This time of the year we sing songs about it. We decorate our homes. We greet strangers with its glad tidings. And even this world that doesn’t appreciate its purpose celebrates it. It's Christmas, the time of the year when we celebrate the birth of our Savior. How often do we really focus our attention on this remarkable story? Instead, we spend time shopping for Christmas gifts, cooking meals for family gatherings, and decorating our homes. Should we regret these holiday traditions and stop doing them? Of course not! Christmas is a great time to embrace our blessings. However, during all this, we need to take time to remember what Christmas is about. It is much more than just a story about a Special Birth of a Special Child in Bethlehem. It was a moment of fulfillment. It was the culmination of years of prophecy. I pray that we all rediscover all the beautiful, majestic, and divine elements of the Christmas story this year. I pray that we all have an Advent that brings us closer to celebrating the birth of our Savior in a very special way. As you look at the Nativity scenes this season, think about the Holy Family. Also, make it a time think about Holy Family Radio. Make Holy Family Radio’s continuing success one of your intentions during this Holy Season. Thank you and God Bless!

Joe Nebistinsky
Station Manager
Here is a Short Video about Advent
Support Holy Family Radio
As we get more busy at this time of the year, don't forget to make a Monthly Pledge or One-Time Donation today. Use this Link.

Please take a look at our short
Holiday Greeting Video below.
Update from Russ Fry
WHYF Community Relations Coordinator

We had another busy, event-filled month in November. A Women’s Conference in Carlisle, new supporters and equipment failures kept us on our toes! Attendance at the Women’s Conference gave us another opportunity to meet with listeners and potential listeners of Holy Family Radio. We had a very good day of meeting and greeting ladies of all ages and backgrounds. These events are a lot of fun for us.
We welcome Brann Miller Construction, She Does Hauling, and Mary-Jo Mullen, Esq. as our latest sponsors of Holy Family Radio. Steve Brann does a lot of roofing jobs in the Central PA region. He also does a lot of general home improvement work. If you need some construction work done, call Steve at 717-884-1004. She Does Hauling is operated by Maria Williams-Turner, MBA. Maria does junk removal, hauling, construction and demolition services. Contact her at toll free 1-833-734-2856 or direct at 717-317-1890. Mary-Jo Mullen, Esq. is a lawyer specializing in elder care and Catholic living wills. She can be contacted at 717-731-9600. Please patronize all of our sponsors.
We were challenged by several pieces of equipment failing this month. Thanks go to Gary Gruver who provides the station with his electronic expertise. He and our Senior Producer, Joe Murphy, teamed up to keep Holy Family Radio on the air.
We sent out a request in early November for year-end donations. Please prayerfully consider giving a donation if you haven’t already done so. Your donations help us to meet the every day obligations as well as the equipment failures that we experienced last month. It is our listeners like you that are the life-blood of this radio station and we can’t say often enough, “THANK YOU!”
To all, have a Holy and Joyful Advent and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Spiritual Advisor's Corner

While I was out for a run recently, I saw a Christmas Inflatable (a blowup, something that everyone seems to have in their yards) of a large elf that held a sign that said, "Is it Christmas yet?" 

No, it is not Christmas yet! Our society dismisses everything about Christianity, yet it wants to push Christmas on us from Halloween to December 24. But then our culture decides that it is over. It can't even get the Holy Day right.

We can't let the music, the decorations and the shopping binges take away the preparation for this great Feast. When we skip the preparation for Jesus' birth, and also for His Second Coming, we take away the joy that His birth actually gives us. When we go to Confession, and take time to meditate and realize exactly what His birth changed: the world and our futures, which now include Eternity, then we experience the Joy of His Day. Please don't be robbed of that Joy. Prepare properly for His Birth, and His Second Coming, and then we'll experience the Peace and Love of Christmas. God bless you, and Happy Advent!

Our 2023
Benefit Dinner Date has Been Set!

We are happy to announce that our 2023 Benefit Dinner will be held at the Harrisburg Sheraton on Friday, April 21, 2023. Our Keynote Speaker will be Kevin Reilly. Kevin Reilly is an acclaimed keynote speaker, author, former broadcaster for the Philadelphia Eagles Network, and former professional football player. He has motivated thousands with his journey of overcoming illness and unbelievable obstacles.

Drafted by the Miami Dolphins in 1973, Kevin Reilly played for the Philadelphia Eagles, where he captained the special teams, and the New England Patriots. In 1976, Kevin was diagnosed with a rare tumor that led to the amputation of his left arm, ending his lifelong dream of playing in the NFL.

Through perseverance and strength, Kevin achieved accomplishments many thought impossible: seeing success in the corporate world, broadcasting, and reaching thousands with his inspirational message.

Please plan to join us for this very special evening.
We at Holy Family Radio are hoping you are looking forward to another wonderful Holy Season: spending time in Adoration during Advent, celebrating a most Holy and Blessed Christmas, and saying goodbye on New Year’s Eve to 2022, and looking forward to a Grace-filled New Year in 2023. We know that there are many demands placed upon you this time of year. We ask that you keep Holy Family Radio in your thoughts and prayers. Please, consider remembering us with an end-of-the-year gift. Your donation will help us “Nourish Our Catholic Family…and Share Our Faith with Others". God bless you abundantly because He loves you abundantly!
We are continuing to make upgrades here at the Holy Family Radio Broadcast Center. We recently installed a hard drive server to store our audio files and other data. This new system permits us to be more efficient and makes everything we do more secure. Thank you for making this important modernization possible!
Listen to "Register Radio" with Jeanette DeMelo
on Sundays 11:00 am.
We never share your information with anyone.
We are very concerned with the privacy of our listeners.

Keep up-to-date with our Parish Bulletin Board.
Use the Link below.

Dear Lord, please allow me to embrace Advent in the way the Church intends: as a way to prepare for Your arrival. May everything I do–every gift I send, every party I attend, every meal I share–remind me to prepare space in my heart for You. Amen.
Special thanks to
Bishop Ronald W. Gainer and the Diocese of Harrisburg.
is the easiest way to find Mass locations and times.
December is dedicated to Advent and the coming of Christ. This refers not only to the preparation for the celebration of remembering Christ's birth 2000 years ago, but also the prayerful, spiritual preparation for the Second and Final Coming of the Lord.
Now you can listen to our local programs as podcasts on our YouTube channel. Go to YouTube and search for Holy Family Radio.
Joke of the Month
Admiring the Christmas trees displayed in his neighbor's windows, Nathan asked his father, "Daddy, can we have a Hanukkah Tree?"
"What? No, of course not." says his father. "Why not?" asks Nathan again. Bewildered, his father replies, "Well, Nathan, because the last time we had dealings with a lighted bush we spent 40 years in the wilderness."
Can You Help?

We would like upgrade our computer recording software. This is the computer program that is used to record and edit all of our shows. It is a subscription that costs $100 per month. We are looking for one of our listeners to sponsor this cost for us. Please contact us, if you are able to help us with this important need.
Please continue to support our
Business Supporters
Use the link below.
Advent Prayer
Lord Jesus,
Master of both the light and the darkness, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas.
We who have so much to do and seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day,
We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us.
We who are blessed in so many ways long for the complete joy of your kingdom.
We whose hearts are heavy seek the joy of your presence.
We are your people, walking in darkness, yet seeking the light.
To you we say, "Come Lord Jesus!'
- Henri J.M. Nouwen
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8 West Main Street
Shiremanstown, PA 17011

Holy Family Radio, Inc.
P.O. Box 6028
Lancaster, PA 17607-6028