Craft Your World

From Minutiae To Multiverse.

The Encyclopedia of World-Building Returns in all 7 glorious volumes. These books contain everything you need to build your own setting: from a multiverse crafting guide, down to the list of forks you'd find in a noble's pantry.

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What is GFW?

The Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds comprises 7 volumes on all manner of world-building. Out of print for 15 years, they return by way of Kickstarter this March!

With all new covers, new layout, full color, maps, and more. With your help we will transform these books, presenting them in a manner that would make Gary proud and will make your table grow in world building.

The Canting Crew

The Canting Crew details everything you could possibly wonder about criminal organizations of every kind. The Thieve's Guild, the Assassin's Guild, the Beggar's Guild; these only scratch the surface. The Canting Crew is a detailed guide on the ecosystem of the undercity. From Gary’s introduction: “Here you will discover details of the criminal underclasses, their city and country environments, a dictionary of their secret language, signs and signals, and many examples of how to use the thieves’ cant in conversation.” 

World Builder

Here lies countless charts and tables on every thing you could have use for in your setting, broken up into 3 parts: Items, Geography, and Dwellings. And more than just lists, each entry contains tremendous, useful details concerning their function. For instance, in the Dwelling chapters, each structure is defined and described. These descriptions are followed by lists of rooms, lists of what to put in rooms, types of treasures you'd find there, and so on. 

Living Fantasy

A perfect counterpart to World Builder, Living Fantasy is a more narrative experience, providing essays on architecture, transport, magic, different structures of society... the list goes on. The thesis here is that the key to creating a world is understanding how it may function. The book also contains a "Day in the Life" chapter, which covers the daily lives and schedules of over a dozen personages; the bailiff, great officer, shopkeeper, et cetra.

Extraordinary Book of Names

With over 100,000 names, a history of names, character names, a fantasy name generator, and tips on how and what to name your character, this book is extensively used and highly sought after today, despite not being seen on shelves since 2008. It doesn't just give you names. It gives you the tools to endlessly create your own names, and to understand the naming process more deeply.

Insidiae: The Brainstormer's Guide to Adventures

This is the ultimate resource for any first time Game Masters, or any experienced GMs who want to level up their storytelling. The content is divided into five parts: Events, Story Roles, Characters, Drama & Conflict, and Objectives. Environmental disasters and political upheavals are covered. Tables for wildcard characters and themes are included. This is the toolbox for adventure.

Nation Builder

Nation Builder is the geographer's guide to setting creation. It begins with a study of the characteristics that go into building a nation, including resources and the scale of human development. It dives deeper into social structures and economic models, finishing with discussions on magic, folklore, religion, and a host of adventure hooks.

Cosmos Builder

The Prime and Physical Planes are covered in Chapters 2 & 3 along with planar travel, while Chapters 4-8 cover the Celestial and Nether Realms, Realms of Order and Chaos, the hells, abyss, and celestial realms, as well as the magic and relations between them. Abnormalities such as pocket realms and anomalies are also covered. Here lies the blueprint for your very own multiverse.

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The Greatest Adventure Ever

The road to hell begins with the first step. Taking adventurers from Level 1 - 13, The Undying War is a masterclass in storytelling and adventure-writing. Available in Castles and Crusades OR 5E Roleplay; pick your preferred game system and set off to take on Coburg the Undying and discover the truth about the dread tower Aufstrag.

Prepare for heart-pounding encounters, treacherous dungeons, mysterious towns, formidable castles, abandoned fortresses, and a wide range of NPCs, all set against the backdrop of untamed wilderness.

The Undying War is for beginners and experienced gamers alike.

Grab your copy today!

Play Castles and Crusades!
Play 5th Edition Roleplay!

Codex Sinarum

The Wait Is Over

Bring the magic of Chinese mythology to your gaming table. The Codex Sinarum contains information on geography, history, creatures and monsters from Chinese folklore, and brand-new systems for spellcasting and martial combat.

Expand your world!

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