Infection Prevention eNews Letter:
In recognition of  WHO annual Celebration Save Lives: Clean Your Hands May 5, 2019. 
The poster this year is "Clean Care for All, It's in Your Hands". 
T here has been an increased incidence of preventable infectious diseases: Flu, E.coli, Hepatitis A, MRSA, Measles, chicken pox, pertussis just to name a few that have re-emerged in the news in many states recently. While it seems so rudimentary for health professionals, the hand hygiene behavior befuddles all of them. Hands are the key fomite that spreads and inoculates (contaminates) our mucous membranes and for many is a daunting behavior to correct. That is why we have focused on 4 basic principles that children can learn and correct adult behavior, much like other public health campaigns (Seat Belts, Smoking and Smokey Bear).  
Y ou or a family member maybe a responder in the next public health EID(emerging infectious disease). And if we train the children about this life skill they will be healthier and better prepared for careers in healthcare and food prodution/service. 

Remember , after washing or sanitizing Your hands, you can be confident they are clean only until you touch the NEXT surface!

Most people have forgotten about the role the nail brush plays as a tool in the hand hygiene process to clean under the fingernails. Yes it was a tool that sat on the sink back in the 50's and 60's but seems to have disappeared except for surgery, NICU and some food production/service sinks. Remember there are many germs that can hide there! 

Help Dr. Will "Spread the word not the germs"! Just for the Health of it!

Infection Prevention Triad:
1. Do Not Touch the T Zone!
2. Handwash Regularly!
3. Don't hesitate to vaccinate!
Remember, t here are MANY chronic diseases that can be initiated by viral infections; hypothyroid, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, fibromyalgia, MS, just to name a few. And several types of cancer, as well!

In the   Science of Habit , Dr Jelena Vujcic discusses the two critical components around habit : first, creating a good habit and second, is sustaining the habit. However, sustaining the habit is the more difficult component to achieve!
An article about HCPs (physicians, nurses and others) going to work sick with ILI(influenza like illness) that do not have vaccines.

T Zone Poster
Give them the Tools!
Visual cues and reminders always help change behavior! Yes even healthcare professionals!!

Have Henry the Hand Champion Handwasher "hang around" your healthcare facility nursing or medical school to improve compliance. A culture of accountability works for everyone! 
Help others "Break the habit"! Just for the Health of it!
Vinyl repositional wall posters
  to help reinforce the message!
Examples: Henry the Hand 4 Principles posters, Do not Touch the T Zone poster, Germs on Your Hands poster, Classroom Weekly Handwashing Charts and Handwashing Instruction Guide posters ALL available!

FREE Posters: Click HERE

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