MAY 6, 2022

 Hi Representatives to the Weequahic Congress,
Dorothy Kurzrock Dorsay (6/58) shares note on passing of WHS friend:
It was with great sadness that I received news of the passing of Susan Shill Gardos Bleich (58) recently died.  She was both a Fulbright and Woodrow Wilson Fellow and for her entire career served as the head librarian at the Russian Research Center Library of Harvard. Her obituary can be found at Susan Shill Gardos Bleich obituary. Dorothy
Highlights of the Mosque Theater:
Trudy Burakof Slater (64)
I danced on the stage at the Mosque Theater! As a 10-year-old girl, I also attended Hortense Greenwald’s Dance School above the Mayfair Theater in Hillside. My group performed The Lady in Red; I had a little red costume with sequins. I never had to do cartwheels, but my ballet career ended about that time.
“Junior Frolics” was indeed there, as well or somewhere nearby. I got a ticket to be in his show. It was a fun time. I think the last time I was at the Mosque theater was in 1964 or 65 to see The Rolling Stones live. It was my first rock concert! Anyone else partake in any of those events? Great memories. Trudy 
Sheila Lasky Leen 57.
Hard to believe Jorgensen Greenwald’s School of Dance was brought up. I was a student at her school for many years. Every year they had a recital at The Mosque Theater. My poor cousin Arnie Kohn (56) had to do through all of those recitals and he never let me forget it.
I also won a scholarship for free lessons for a year. I was supposed to join the American Ballet Academy, but my mother, who would have taken me because I was maybe 9 or 10, became ill. That was the end of my dancing career. Sheila
Mike Beinner (Columbia 55)
Loved the comments about the historic Mosque. FYI, pictured, below, are ticket stubs from our (my soon to be wife and I) attendance at the January 27, 1958 performance of "Three for Tonight" which starred Harry Belafonte and Marge and Gower Champion. I know I have the original program, but can't find it. It was a fabulous show and a memorable night in Newark for this Maplewood kid. Mike

Natalie Confield Tublitz (1/52)
While a student at Chancellor Avenue School, I attended the Bolshoi Ballet many times at the Mosque Theatre. I was fortunate to see the most famous dancers in the world, Nora Kaye, Leonid Massine, Andre Evelevsky (my spelling is not accurate) and others. As an aside, Pablo Picasso designed many of their costumes and scenery. I was in awe. 
In the 1950s I saw Artur Rubinstein perform at The Mosque in one of his last public concerts. Also, I was in the City Children’s Chorus and we performed at that venue. Beautiful memories and I was fortunate to have my mother love dance, as well. I saved the programs, but my dad threw them away. 
Recently, I was supposed to see Swan Lake by the Bolshoi and was so looking forward to the performance, but it was cancelled because of the Russian aggression towards the Ukraine. Natalie
Stella Goldberg Geller 6/52)
Beside seeing my niece in a tutu in Lippell’s Cuties Kiddies, the most memorable performance of Flamenco on that stage was talented, sexy Jose Greco, who turned me on to that exciting dance. Stella
Jac Toporek (6/63)
More memories of the Mosque as edited by Nat Bodian at  Jac
Joel Enda (6/62)
If I’m correct the Mosque also had Jocko’s Rocket Ship a dance show. I danced on the show many times. Joel
Fred Derf Goldman (6/62)
Once again reading the newsletter brought back something I haven't thought about in decades. The Mosque Theater and “Junior Frolics” which broadcast from the Theater. It's been so long I can't remember how old I was and how I got to be on the show with the group of kids.
What I do remember is that I used to watch the cartoons at home on Channel 13. Back then there were only Channels 2, 4,7,11 and 13. My favorite cartoon was Farmer Gray. So, when I finally somehow got to go to “Junior Frolics, I was so mad because I thought Framer Gray himself would be there. But he was not and you still had to watch the cartoon on a screen that was set up.
That was not the worst that happened that day. All the kids would sit on chairs around a big table and watch. They gave us some snacks, and, of course, the kid next to me throws up. Stinks up the whole place and some of it got on me. No Farmer Gray and throw up; certainly, that ruined my day. So thanks for the memories. Derf 
No place like District Weequahic: 
Arnie Kohn (56)
Halems was indeed on the corner of Fabyan Place and Chancellor Avenue
as reported by one contributor; another had it on Leslie Street. Arnie
Michael Botnick (68)
To Sara Friedman Fishkin (60), I lived in Monroe Gardens from 1954-58. I haven’t thought about that little stream for years. We called that concrete viaduct “Frankenstein’s Cave” and wouldn’t dare enter it for fear of being eaten by the monster. We played in that creek during the summer and later used it to sneak in the swim club by squeezing under the fence (don’t tell anyone!). Michael

Dennis Estis (65)
Every so often, Weequahic graduates talk about having bought comics at various candy stores in the old neighborhoods. Of course, in the 1950’s comics were only 10 cents apiece. My brother Ronald and I would use our huge allowances (35 to 50 cents a week) to buy DC Comics (Marvel didn’t come into the picture until 1960). We were too young to place the books in sleeves or to treat the books with kid gloves. One summer when we returned from camp, we discovered that my parents had sold our entire collection, some 300-500 books, for a penny a piece. 
Thirty years later, I was at Epcot in Disney World with my family and on a whim, they bought me 4 Superman Comics (all part of the “Death of Superman” series at the time). That was the start of the renewal of my collection, which has continued to build over the past thirty years. I now own over 20,000 books, mostly DC, all bagged and boarded, and in very fine condition. Who says that you can’t relive your youth? Dennis
Stew Bitterman (1/61)
To Sara Friedman Fishkin (60), Halems on Chancellor and Fabyan did have a large fountain counter and they also had a luncheon menu. Now, Margie’s Sweet Shop I know very well since I worked there as a kid. Irving and Sylvia Blume were the owners with their two sons, Marty and Bill. It was a great store with fabulous egg creams. They also had the yo-yo man come several times a year to introduce the new line of yo-yos.
Irving also introduced the “Coneday, which was an ice cream cone with whipped cream on top with a cherry. That was sensational and he was the only store that had Jane Logan Ice Creamy. My father said it was the best in town! Who knew? Stew
Linda Bodzin Coppleson (68) 
One the corner of Leslie and Chancellor was Harjay's; on Chancellor and Wainwright was Margie's; and on Chancellor and Fabyan Place was Halem's. That, for what it's worth, is my recollection. Linda
Elaine Sheitelman Furman (5/56)
I remember going to Halems for Dolly Madison Ice Cream that we had as a special treat (in the days before freezers made ice cream always available). Halems was on the "wrong side of Chancellor" for us so we didn't go often. The shoe store was one of our trips & the 5 & 10, as well as Gelfond's, the kosher butcher. So many memories that spring to mind because of a word or two in our weekly newsletter. Elaine
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