.m.
Next Generosity Team Meeting: February 16 at 11:15 a.m.
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Jody Alston | Evelyn Patton | Dan Root | |
Looking for More Information? | |
Events are subject to change. For a full and updated calendar , please visit the events page on our website using the button below. | Find your place at WFPC with our Connections newsletter | |
Did you miss church on Sunday? Click here to access Sunday's bulletin announcements and calendar. | Check out our weekly calendar to see everything at WFPC this week in one place! | |
Save the Date for these future events:
- March 5 -- Ash Wednesday
- March 23 -- Youth Sunday
- April 13 -- Eggstravaganza
- April 20 -- Easter
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WFPC Officers & Team Meetings | |
As you look over the listings of WFPC’s Session and Diaconate, you might notice a few significant things.
First, some new names appear on each board. Paul Ballance is serving as an elder for personnel. Miriam Blinne, Debbie Pearce and Susan Zink have been installed as deacons.
Secondly, you’ll notice that some names haven’t changed. Aside from those who are continuing their terms, Joni Amerson, Andy Dunlap and Keith Thomas have agreed to serve a second two-year term on Session.
If you’re thinking that the list of officers seems shorter than usual, you’re not mistaken. Selection of elders for Mission and Outreach is on hold until the completion of the work of a task force charged with clearly defining the priorities and scope of this ministry area. In addition, both boards are short one member because the Officer Nominating was unable to find anyone willing to accept a call.
As we move through 2025, consider ways in which you can support our church’s officers by assisting in the work of the ministry teams they lead. And as the 2025 ONT begins its search for a slate of officers to replace those whose terms expire in December, give serious thought to whether you can say yes to a call to take a leadership role in helping our church’s ministries thrive and grow.
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Session January Meeting Highlights
- Passed WFPC’s 2025 budget.
- Scheduled WFPC’s annual meeting/celebration of accomplishments after worship Sunday, March 16.
- Met as Wake Forest Presbyterian Church Inc. to elect corporate officers: President Jacky Wilson, Vice President Kathy Drake, Treasurer Rick Mayo, and Secretary Sharon Lineberry.
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2024 Session
Congregational Life
Andy Dunlap
Jacky Wilson
Lisa Solomon
Melinda Keen
Keith Thomas
Paul Ballance
Karen Sperati
Worship & Music
Joni Amerson
Kathy Drake
Clerk of Session
Sharon Lineberry
Next Session Meeting -- 2/17/2025 at 7:00 p.m.
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2024 Diaconate
Joy Blanton
Miraim Blinne
Eric Earle
Elizabeth Esguerra
Robin Hendricks
Debbie Pearce
Eunce Shankland
Susan Zink
Next Diaconate Meeting -- 2/11 at 7:00 p.m.
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