Each fall, parents/guardians elect representatives to the WHS School Council. School Council is comprised of students, teachers, parents/guardians and community members who work together with Dr. Chisum to examine and make recommendations on school policies and other important issues that may arise during the year. This is a wonderful opportunity to form a connection with other members of the WHS community and to have significant input without making a big time commitment. School Council meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of the month from 2:45 to 4:00 pm. The current plan is to hold in-person meetings this year.
We have two parent/guardian slots open for a 2-year term. New members will be joining the 2 parents/guardians who are in the last year of their term. Meridith Edmonds and Debbie Cutler-Ortiz, PTSO Co-VPs, are organizing the election this year. If you would like to become a candidate, contact them at whsptsovps@gmail.com. In the email, please provide a brief paragraph about yourself (approx. 250 words or less) and why you would like to serve on School Council.
This year, the election will be conducted online. Your statements will be circulated on October 5 and voting will close on October 8. We hope you’ll consider becoming a candidate! The deadline to submit statements is Friday, October 1.