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Join with us to continue building the 
homeland security community!

Dear Members,

As Women in Homeland Security approaches its fifth year, we are excited and heartened by our growth, the devotion of our members and our progress in developing a strong, vital network of professionals devoted to the homeland security community. Now over 2200 strong, WHS has created and grown a number of significant activities and events that bring us all together -- to learn, network, and share best practices in an informal, friendly atmosphere.

We need your help.  This fall WHS has scheduled a number of our most well-attended events and we are asking for your support.  All of our activities are geared to give you an opportunity to show your commitment and support of our community and our 2013 charity partner, the Border Patrol Foundation.
Please commit today to supporting WHS with a large or small donation:

September 2013 NPR
National Preparedness Month focus on preparedness, FEMA and mitigation, response and preparedness for disaster.

BBQ winners 2013 BBQ Cook-Off Extravaganza!  Over 400 people joined us last year to crown the Fairfax County International Fire & Rescue as the Best BBQ in the homeland security community -- support this rapidly growing event that will once again bring together the BEST BBQ with the BEST of homeland.  This year our proceeds go to support the Border Patrol Foundation.

October 2013
Cyber Security Awareness Month focus on cyber threats, mitigation and awareness.  This one-day program is always one of our largest, most well-attended.  Plan to support us!

WHS holiday logo medium  
November 2013
WHS Annual Spirit of Giving Auction to support the Border Patrol Foundation.
Join the Committee, sponsor and donate your fabulous item.  It's our largest fundraiser of the year and we need your support!  

STEM Initiative S.T.E.M.  (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Initiative)
Last year, WHS launched its STEM effort to encourage kids to pursue careers in the math and sciences.  The U.S. Secret Service hosted over 40 children to learn about forensics, fingerprinting and cyber security -- applications of STEM in REAL life.  This year we are again working on an exciting program to encourage our kids to pursue these careers.  Get involved and support the program!

These are only some of our opportunities -- as you know we work with our members to match your goals and objectives.  

YES button

Many thanks to BAE Systems to joining us again as a silver sponsor and IBM as a bronze sponsor!
BAE systems  


Border Patrol Foundation
About the Border Patrol Foundation
WHS' Charity Partner for 2013

On July 23, 2009, the Border Patrol Foundation was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non profit organization, in Arizona. That evening, USBP Agent Robert Rosas was killed just north of the Mexico border near Campo, California, and his family was the first to receive assistance from the foundation. The development of the foundation began several years earlier-grown from the heart of then-USBP Deputy Chief Ron Colburn and his friend, Mike Conners. Both took the leadership in creating the vision of the foundation until Chief Colbum's retirement in 2009 when it became a reality.

The Border Patrol Foundation provides resources to the families of the fallen and creates awareness of the escalating risk of those who keep America's borders safe. These services create a financial bridge through the turbulent time following a family's loss. The Foundation supports programs improving awareness of United States border security and recognizes community leaders supporting the families of the U.S. Border Patrol. The Foundation's volunteers have served with the U.S. Border Patrol or are professionals, friends and family committed to the importance of securing America's borders and dedicate their lives to the same.

Learn more at
WHS Board:

Sheri Farris Chamblee, Secretary

Laura Drahan, Vice President, Programming & Sponsorship

Charmaine Edwards, Vice President, Sponsorship

Cindy Farkus, Vice President

Traci Lembke, Vice President & Co-Chair, WHS BBQ Cook-Off 2013

Michelle Mrdeza, Vice President, Congressional Relations

Melissa Middlesworth, Treasurer

Eileen Parise, Vice President, Sponsorship

Anne Petera, Chair, Holiday Auction 2012

Sandy Peavy, Vice President

Kara Sidener, Vice President

Mary Souther, Vice President, Membership
Kristina Tanasichuk, Founder & President

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