Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me." Matthew 16:24


My Friends, we are entering the season of Lent. Lent is a forty-day period. We skip Sundays when we count the forty days, because Sundays commemorate the Resurrection. This year Lent begins on TODAY February 14, 2018 which is Ash Wednesday and ends on March 31, 2018, which is the day before Resurrection Day.

Lent is a season of soul searching and repentance. It is also a season for reflection and taking stock of oneself. Lent originated in the very earliest days of the Church as a preparatory time for Easter, when the faithful would rededicate themselves and when converts were instructed in the faith and prepared for baptism. By observing the forty days of Lent, we, the individual Christian imitates Jesus' withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days.

During this time, I challenge you to embark upon a forty day fast of something that is seriously competing for your time of devotion with God and engage in intense scripture reading of the Word for at least 30 solid, uninterrupted minutes a day. I am asking each of you to pick a partner and read the assigned scriptures to one another, whether it be on the phone or in person. After reading the scripture, expound upon the same, and pray for one another. You see if I pray for you, and you pray for me, we will watch GOD CHANGE THINGS.

This Lent reading plan walks through each of the four Gospels during the Lent season. What better way to prepare for Easter than to read the complete story of Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection?

Please Note:  The Readings are the entire chapter (ie. Book of Matthew CHAPTERS 1-3) Also, we do not count Sundays during lent as they commemorate Resurrection Sunday.  Hence, there are no Bible readings on Sundays.

Day 1 - Matthew 1-3 (TODAY, ASH WEDNESDAY, February 14, 2018)
Day 2 - Matthew 4-6
Day 3 - Matthew 7-9
Day 4 - Matthew 10-Matthew 12
Day 5 - SUNDAY
Day 6 - Matthew 13-Matthew 14
Day 7 - Matthew 15-Matthew 16
Day 8 - Matthew 17-Matthew 18
Day 9 - Matthew 19-Matthew 20
Day 10 - Matthew 21-Matthew 22
Day 11 - Matthew 23-Matthew 24
Day 12 - SUNDAY
Day 13 - Matthew 25-Matthew 26
Day 14 - Matthew 27-Matthew 28
Day 15 - Mark 1-Mark 3
Day 16 - Mark 4-Mark 6
Day 17 - Mark 7-Mark 9
Day 18 - Mark 10-Mark 12
Day 19 - SUNDAY
Day 20 - Mark 13-Mark 14
Day 21 - Mark 15-Mark 16
Day 22 - Luke 1-Luke 3
Day 23 - Luke 4-Luke 6
Day 24 - Luke 7-Luke 9
Day 25 - Luke 10-Luke 12
Day 26 - SUNDAY
Day 27 - Luke 13-Luke 14
Day 28 - Luke 15-Luke 16
Day 29 - Luke 17-Luke 18
Day 30 - Luke 19-Luke 20
Day 31 - Luke 21-Luke 22
Day 32 - Luke 23-Luke 24
Day 33 - SUNDAY
Day 34 - John 1-John 2
Day 35 - John 3-John 4
Day 36 - John 5-John 6
Day 37 - John 7-John 8
Day 38 - John 9-John 10
Day 39 - John 11-John 12
Day 40 - SUNDAY
Day 41 - John 13-John 14
Day 42 - John 15-John 16
Day 43 - John 17-John 18
Day 44 - John 19-John 20
Day 45 - John 21
Day 46 - 1 Corinthians 15

With God's Love,

Rev. Najiyyah Brooks

Greetings Friends! Please check the websites and newsletters for ministry meeting dates for 2018. We are planning now.

If you are in the Baltimore, MD area on Good Friday. March 30, 2018 and in need of a House of Worship, please join us for warm fellowship.

Seven Last Words
Eastern United Methodist Church
5315 Harford Rd
Baltimore, Maryland

Rev. Najiyyah Brooks is one of the guest preachers.  

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